With mom
Step-by-step drawings for primary school children
Interesting drawings for children should be simple, so as not to discourage the child from studying
Didactic board game for sensory development “Match by color”
Match objects by color The group game “Match objects by color” helps to memorize
Joint child-parent project “Legomaster”
Project “School for Parents. We are together!" Municipal autonomous educational institution "Chemical-technological school "SinTez""
Notes on sculpting "Human Figure in Motion" in the preparatory group
Preparatory stage Children have grown up, and new techniques for working with plasticine are available to them. From
Classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world in a kindergarten preparatory group. Lesson notes (2 pages)
“Help items” preparatory group “Items that make people’s work easier in production.” Program content: Introduce children to
Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group on the topic “High - Low”
Lesson on FEMP in kindergarten in the younger group Lesson on FEMP in preschool
children's riddles about vegetables
Card index of riddles on lexical topicsmaterial on speech development on the topic
A large selection of the best children's riddles! On this page you will find 123 children's riddles with
According to Sanpin, at what temperature do children walk outside in winter in kindergarten?
The Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Altai Republic receives questions from parents about at what temperatures
Crafts on the theme of children's fairy tales: preparation and selection of material, original ideas and step-by-step master classes
Fairy tales are limitless material for work. To awaken an interest in creativity in young children,
Lesson notes for the senior group “Sound analysis of the word sleigh”
Summary of a lesson in kindergarten on teaching literacy in the senior group Summary of a lesson in
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