How to write an essay for the regional competition “Teacher of a preschool educational organization-2019”

Essay format

Please note that the word “ESSAY” is placed in the middle and written in capital letters.

What not to do

1) Be too emotional.

With all our love for the teaching profession, we all understand that, in addition to inspiration and flight of thought, it is also persistent painstaking work. Therefore, works abounding in tenderness look unnatural.

2)Use too many quotes:

Your own thoughts may get lost behind them.

3) Try to “embrace the immensity.”

There is no need to write about everything at once in an essay. It is necessary to choose a specific angle for disclosing the topic and exactly that

Works of the festival “Teacher of the Year 2022”

My mission is to educate


My mission is EDUCATOR There are many different missions in the world, And each has its own charm. But there is no nobler, more necessary and more wonderful, the one that I chose! I am an educator Indeed, how many different missions people have... And everyone is worthy of respect and attention... But what is my mission, the mission of an educator, in our time? “...Perhaps our work is inconspicuous in appearance, but I only know one thing - the kids are rushing to our garden, hurrying their mother in the morning - come on quickly, mom, let's run! Probably - this is the answer - there is nothing more valuable in the world than our work. To give love to the little ones, the curious ones, for whom I am an affectionate mother, a reliable friend, a wise teacher, an attentive psychologist, a kind wizard. It is so important to cultivate a personality in a child, to be able to sow knowledge and goodness. Make you think, reflect and believe. After all, the teacher is not given anything else.” What else is special about my mission? I believe that this is a search. Search for a little man or even a Man! Searching for the key to each baby, i.e. respect his individuality, treat the child as an individual, respect him entirely and give him joy and love. It is very important that before developing a child’s personality, you need to become a personality yourself. Janusz Korczak wrote: “Know and educate yourself before you educate your children.” One Eastern saying says: “The work of a teacher can be compared to the work of a gardener growing various plants. One plant loves the light of the sun, another loves the cool shade; one loves the bank of a stream, the other a dry mountain peak; one grows on sandy soil, the other on oily, clayey soil. “Everyone needs special care that is only suitable for him, otherwise he will not achieve perfection in his development.” It’s the same in my work: every child needs love and understanding of his individuality. Only in love is the uniqueness of each child revealed, his image revealed. As Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky said, “Educating does not mean only feeding and nursing, but also giving direction to the heart and mind!” How wonderful it is to plant the sprouts of future characters, support them with your love, give them, these restless creatures, the warmth of your heart. Remembering these endless “Where? When? Why?”, the energy of the children, overflowing! It makes you forget everything, gives you a feeling of eternal youth! Currently, the preschool education system is experiencing a transition period. The old principles of work are gradually becoming obsolete, and they are being replaced by new pedagogical ideas. Today, more than ever, the teacher’s responsibility to society for the quality of children’s upbringing is increasing. Therefore, I am looking for new approaches to children’s minds and intellect in order to become a model, an example to follow, I am trying to develop new pedagogical thinking in myself and, in joint activities, take the position of a child. My slogan: “For a modern child, a modern teacher!” So what should a modern educator be like? Go forward, master innovative technologies, unconventional methods, but also must not forget the good old things, preserved by the people for centuries, be patient, friendly, erudite, with a developed sense of empathy, because the teacher has to work not only with children, but also with parents. It is necessary to learn to respect not only children, but also parents, and take their opinions into account. Parents' trust is the first step towards gaining authority. To enjoy authority among children, parents and colleagues means to receive appreciation of one’s moral qualities, culture, erudition, and dedication to the profession. The ability to fight for your authority, value it, and support the authority of parents and colleagues is given only to a teacher who is dedicated to his work. Among the necessary personality traits of a teacher, one can also highlight: conscientiousness, self-demandingness, initiative, patience and endurance. My entire teaching activity is a “Ladder of Success”, the four steps of which correspond to the levels of mastery of the activity. The first step marks the stage of familiarization with a new activity or project. The child acts as a “CHARMING spectator”, and I, as an ARTIST, am a gypsy, a clown, a fox, a wizard until the child is really “charmed” and says “I want to repeat that too!” At the Second Step, my children and I, as “delicious conversationalists,” engage in activities that interest us, but the child also needs the assistance of an adult, a dialogue with him. “Tasty” as long as it’s interesting. I must show great patience and skill in order to remain a “tasty companion” for the pupil longer. The third step is the level of independence. Here, every child has the opportunity to become a participant in a new activity, regardless of the help of an adult. Here I act as the “Conductor” of joint children’s activities, i.e. I direct the child in the right direction, and children at this stage are “caring performers.” The last fourth step is the peak and at the same time the start for new beginnings. Children, having learned to do something on their own, turn into ARTISTS, creators. In other words, a child who has learned to rise to the pinnacle of success will continue to build his life as a path from a student to a master, the creator of a unique individuality. And my peak turns out to be the mirror opposite. Now I am a charming spectator, discovering new and amazing things in a child.

