Application of the “syncwine” method in the development of speech in children of senior preschool age

PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION: Cinquain is one of the effective methods for developing the speech of a preschooler

What is its effectiveness and significance?

  • Firstly, its simplicity. Anyone can make a cinquain.
  • Secondly, in composing a syncwine, every child can realize his creative and intellectual capabilities.
  • Sinkwine is a gaming technique.
  • Compiling a syncwine is used as the final task for the material covered.
  • Compiling a syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

Examples of some syncwines compiled by preschoolers:

1. Kitten Black, fluffy Plays, sleeps, eats He is my friend Pet

2. House Big, beautiful Protects, warms Needed by all people Shelter

3. Watermelon Round, tasty Rolling, growing, ripening Watermelon is a large berry. Summer

Let's try to make a “Family” syncwine together

  1. Family
  2. What is she like? (beautiful, strong, friendly, cheerful, big)
  3. What is she doing? (proud, cares, helps, loves, hopes...)
  4. Family sentence, aphorism or proverb. (The whole family is together - and the soul is in place. The family agrees, this is how things are going well. I love my family.)
  5. Synonym, or, as another way to call family (Unit of society. My home! Beloved. Dear).

When compiling a syncwine with preschoolers, you need to remember that it is necessary to compose a syncwine only on topics that are well known to children and be sure to show a sample.

If compiling a syncwine is difficult, you can help with leading questions.

You need to be prepared for the fact that not all children may like composing a syncwine, because working on it requires a certain understanding, vocabulary and the ability to express their thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to help and encourage children’s desire to compose a syncwine or answer questions. Gradually, children will get used to the rules of writing unrhymed poems, and composing them will turn into a game. And unnoticed by the children themselves, playing cinquain will become a fun and entertaining activity for them. “Even an instant insight can become the first spark from which sooner or later the flame of creative search will ignite,” wrote V. Shatalov. Children will be proud of their achievements!

Conclusions about syncwine:

  • Cinquain is a French five-line poem similar to Japanese poems.
  • Sinkwine helps improve your vocabulary.
  • Sinkwine teaches short retelling.
  • Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight the main idea in a large volume of information.
  • Writing a syncwine is a creative process. This fun activity helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems.
  • Everyone can make a syncwine.
  • Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.
  • Sinkwine facilitates the process of mastering concepts and their content.
  • Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare syncwines and evaluate them).

What is syncwine?

He who thinks clearly speaks clearly. Ancient saying

Psychologists and practicing teachers note that older preschoolers often have speech impairments, a poor vocabulary, children do not know how to compose a story from a picture, retell what they read, and it is difficult for them to learn a poem by heart. Compiling a syncwine is one way to partially solve these problems. Sinkwines are often used by modern teachers for classes in kindergarten and school lessons. Already at preschool age, you can teach children to compose syncwines in the form of a game.

Children Beloved, affectionate Play, delight, touch Children are the flowers of life Happiness

These lines are similar to the Japanese lyric poetry of Hoku and Tanka. Hoku is a Japanese tercet and tanka is a quintet, where the words are minimal, but each word carries enormous information and emotional overtones. But this is not Japanese poetry. This is syncwine. What does this unusual word mean?

Cinquain is a French word that means “poem of five lines.” The cinquain form was developed by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey, who relied on Japanese poetry - hoku (haiku). This is a small verse, consisting of three lines without rhyme, a lyric poem characterized by brevity, which is read very slowly.

For example:

Kareeda ni karasu no tomarikeri aki no kuree. A raven sits alone on a bare branch. / Autumn evening.

Cinquain, like hoku, carries a certain emotional connotation. By composing a syncwine, each of its components realizes its skills and abilities. If the cinquain is compiled according to the rules, then it will definitely turn out to be emotional. In addition to the traditional one, there are different types of syncwines:

  • reverse syncwine,
  • cinquain butterfly,
  • mirror syncwine.

Cinquain is an unrhymed poem, which today is a pedagogical technique aimed at solving a specific problem.

Relatively recently, teachers began to use syncwine to enhance cognitive activity and began to use it as a method of speech development.

To compose a syncwine, you need to learn to find the main elements in the text, in the material, draw conclusions and conclusions, express your opinion, analyze, generalize, isolate, combine and briefly present.

We can say that this is a flight of thought, free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules.

Rules for compiling syncwine:

  1. The first line of a syncwine is a title, a topic, consisting of one word (usually a noun meaning the object or action in question).
  2. The second line is two words. Adjectives. This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine.
  3. The third line usually consists of three verbs or gerunds describing the actions of the subject.
  4. The fourth line is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words that reflect the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to what is said in the text.
  5. The fifth line is the last. One word is a noun to express one’s feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, that is, it is the author’s personal expression on the topic or a repetition of the essence, a synonym.

It is assumed that with preschool children, strict adherence to the rules for compiling syncwine is not necessary.

It is possible that in the fourth line the sentence may consist of 3 to 5 words, and in the fifth line, instead of one word, there may be two words. Other parts of speech are also allowed.

Example of syncwine “Our group”.

Our group is cheerful, friendly. We study, play, dance. Our favorite region. We are friendly!

Synquains will help quickly and effectively teach a child synthesis, generalization and analysis of various concepts. In order to correctly, fully, and competently express his thoughts, a child must have a sufficient vocabulary. Therefore, work must begin with expanding and improving the dictionary. The richer the child’s vocabulary, the easier it will be for him to construct not only a syncwine, but also to retell the text and express his thoughts.

Is it possible to teach syncwines to children who cannot yet read?

Why not? Of course you can. For children who are just learning letters and cannot read, you can offer oral compilation of syncwine with question words. About who about what? Which, which, which? What did you do, what did you do? With the help of leading questions, children learn to highlight the main idea, answer questions and, according to a certain algorithm, create their own oral non-rhyming poems.

Syncwine algorithm for children who do not yet know how to read: Legend:

  • words-objects (nouns)
  • words-signs (adjectives)
  • action words (verbs)
  • words-objects (nouns)

Compiling a syncwine is a form of free creativity, which is aimed at developing the ability to find the most important and significant features in a large flow of information, analyze, draw conclusions, and formulate one’s statements multiple times.

Composing a syncwine is like a game, because composing is fun, useful and easy!

Interest in the world around us develops, speech, thinking, memory develop.....

Teachers who use the syncwine method in their work have noticed that syncwine promotes the development of critical thinking.

One of the goals when composing a syncwine is to achieve the ability to highlight the main idea of ​​the text, as well as briefly express your thoughts. “The meaning of a word is a phenomenon of thinking,” wrote the famous Soviet psychologist L.S. Vygotsky in his work “Thinking and Speech”.

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