Innovative forms of interaction between kindergarten and family as a condition for creating a unified educational space

Innovative forms of interaction with family

The modernization of the education system in Russia places new demands on preschool educational institutions, and on the organization of the educational process in them, and on the level of quality of educational services. [1]

Every year, innovative technologies enter our lives more and more closely.

The source of innovation is the problem.

In our preschool institution, a problem also arose regarding interaction with the parents of pupils. Pedagogical passivity of parents, lack of understanding by parents of their educational function, reluctance to establish uniform requirements for the child in kindergarten and family, parents’ ignorance of the fact that in determining the content and forms of work of the kindergarten with the family, it is not the preschool institution, but they are the social customers.

Parents’ lack of “pedagogical reflection” means their inability to self-critically evaluate themselves as educators, put themselves in the child’s place, and look at the situation through their eyes.

In addition, the authority of children's institutions has decreased, as many additional education organizations have appeared, where, according to parents, they prepare for school and study better than in kindergarten. High employment and economic disadvantage of adults are also sometimes the reason for indifference and disinterest in the lives of children.

Thus, we can conclude that innovations are needed in cooperation with parents. It is necessary to develop and implement a work system for the active inclusion of parents in the life of a preschool institution. All this allows us to consider working with parents as an important condition for the successful pedagogical activities of a preschool institution at the present stage of modernization of the education system.

Solving a problem innovatively means changing the system, bringing it into line with the desired model. If the changes are of a qualitative nature, then as a result of solving the problem, the system develops.

The results of innovative activities are the growth of the professional competence of the teacher and the improvement of the quality of education of preschool children. [1]

Today, the interaction of a preschool institution with a family requires an innovative approach.

In order to solve the above problems, we have developed a system of interaction between a preschool institution and a family, including traditional and innovative forms of working with parents.

The introduction and testing of innovative forms of work with families of pupils is designed to ensure effective interaction, cooperation with the family, the formation of a system of social, psychological, pedagogical and spiritual and moral support for the family, through:

— establishing partnerships with the families of pupils, joining forces for the development and upbringing of children, creating an atmosphere of community of interests;

— activation and enrichment of parents’ educational skills, maintaining their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities. [2]

An innovative approach to working with parents affects various areas of activity of preschool teachers and has a number of principles - cooperation, openness, stimulation and support of the family, feedback, and an individual approach to each family.

The innovative component of the work of a preschool institution is associated with holistic support for the educational potential of families at all stages of its formation and life.

Only the combination of these components gives the right to talk about innovative forms of work.

Today, this task is set everywhere, and for us this is the annual task of the kindergarten - parents from “spectators” and “observers” should become active participants in meetings and assistants to the teacher, an atmosphere of mutual respect has been created. To do this, you need to actively use an innovative competence-based approach to working with parents.

Team of MBDOU No. 7 Art. Ladozhskaya is constantly searching for new, modern forms and methods of interaction with parents.

While studying pedagogical literature on innovative activities with teachers, we learned how old forms of working with parents can be transformed into innovative and effective ones. We also considered forms of involving parents in the educational process, informational and practical forms for educating parents, as well as important conditions for the effectiveness of this work.

On this problem, educators were provided with methodological assistance, a consultation was held “Working with parents - non-traditional approaches”, a workshop “Interaction with parents in the light of new approaches” was held, where they learned to draw up a project for non-traditional meetings with parents using innovative forms of interaction. We held a teachers' meeting on the topic “The work of the teaching staff with parents” (non-traditional approaches), with the invitation of parents from the parent committee.

Therefore, we had to invent, combine old traditional forms and new techniques, and use more modern technologies in working with parents, without whom a modern kindergarten could no longer exist.

In order to study the family, clarify the educational needs of parents, establish contact with its members, to coordinate educational influences on the child, the teachers of our preschool institution begin work with a survey “Cooperation between kindergarten and family.” Having received the real picture, based on the collected data, we can analyze the features of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of the preschooler, and develop tactics for our communication with each parent. This will help to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family and take into account its individual characteristics.

Innovative technologies contribute to enriching the natural foundations of child-parent relationships and more harmonious upbringing of children in the family. The fundamental requirement for the new scheme for the provision of preschool education services is the creation of a transparent, open system of informing citizens about educational services, ensuring completeness, accessibility, timely updating, and reliability of information. This is how we came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a newspaper for the kindergarten “Planet of Childhood”, the tasks of which are consonant with the requirements of the government of the Russian Federation for a new scheme for the provision of preschool education services.