Yadrentseva Elena Sergeevna, teacher, MBOU "School No. 23 of Blagoveshchensk" building No. 3, Amur region

Nomination: My profession is “Educator”

Essay structure and plan

  1. Introduction
  2. Main part
  3. Conclusion

Some of you may not know how to start an essay. But don't worry! There is nothing complicated here. In the first part

) it is enough to indicate how you are going to solve the problem. Don’t write too much here! Approximately 20% of the main text. The size of the introduction should be small. Just describe in general terms the solution to the problem. Or you can immediately tell the reader, and reveal it in other parts. It will be even better if you put intrigue at the beginning of the essay. This will very well stir up interest in the material.

In the body, you should demonstrate to the reader that you understand the topic. Here you need to show that everything is balanced.

4. Free use of the lexical composition of the language

- from high-style words to colloquial vocabulary; bright expressive color.

The atmosphere and rules of essay writing. When writing, an atmosphere of trust is maintained. In the essay we try to show ourselves in the world and the world in us. What you see and how you feel. And also, what place do you occupy in relation to this event. Don’t forget that no one knows your face, no one hears you, you will be judged by the essay that you submit to the competition!

Essay on the topic of

Many people face the problem of how to write an essay on a topic that is right for me. As a rule, there would be no theme, only desire.

I will say that there is an endless number of topics in store for each of us. They are all hidden in our own inattention. Therefore, first of all, you need to learn to notice the surprising in the inconspicuous - something that you want to write about.


The theme can be events. This is what is happening around us. Large, small and even barely noticeable. Each of them has its own theme. And if you yourself participate in this event, then you can see it from the inside. It is very useful to write about the event without delay. If something happened recently, then you can remember details that then begin to be forgotten. And if you add fantasy to the event, it can become an excellent theme for a fairy tale.


The theme lies in the situation. You gradually stop noticing any usual state of affairs. But any situation can be looked at anew if you find a new point of view.

In the literature, this technique is called “ defamiliarization

"from the word "

Look at the familiar through the eyes of a Martian who arrived on Earth for the first time. You can also look at the situation through the eyes of a child or even a cat.


It seems easier to derive a theme from new impressions. But even in old ones you can find something important that was not given importance before.

If something is driven into memory, it means there was a reason for it. Therefore, once again work through all your impressions. I'm sure you'll find something interesting for yourself.


This is an even more fertile layer for writing an essay on the desired topic. Each experience immerses you in some theme.

Experiences are internal events. They are even deeper than external and any other impressions. You just need to think about which genre is best suited to write about a particular experience.


Each of those people who are close to us is also a treasure trove of topics. Another person has his own events, impressions and experiences. Therefore, you need to communicate with such people. Ask them or listen.

By talking with people, you can learn about amazing turns in life. And the person himself is also a special topic. Try to look closely at a stranger who is not far from you. Imagine who he works for and what his character is. What unusual happened in his life.


Objects also serve as themes. You can write an essay on a topic from an object that you accidentally got. It seems that every thing wants to be solved.

For example, it looks like an ordinary stone.

But if you touch it with your imagination, it can become a meteorite. It could also be an alchemist’s magic stone or a souvenir from distant lands.

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