DIY math games
Master class: “Making manuals for the development of mathematical concepts in children with your own hands” methodological development in mathematics (senior, preparatory group) on the topic
Do-it-yourself math games Elena Margelova Do-it-yourself math games Game “Collect a Fly Agaric” Goal:
Summary of an application lesson in the senior group on the topic “Lessons of Kindness”
Types of applique classes in the senior group Introducing children to folk ornaments and methods of decoration
Summary of a lesson on moral and patriotic education in the senior group “Our Motherland - Russia” Natalia Nikolaevna Poyarkina
Middle group - we recognize ourselves as citizens The age of four years is called the age of “why”. The child begins
Making toys in class
Open lesson on manual labor in the preparatory group “Journey to the World of Flowers”
Open lesson on manual labor in the preparatory group “Journey to the world of flowers” ​​Lesson on
GCD for children of senior preschool age on the topic: “My favorite books.”
Conversation on the topic “Books are my friends.” Summary of the conversation on the topic “Books are mine”
Fruits: materials for games, conversations and activities with preschool children 
Fruits: materials for games, conversations and activities with preschool children. Finger gymnastics. Entertaining
Bread is the head of everything children's drawing – Outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic: Drawing “Bread is the head of everything” | download for free
Project. Bread is the head of everything! | Country of Masters Good day everyone! Last year
development of logical thinking in preschoolers
Conditions for the development of logical thinking in children of senior preschool age
What is thinking? There are many definitions of this concept, but, in essence, they all boil down to
Lesson notes on paper appliqué for the senior group “Houses on our street”
Features of conducting applique classes in the senior group Applique is the creation of plot or
Entertainment according to traffic rules in kindergarten in the preparatory group “Traffic Light’s Birthday”
Entertainment according to traffic rules in kindergarten in the preparatory group “Traffic Light’s Birthday” Entertainment scenario
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