The pages of the newspaper "Planet of Childhood" inform about the organization of the work of the preschool institution, about new regulatory documents, about all the bright events, and the achievements of the preschool institution. “Planet of Childhood” is an opportunity for kindergarten workers to be a direct mouthpiece of ideas for improving preschool education - competitions, leisure activities, hikes, documentaries, holidays, new events, meetings in the form of colorful photo sessions, arouse genuine interest both among preschool employees, so do the mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers of our pupils. The next step in this direction was the creation of a website for a preschool institution. A kindergarten website is what the kindergarten’s online activities and its success are based on. The success and demand for kindergarten services will largely depend on how information about the activities of the teaching staff is presented, as well as on how often the information on the website is updated, which echoes the conditions for the formation of a modern model of education in the preschool world.

Any parent can come here. On the website you can get acquainted with the problems that the kindergarten faces. Attend all holidays and matinees. Visit the “Creative Living Room”, where you can admire children’s creations and feel proud of your most talented, smart and beloved child. On the site you can anonymously ask any question you are interested in and receive an answer from a specialist.

A website and a newspaper are not only a means of organizing activities and cooperation, but also, which is very important, a “feedback” factor, which allows you to quickly respond to all changes in the life of a kindergarten.

In our preschool, we practice this open form with parents as a demonstration of children’s achievements.

Information about children is a very important and still underserved layer of the culture of interaction between kindergarten and parents.

Collecting information about children’s achievements every day brings children new experiences and new knowledge. Even the most seemingly insignificant successes should be made common property. To do this, you need to observe children, try to notice new things that have appeared in speech, movements, behavior, and games. Achievement is the unconditional success of a child in something. This is a development from facts obtained during observations. Each child has his own achievements that are significant for him personally and for his parents.

Educators are creative people, endowed with inventive abilities, creative, so the options for decorating children’s achievements are innumerable: in the form of chickens, rays of sunshine, flowers, self-portraits of children, to which or next to which notes are attached describing the achievements in the reception area.

For example: Polina (5 years old).

Social competence.

Observation. 02/18/2014 Addresses Yaroslav: “let's play with the constructor. We will build a house for our animals. Do you have large plates? A lot of? I need one. Here, take the little ones. This will be the roof, and this is my door. Do you need help?

Achievement: knows how to negotiate and plan work.

This form of written information to parents about their children’s achievements is an important prospect for us. By doing this, we show parents the wonderful moments of a child’s life in kindergarten (hidden from their eyes), so that parents develop positive views on the experience that children gain in kindergarten, and change their ideas about the parental role in the child’s learning and development.

To attract parents to participate in competitions, exhibitions, community work days for the repair of play equipment, instead of the usual traditional announcements about the event, we decided to change the content of the announcement. For example:

Dear dads!

Now we have a real sandbox on the playground. We enjoy playing Easter cakes, building houses and roads. But the sand always tends to crumble. Please help us make sides for our sandbox. We are waiting for you and will definitely help you.

Your kids.

The following form notifies parents of children's requests. Here we use a model of three surveys; in any free time, the teacher can talk to the children about what they know or want to know, for example, about cats (space, dinosaurs). All children's statements are recorded in a special table. The author is placed next to each statement.

What do we know?What do we want to know?What should I do to find out?
Cats can be domestic or wild. (Julia.)
There are Siamese cats, they are very angry and biting.


Where did cats come from?

What are the biggest cats in the world? (Nastya.)

Read in the encyclopedia (Yaroslav.)
Ask your parents


Filling out the sign and hanging it in the reception area is accompanied by the mandatory writing of an announcement.

For example: Dear moms and dads! Our kids decided to learn more about cats. In our group we have the “Cats” encyclopedia, but this is extremely insufficient to satisfy their curiosity. Books about wild and domestic cats, photographs of your pets, your stories, cat toys and cat figurines will help us a lot. We invite you to take part in the preparation of an exhibition of photographs (drawings, toys, etc.).

"Our favorite cats."

Teachers and your children.

As a result of such a survey, parents will see the areas of interest of their children and get ideas about the ways in which they are ready to acquire new knowledge. This, without a doubt, will encourage parents to engage in a discussion of the topic with their children: ask them questions, give them some hints, answer, dispel doubts and take active actions - go to the library, search the Internet for the necessary material, read an encyclopedia, come to a group and chat with kids.

When preparing for parent-teacher meetings, conversations, and consultations, our kindergarten teachers use the following forms of working with parents:

“Magic Flower of Wisdom” – in the reception area there is a stand with a large flower drawn on it. The core of the flower indicates an issue on which parents are invited to speak out. Flower petals are empty. Parents write down advice, aphorisms and wishes on them on the chosen topic. For example:

— “Children’s whims”;

- “I know how to teach a child to help adults”;

- “When our second child was born, we...”;

- “So that the child does not get sick,” etc.

