Consultation for teachers “Interaction between a speech therapist and educator”

The interaction of the speech therapist with the group teachers is a very important point, because teachers spend a lot of time with children and can help a child with speech disorders. They can include speech therapy exercises in games, monitor the purity of speech and correct sound pronunciation during a walk, in class, during a morning appointment, but they lack knowledge in this area.

Constant interaction between a speech therapist and teachers is necessary for the formation of correct speech skills in children with speech pathology and brings excellent results. In addition, joint work is also necessary because eliminating speech defects requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological and social. An integrated approach to overcoming speech impairment involves a combination of correctional pedagogical and therapeutic work, and this requires the interaction of a speech therapist and a teacher.

Tasks of joint work between a speech therapist and educators

  1. Together, find the best options for working with a specific group and with each child individually, agree on the organization, conduct of classes, and their content.
  2. Arrange classes so that the speech therapist does not duplicate the tasks that the teacher gives to the children, and vice versa.
  3. Teach children correct sound pronunciation, perception and reproduction of words. Teach them to maintain the correct pace and rhythm of speech (not to chatter, but also not to speak too slowly).
  4. Expand the vocabulary of preschoolers.
  5. Help children study the process of word formation and grammatical structure. It is recommended to correct grammatical errors in speech not only in class, but also during walks, games, etc.
  6. Develop higher mental functions: thinking, imagination, attention, memory. Form coherent speech among students.
  7. Develop fine and articulatory motor skills in children.

What is the interaction between a speech therapist and educators?

  • Carrying out work by educators prior to speech therapy classes to accumulate, expand, and activate the vocabulary, providing the necessary cognitive and motivational basis for the formation of speech skills.
  • Conducting systematic exercises to develop breathing, articulation, fine and gross motor skills.
  • When planning and conducting educational activities in mathematics, cognitive development, artistic and creative activities, integrate speech therapy goals.
  • Creating conditions in the group that promote the activation of children’s speech.
  • Systematically monitor children’s speech not only during educational activities, but also in special moments.
  • Explain (if necessary) the tasks of the speech therapist to parents to consolidate the material covered during home activities, which include replenishment, clarification, activation of the dictionary, consolidation of correct sound pronunciation, development of fine and articulatory motor skills.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that it is the joint work of the speech therapist and educator that will give positive dynamics in the speech development of each preschool student.

Forms of interaction between the teacher and the speech therapist

Tatyana Lakhtina

Forms of interaction between the teacher and the speech therapist

Forms of interaction between the teacher and the speech therapist


Introduction 3

1. Distinction between the functions of a speech therapist and a teacher 4

2. Functions of a speech therapist and educator 7

Conclusion 15

References 16


Recently, in preschool educational institutions, the issue of interrelation and continuity in the work of all specialists has been given special attention, which is important for speech therapy groups . Only with close cooperation and unity of teachers’ requirements is it possible to overcome the speech development defects that children have. In a speech therapy group, it is especially important how closely the speech therapist and educators .

An important direction in the modernization of education is to ensure state guarantees of accessibility and equal opportunities for children with disabilities to receive a full education. As a result, it follows that children with speech development disorders should be provided with special conditions for education and training in preschool educational institutions. Correct speech is one of the indicators of a child’s readiness for school, the key to successful literacy and reading in the future. If violations of sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, phonemic processes, etc. are not eliminated in time, then preschool children will have difficulties communicating with others, and in the future certain personality changes will occur along the development path “child - teenager - adult”, when a person’s complexness will interfere him to learn and fully reveal his natural abilities and intellectual capabilities. The search for effective techniques and methods of speech correction has not lost its relevance.

1. Distinction between the functions of a speech therapist and a teacher

The teacher , first of all, has to deal with the natural age-related features of speech for the child, in other words, phonetic (pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations)

and musical
(rhythm, tempo, intonation, modulation, strength, clarity of voice)
originality of children's speech.
Overcoming such shortcomings does not present any particular difficulties, since the teacher, using the correct teaching methods, only helps the natural process of the normal development of children's speech, accelerating language.
This makes it easier for the child to master such complex activities as speech and promotes earlier mental development. The teacher’s classes are structured taking into account the next topic, and their tasks correlate with the tasks of the speech therapy lesson . The main vocabulary work is carried out by a speech therapist , while the teacher develops in children the necessary level of knowledge on a vocabulary topic during walks, in drawing, modeling and design lessons.

The teacher teaches children to clearly express their requests and desires, and to answer questions in beautiful, complete sentences.

When observing objects of reality, the teacher introduces children to new words, clarifies their meaning, promotes their repetition in different situations, and activates them in the children’s own speech. This work is at the same time the main one for conducting speech exercises in speech therapy classes and helps to improve the children’s speech skills.

