Cut pictures. Game for children from 1.5 to 7 years.
Compiling pictures from parts There is a lot of literature on this topic, I use these manuals:
Interesting game programs for children. Fun competitions for younger schoolchildren
Game entertainment program “In the Land of Childhood”.
Once a year the gardens bloom. All preschool children know the seasons and
award cups. photo
Work program on traffic rules "Road Certificate"
Sample texts for certificates for participation (and for winning) in a competition (professional and children's).
Quest game as an innovative technology in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education
Scenario of the quest for Health Day And now let’s look directly at the project of the quest itself. We need
Master class “Effective modern technologies in the work of a speech therapist with children with disabilities”
"INFORMATION AND METHODOLOGICAL CENTER" Regulations Project regulations "Teacher of the Year - 2022" Festival of methodological ideas and projects "Wake up
Program and tasks for developmental activities with children 4-5 years old
Primary school teachers are well aware that young students come to school with completely different
The Tale of the Fox and the Rainbow
We read to preschoolers about the inhabitants of rivers, seas and oceans The little fish Klopik, in her free time, loved to travel along the seabed and get acquainted with
Summary of a literacy lesson in the senior group “Sound [E] and letter E”
Introducing the letter Card with the letter E. Studying E: show the children a card with the letter,
Internet course for the development of memory and attention in children 5-10 years old, exercises, lessons, online
Tests for children 6–7 years old “Child’s readiness for school”
Courses for the development of intelligence In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly improve
Parents' response at kindergarten graduation in prose and verse - Unusual scripts for scenes with videos, adaptations of songs from parents for graduation
Holidays in our lives follow one after another: Birthday, New Year, 8
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