“Portrait of an ideal parent” (educator) – a sheet with an image of the outline of a person’s figure is hung in the reception room. Parents write down the traits of an ideal parent on this sheet.

“Unfinished thesis” – a phrase is placed on the stand, for example:

- “A happy family is...”;

- “A good teacher is...”;

- “Family traditions are...”, etc.

The parents continue the proposal. Such unfinished theses can be positioned as topics for future parent-teacher meetings.

I would especially like to note the innovative form of working with parents, which has been practiced in the senior group for the second year - summarizing the best family experience using modern multimedia technologies.

To get to know the families of pupils, in addition to personal conversations with parents and their family members, a variety of methods and techniques are used. One of them is the study of children and the characteristics of their family upbringing in the process of teaching and educational work in kindergarten. Much about the lives of children becomes clear from their own statements, from discussions at parent-teacher meetings, from the results of monitoring and diagnostics, from everyday observations of children and parents in natural conditions, from questionnaires, from visits to families. As a result, examples of good upbringing in the family are identified, parents who have high pedagogical preparedness and interest in issues of family education are identified.

Based on the above, it is clear in which family the educational potential is high and who can share their experience on the problem raised at a parent meeting, seminar or conference.

Teachers tell parents a lot about various experiences of family education and involve parents in this. The audience of parents is more influenced by the fact that it is not the teacher, but other parents who talk about the positive experience of organizing life and raising children in the family. They may be skeptical about the instructions and requirements of the teacher, with some distrust of their feasibility and expediency. They are more convinced when parents themselves talk about the same thing, having implemented a certain direction in their family in the upbringing and development of their child, tested their feasibility and achieved positive results.

Without leaving the confines of their team, which is already familiar and united to a certain extent, parents more easily share their successes, difficulties, doubts, little secrets and highlights of family education, and look for a way out of problematic situations. Speeches by parents are watched and listened to with keen interest at meetings, provoke discussion, awaken thoughts and contribute to the exchange of experiences in family education.

Generalization of family experience by parents can be formalized in productive creative activities in the form of posters, newspapers, stories, reports, albums, films, photo exhibitions, computer presentations. But parents, by tradition, choose the design in the form of multimedia presentations and slide shows.

Today, in the “educational piggy bank” of the senior group there are 6 presentations on summarizing family experience on various issues: “Labor education in the family.” Presented at a parent meeting-seminar in September 2013; "Toughening up a child at home." Presented at Parent Conference November 2014; "Sensory education in the family." Presented at the open final non-traditional parent meeting dedicated to sensory education of preschoolers in December 2013.

We also use the following innovative forms of interaction with parents - this is a pedagogical council with the participation of parents, where parents participate in meetings of the pedagogical council as experts and critics.

We conduct “Parental Landing”, mutual visits to families with the participation of parents, where parents can also share their experience of family education.

In order to introduce children to the origins of Russian national culture, our preschool institution held the “Garland of Friendship” event; children and parents made dolls and decorated the territory of the kindergarten with them. Children and parents received great pleasure from joint creativity.

The “World Without Borders” campaign was timed to coincide with the Day of the Disabled, children together with their parents made gifts for disabled children.

In addition, a health day was held with the participation of parents. Where parents and children jumped through hoops, skipped ropes, played with a ball, and did exercises. And for their activity, the fairy-tale character “Doctor Aibolit” treated everyone to vitamins. As a result, parents and children received a boost of energy for the whole day.

The project “My Dad is the Best!” was also organized, timed to coincide with the Russian Army holiday, where children and parents took an active part, prepared a project about their dad, and presented it in kindergarten. They composed stories about their dad, made gifts for dads, collected a collection of medals, and created a muse of military glory.

The New Year's Toy competition, where parents and their children made many original toys that they used to decorate the kindergarten grounds for the New Year's holiday.

Competition-Presentation “Family Longevity” (book, Christmas tree toy, doll, etc.) - prepared together with parents, defended in the form of a presentation.

The “Hats” competition, where parents and their children designed and made original headdresses and demonstrated a fashion show.

Educators are coming up with new ways to involve parents in raising their own children.

At the moment, our preschool institution is developing a project to organize a parent club “Competent Parents” due to the need to meet the needs of modern parents and quickly respond to the difficulties that arise for them.

We believe that until an adult has a need to be close to children, it is impossible to organize interaction.