The teacher must encourage the child to take the initiative to speak out. You should not stop children by suppressing their desire to speak out, but on the contrary, support the initiative, expand the content of the conversation with questions, and create interest in the topic of conversation among other children.

The speech therapist, in close collaboration with teachers, works to familiarize children with new words, clarify their meanings and activate them, and select lexical material on the topic.

In subgroup classes, the speech therapist consolidates the technical skills and visual skills developed in children by the teacher . Visual arts classes conducted by a speech therapist have the goal of further developing such complex forms of speech as planning speech. Thanks to this, children’s speech in class becomes a regulator of their behavior and activities.

The teacher must conduct classes to clarify the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus daily using a set of articulation exercises provided by a speech therapist . The teacher must assist the speech therapist in introducing the sounds assigned by the speech therapist into the child’s speech. This work is carried out with the help of nursery rhymes and tongue twisters prepared by a speech therapist .

The teacher must consolidate skills in coherent speech with the help of poems, etc., prepared by a speech therapist .

The teacher, with all the content of his work, provides complete practical acquaintance with objects, with their use in everyday life for their intended purpose. In his classes, a speech therapist the formation of lexical and grammatical categories in children, and during special exercises ensures their conscious use in verbal communication.

The joint activities of a speech therapist and a teacher are organized in accordance with the following goals:

– increasing the efficiency of correctional and educational work;

– elimination of duplication by the teacher of the speech therapist’s classes ;

– optimization of organizational and content aspects of the correctional and pedagogical activities of speech therapists and educators , both for the entire group of children and for each child.

In compensatory preschool educational institutions and speech therapy groups, there are a number of problems that complicate the joint activities of a speech therapist and a teacher :

– combining the program “Correctional education and training of children with general speech underdevelopment (5–6 years old)

” T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina with the main general education program of the MDOU;

– the absence of requirements for the organization of joint activities of a speech therapist and educators in the regulatory documents and methodological literature available today;

– difficulty in distributing planned correction work within working hours and SanPiN requirements;

– lack of a clear division of functions between the teacher and the speech therapist ;

– the impossibility of mutual attendance at classes between a speech therapist and a teacher in different age groups.

Joint correctional work in a speech group involves solving the following tasks:

a speech therapist forms primary speech skills in speech -language pathologist children ;

The teacher consolidates the formed speech skills.

The main types of organization of joint activities of a speech therapist and a teacher : joint study of the content of the training and education in a special preschool institution and drawing up a joint work plan. The teacher needs to know the content of not only those sections of the program in which he directly conducts classes, but also those that are conducted by a speech therapist , since proper planning of the teacher’s ensures the necessary consolidation of the material in various types of children’s activities; discussion of the results of joint study of children, which was conducted in the classroom and in everyday life; joint preparation for all children's holidays ( the speech therapist selects speech material, and the teacher consolidates it ); development of general recommendations for parents.

Based on these tasks, the functions of a speech therapist and a teacher are divided as follows .

2. Functions of a speech therapist and educator

Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual typological characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each of them.

Formation of correct speech breathing, sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.

Work on correcting sound pronunciation.

Improving phonemic perception and sound analysis and synthesis skills.

Work on correcting the syllabic structure of a word .

Formation of syllable reading.

Acquaintance and assimilation of new lexical and grammatical categories.

Teaching coherent speech: a detailed semantic statement consisting of logically combined grammatically correct sentences.

Prevention of writing and reading disorders.

Development of mental functions closely related to speech: verbal-logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination.

Functions of the teacher :

Taking into account the lexical topic during all group lessons during the week.

Replenishment, clarification and activation of children's vocabulary on the current lexical topic in the process of all regime moments.

Continuous improvement of articulation, fine and gross motor skills.

Systematic control over the delivered sounds and grammatical correctness of children’s speech during all routine moments.

Incorporation of practiced grammatical structures into situations of natural communication in children.

Formation of coherent speech (memorization of poems, nursery rhymes, texts, familiarization with fiction, work on retelling and composing all types of storytelling).

Strengthening reading and writing skills.

Consolidating children's speech skills in individual lessons on the instructions of a speech therapist .

Development of understanding, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on defect-free speech material.

The teacher conducts classes on speech development, familiarization with the environment (cognitive development)

according to a special system taking into account lexical topics; replenishes, clarifies and activates children’s vocabulary, using routine moments for this; controls the sound pronunciation and grammatical correctness of children’s speech throughout the entire time of communication with them.

In frontal classes, the speech therapist formulates topics and works with children on pronunciation and sound analysis, teaches elements of literacy, and at the same time introduces children to certain lexical and grammatical categories. The speech therapist supervises the teacher’s work in expanding , clarifying and activating vocabulary, mastering grammatical categories, and developing coherent speech. When planning classes on writing and developing the teacher is also guided by the methodological instructions of the speech therapist .

It is necessary to remind teachers about the rules and conditions for conducting articulatory gymnastics

- the need for daily exercise

— individual work with subgroups of children with the same defects

— automation of already delivered sounds (pronunciation of syllables , words, phrases, memorization of poems)

— control of children’s pronunciation of already assigned sounds during routine moments

The work of a teacher and the work of a speech therapist differs in the correction and formation of sound pronunciation in terms of organization, techniques, and duration. It requires various knowledge, abilities, skills. The main difference: therapist corrects speech disorders, and a teacher, under the guidance of a speech therapist, actively participates in correctional work.

The teacher actively participates in the correction process, helping to eliminate the speech defect and normalize the psyche of the problem child as a whole. In his work, he is guided by general didactic principles, while some of them are filled with new content. These are the principles of systematicity and consistency, the principle of an individual approach.

The principle of systematicity and consistency involves adapting the content, methods and techniques of the teacher’s activities to the requirements imposed by the tasks of a specific stage of speech therapy intervention . The gradualism in the work of a speech therapist is determined by the idea of ​​speech as a system, the assimilation of elements of which occurs interconnectedly and in a certain sequence.

Taking into account the sequence of mastering these aspects of speech in speech therapy classes , the teacher selects speech material for his classes that is accessible to children, which contains sounds that they have already mastered and, if possible, excludes those that have not yet been studied.

In connection with correctional requirements, the methods and techniques of the teacher’s . Thus, at the initial stage, visual and practical methods and techniques come to the fore, as the most accessible to children with speech impairments. Verbal methods (story, conversation)

are introduced later.

The principle of an individual approach involves taking into account the individual speech characteristics of children. This is explained by the presence of speech disorders in children that vary in structure and severity and the non-simultaneity of overcoming them in speech therapy classes . In this interpretation, the principle of the approach requires from the teacher : deep awareness of the initial state of speech of each child and the level of his current speech development; use this knowledge in your work.

A distinctive feature of the frontal classes of a teacher in a speech therapy group is that , in addition to teaching, developmental, educational tasks , he also faces correctional tasks.

The teacher must be present at all frontal speech therapist and take notes; certain elements of speech therapy classes in his speech development classes and in his evening work.

The speech therapist takes into account the characteristics and abilities of children. If a child does well in certain types of classes, then the speech therapist can, in agreement with the teacher, take him to an individual speech therapy lesson .

In the same way, the speech therapist tries to take children from a walk without harming the child’s health for 15 to 20 minutes for individual work.

In the afternoon, the teacher works , in accordance with his schedule of classes, to consolidate spoken skills and develop speech. It is advisable to plan frontal classes on speech development and cognitive development in the afternoon.

During routine moments, self-care, on walks, excursions, in games and entertainment, the teacher also carries out correctional work, the significance of which is that it provides the opportunity to practice verbal communication of children and consolidate speech skills in their life.

Educators must create conditions for the development of speech activity and verbal communication of children:

- organize and support children’s verbal communication in class and outside class, encourage them to listen carefully to other children and listen attentively to the content of statements; create a communication situation; develop skills of self-control and critical attitude to speech; organize games to develop the sound culture of speech;

- draw attention to the duration of the sound of the word, the sequence and place of sounds in the word; carry out work on the development of auditory and speech attention, auditory-verbal memory, auditory control, verbal memory; draw attention to the intonation side of speech.

The teacher's work on speech development in many cases precedes speech therapy classes , creating the necessary cognitive and motivational basis for the formation of speech skills . For example, if the planned theme is “Wild Animals”

, then
the teacher conducts an educational lesson, modeling or drawing on this topic, didactic, board, role-playing, outdoor games, conversations, observations, introduces children to works of fiction on this topic.
Special studies have established that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of subtle differentiated hand movements. Therefore, it is recommended to stimulate speech development by training finger movements, especially in children with speech pathology. Interesting forms of work in this direction are carried out by folklore specialists. After all, folk games with fingers and teaching children manual labor (embroidery, beadwork, making simple toys, etc.)

provide good finger training and create a favorable emotional background.
Ethnic studies classes help develop the ability to listen and understand the content of nursery rhymes, grasp their rhythm, and increase children’s speech activity. In addition, children’s knowledge of folklore (rhyme poems, Russian folk tales)
can be used in individual lessons to reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. For example:
“Ladushki - ladushki”
- to reinforce the sound [sh], the song Kolobok from the fairy tale of the same name - to reinforce the sound [l ].

The teacher thinks in advance which of the correctional speech problems can be solved: during specially organized training of children in the form of classes ; in joint activities of an adult and children ; in the free independent activities of children.