Teachers offer parents ready-made knowledge: something from child psychology, something from healing methods, something from teaching practice. But as in any teaching, parents take from what is offered only that which is in tune with their own thoughts and meets their needs.

And we propose to start not with formal meetings and stands, but with unification, bringing together people involved in the life of a child. What could serve as the basis for such a rapprochement? Only the child himself. By telling parents about what happened during the day, what positive personality traits their baby showed, what achievements or difficulties the day brought him, the teacher forms in the parents an understanding that they do not have this unique information for the simple reason that they were not there near.

Now the phrase “innovative forms of working with parents” does not cause us any difficulties.

The effectiveness of the work carried out with parents in our kindergarten is evidenced by:

  • showing parents interest in the content of the educational process with their children;
  • the emergence of discussions and disputes on their initiative;
  • answers to parents' questions by themselves; giving examples from your own experience;
  • an increase in the number of questions to the teacher regarding the child’s personality and his inner world;
  • the desire of adults for individual contacts with the teacher;
  • reflection of parents on the correctness of using certain methods of education;
  • increasing their activity in analyzing pedagogical situations, solving problems and discussing controversial issues;
  • activity of adults in the life of kindergarten and group.

Using various forms of working with families allowed us to awaken a sense of affection and trust among parents in the kindergarten.

Our recommendations were not imposed on parents, but aroused interest with their novelty, presented without cliches, edifications or moralizing.


  1. Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin No. 3, 2012, author Yu.E. Orlova..
  2. Website


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6. Solodyankina, O. V. Cooperation of a preschool institution with the family [Text]: a manual for preschool employees / O. V. Solodyankina. – M.: ARKTI, 2004.

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“Innovative methods of working with parents in preschool educational institutions”

“Innovative methods of working with parents in preschool educational institutions”

Author: Kadochnikova Natalya Alekseevna


Parents are the first teachers;
they are obliged to lay the first foundations for the physical, moral, and intellectual development of the child’s personality at an early age.
Family and Kindergarten
are two public institutions that stand at the sources of our future, but often, there is not always enough mutual understanding and patience between parents and teachers, I want the parents to hear the teacher and understand each other.
How difficult it is sometimes to explain to parents that a child must not only be fed and dressed beautifully, but also communicate with him, teach him to think and reflect.

How to get parents interested in working together?

How to create a unified space for child development in the family and kindergarten, to make parents participants in the educational process?

Our preschool educational institution has been conducting systematic, targeted work with parents for many years. The leading goals of our work on interaction between the kindergarten and the family are to create in the kindergarten the necessary conditions for the development of responsible and interdependent relationships with the families of pupils, ensuring the holistic development of the preschooler’s personality and increasing the competence of parents in the field of education.

When drawing up calendar planning, educators plan work with parents at the beginning of each month, where they indicate the topics of parent meetings, individual and group consultations, the topics of visual information, and other forms of interaction with parents.

Group forms

work includes a system of parent meetings (discussion, open day, etc.) and public events (mini-trip, competitive entertainment programs, psychological hour, etc.), which are based on leisure and intellectual activities. cognitive activity. All this contributes not only to increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, but also to the formation of their communicative culture in the process of communicating with teachers and children.

The main form of work with a group of parents is a group parent meeting,

which is usually held quarterly.

At these meetings, educators systematically introduce parents to the goals and objectives, forms and methods of raising children of this age group in kindergarten and family. The topics of pedagogical conversations and reports at group meetings are determined by the teacher in accordance with the annual work plan of the kindergarten. The interests and wishes of the parents are also taken into account.

Each meeting makes decisions affecting both the kindergarten and the family. Their content should be specific and aimed at improving educational work. The next meeting should begin with a report on the implementation of the meeting's decisions.

Based on the work plan, individual conversations with parents, family visits, observations of the behavior of children in the group, we select material for collective conversations-consultations, group and general parent-teacher meetings. Consultations for parents can be planned or unscheduled.

An important and obligatory link in individual work with parents is visiting the family

. It allows the teacher to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives and the general atmosphere in the house. As a result, the teacher can give parents more informed recommendations and find optimal ways to create a single line of influence on the child in kindergarten and at home.

By visiting the families of his pupils, the teacher gets acquainted with the experience of family education. In addition, such visits give the teacher the opportunity to communicate not only with the mother and father, but also with other family members who often take part in raising the child (sisters and brothers, grandparents, etc.). It is advisable for the teacher to prepare for such a visit: find out in advance the composition of the family, find out where the parents work, outline what information about the child needs to be obtained, think through answers to possible questions.

Repeat visits are planned depending on the results of preliminary acquaintance, the child’s behavior in the group of children, the parents’ attitude to their responsibilities, and their participation in the life of the kindergarten.