Aesthetic classes (modeling, drawing, design and appliqué)

create conditions for the development of communication skills: when doing some crafts, pictures, etc. together, lively dialogues usually arise, which is especially valuable for children with reduced speech initiative.
But sometimes educators do not realize the pedagogical significance of the current situation and, for disciplinary purposes, prohibit children from communicating.
The task of a professional, on the contrary, is to support and encourage in every possible way the speech activity of preschoolers, directing it in the right direction and using it to solve correctional and developmental problems. Even greater potential in terms of speech correction is that which is not regulated by the scope of classes and predominates in duration (up to 5/6 of the entire time spent in a preschool educational institution).

children's activities
(under the guidance of a teacher or independently)
Here individual and subgroup correction-oriented forms of interaction between the teacher and students : special didactic and developmental games;
entertaining exercises; conversations; joint practical actions; observations; excursions; methodically thought-out instructions and work assignments, etc. The speech therapist works with children daily from 9.00 to 13.00. Frontal speech therapy classes are organized from 9.00 to 9.20, individual and subgroup speech therapy classes - from 9.30 to 12.30, teacher classes - from 9.30 to 9.50. From 10.10 to 12.30 children go for a walk. After afternoon tea, the teacher works with the children for 30 minutes on the instructions of the speech therapist and conducts evening classes on one of the types of educational activities.

Together with the teacher, he designs the parent corner , prepares and conducts the pedagogical council and parent meetings. The speech therapist discusses with the teacher the children’s approximate daily routine and an approximate list of activities for the week. The speech therapist and teacher , each in his own lesson, solve the following correctional tasks: developing perseverance , attention, imitation; learning to follow the rules of games; education of smoothness , duration of exhalation, soft vocal delivery, a feeling of relaxation of the muscles of the limbs, neck, torso, face; teaching elements of speech therapy rhythms ; — correction of sound pronunciation disorders, development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, phonemic processes.

Requirements for the organization of the teacher’s : Constant stimulation of verbal communication. All kindergarten workers and parents are obliged to constantly demand that children observe speech breathing and correct pronunciation; teachers must know the pattern of normal speech development of a child (A. Gvozdev)

issue a memo for parents; Teachers of speech therapy groups must have a speech profile of children who are speech pathologists , know their speech therapy report and the state of speech development; Teachers of speech therapy groups must conduct speech therapy work in front of a mirror and complete the task. speech therapist for individual notebooks and albums, notebooks for classes.
The teacher of the speech therapy group should not : rush the child to answer; interrupt speech and rudely pull back, but tactfully give an example of correct speech; force the child to pronounce a phrase rich in sounds he has not yet identified; let memorize texts and poems that the child cannot yet pronounce; put on stage (matinee)

a child with abnormal speech.

The work of a speech therapist in a mass preschool institution in its structure and functional responsibilities differs significantly from the work of a speech therapist in a speech kindergarten . This is primarily due to the fact that the speech therapist at the speech center is integrated into the general educational process, and does not go along with it in parallel, as is customary in speech kindergartens. The work of a speech therapist is based on the internal schedule of the preschool educational institution. The work schedule and schedule of classes are approved by the head of the preschool educational institution. Since currently there is no correctional program for the work of speech centers , a speech therapist in his work must rely on and master modern technologies. Due to the trend towards deterioration in the speech of children in preschool age, and the lack of places in speech therapy kindergartens, children with more complex speech defects began to be admitted to mass preschool institutions, the overcoming of which is difficult in the conditions of a speech center . Teachers are deprived of specialized correctional hours for working with “difficult”

children, and must find time in their work or include components of correctional assistance in the general educational process of their group.

The teacher, together with the speech therapist , plan speech development classes, discuss the goals, objectives and desired results of each speech development class.


The teacher, together with the speech therapist, participates in the correction of speech disorders in children, as well as related extra-speech mental processes. In addition, he must not only know the nature of these violations, but also master the basic techniques of corrective action to correct some of them.

At the beginning of the school year the speech therapist acquaints educators with the results of the examination of children, draws their attention to the characteristics of behavior, the character of the children, determines the training program, explaining to educators the goals , objectives of the program, methods of its implementation, informing the timing and duration of the stages of correctional work, outlining the results that should be achieve by the end of a particular period of study.

When determining the content of the work, the speech therapist can introduce educators to the long-term work plan, and throughout the school year, systematically inform them about the changing requirements for the speech development of children at different stages of education.

Educators are obliged to promote the development of all intact analyzers of children, strengthening and expanding the compensatory capabilities of children, carrying out correctional work in various directions depending on the tasks set by the speech therapist during a certain period of training. interaction option is also possible in which educators reinforce the educational material of speech therapy classes , developing in children the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and developed skills .


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