Educators promote the positive experience of family education in conversations with other parents and at meetings.

All visits are recorded in a visit notebook.

Visual information for families

- these are a variety of forms from pedagogical information stands, photo montages, exhibitions, moving folders and small-scale reminders to practical forms (for example, a pocket “Together with the child!”), allowing parents to actively participate in the life of the child, and teachers to maintain “feedback” with family.

We work to involve parents in the joint activities of preschool educational institutions in four areas.

· Information and analytical direction

From relatively new forms

Cooperation between the kindergarten and the family should be noted by the creation of the official website on the Internet of our kindergarten.

The website contains information for parents: about the direction of work of the preschool educational institution, about the provision of additional correctional and developmental, aesthetic and health services. At the forum, virtual communication takes place between parents, teachers and kindergarten specialists, where they express their suggestions, wishes, and write reviews about the work of the preschool educational institution.

Also information and analytical direction

aimed at identifying the interests and requests of parents.


, as one of the types of work a teacher does with parents. Using a questionnaire, we obtain data and information about any aspect of family education simultaneously from a large number of parents. Through questionnaires, we identify the degree of involvement of families in the educational process, the level of parental requirements, and the level of the family’s pedagogical culture. After analyzing the answers, we draw conclusions about parents’ views on raising children. It is important for us to know what to work on during the year, the experience of which families will be useful to us.

· Leisure direction

The leisure area in working with parents turned out to be not only the most attractive and useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see their child’s problems and difficulties in relationships from the inside.

· Cognitive direction

In it we strive to enrich parents with knowledge in matters of raising and educating children. This facilitates the implementation of the educational program, provides pedagogical support for the family at all stages of preschool childhood, and makes parents truly equally responsible participants in the educational process.

Towards the cognitive process

family art studios
- these are a kind of art workshops that unite families of pupils for creative activities, accompanied by a teacher: an artist, a choreographer. Creative interaction between the teacher, children and parents in the studio can be varied in form: joint specialized classes, master classes for parents on drawing, painting, handicrafts, floristry (at the parents' choice).

Through the efforts of the fine arts teacher, exhibitions of joint creativity between children and parents and master classes “Fundamentals of Floristry” and “Testoplasty is Interesting” are organized throughout the year. Parents are happy to participate in such forms of work.

The visual information direction includes:

Parent corners, folders - moving; family and group albums; library – moving, photomontage; photo exhibitions; family vernissage.

In our work, we use a wide variety of forms of work with parents; we believe that the promotion of pedagogical knowledge is carried out through parent corners

, where advisory materials are posted. Special folders contain collections of methodological recommendations for parents compiled by teachers and specialists.

Visual information direction

makes it possible to convey to parents any information in an accessible form, to tactfully remind them of parental duties and responsibilities.

An effective form of pedagogical propaganda is a specially prepared visit to kindergarten by parents. Open days

- not only a means of satisfying natural interest in how children live in kindergarten. This is, first of all, a way to acquaint parents with the conditions, content, methods and techniques of educational work.

After watching, the teachers have a short conversation in which parents exchange opinions, receive advice and recommendations.

projects , is becoming increasingly relevant.

. They change the role of nurturing adults in managing the kindergarten, in developing partnerships, and help them learn to work in a “team.”

Ideas for design can be any proposals aimed at improving relations between teachers, children and parents.

The main goal of such events is to strengthen parent-child relationships.

Family Club Meetings

is an effective form of interaction between teachers and parents. The main task of the organizers of the Zdorovyachok family club is to help parents master the skills of physical education of children.


a widely used form of working with parents in kindergarten. Each lesson consists of several parts.

Greetings direct children and adults towards positive emotions. The kid says his name and the name of the person he came with. The child is greeted by the whole group, and he knows for sure that he is welcome here.

I would like to talk about one important point in the system of working with parents. Every person, having done some work, needs to have his work evaluated. Our parents need this too.

“Praise is useful if only because it strengthens us in benevolent dimensions,” wrote F. La Rochefoucauld. We think this is relevant always and everywhere. Don't forget to praise your parents. We always do this at every opportunity, and our parents pay us the same.

At the end of the year, at the last meeting, we celebrate active parents with letters of gratitude. Such attention is perceived by parents as a high, expensive reward for cooperation and creativity.

Positive results in raising children are achieved with the active involvement of all members of the preschool team and members of the pupils’ families in this work.

Family and kindergarten cannot replace each other; each of them has its own functions, its own methods of education. And of course, they need to learn to interact in the interests of the child!

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