Summary of OOD on speech development in the senior group on the topic “Journey to the land of beautiful speech”
Summary of a lesson on the development of coherent speech in the senior group. Summary of a lesson on the development of coherent speech
Mom hugs boy tightly
Club work program in the 1st junior group “Ladushki”
Theoretical aspects of organizing circle work in junior groups of preschool educational institutions The key problem of any educational process
Sports corner in kindergarten: design for 5 plus
The purpose and objectives of the sports ground in kindergarten The main goal of the physical zone is to introduce preschool children
Homemade didactic game on sound automation
“Homemade toys and teaching aids used in a correctional group for children with special needs development”
To increase the effectiveness of speech correction classes for children, it is necessary to widely use speech therapy games. Especially
Summary of an event with parents using gaming technologies, theatrical performances, music therapy, artistic expression Topic: “Our friendly family”
Scenario of parents' response at graduation in kindergarten Educators give the floor to mothers and
Application for the middle group of kindergarten: organizing work with children
The essence of the application: goals and objectives in the middle group Application is a type of isotechnics that
Origami - bunny diagram step by step
Abstract of the GCD on artistic design from paper using health-saving technologies Topic: “Little Bunny”
Owl using origami technique - diagram for kids Origami technique can be as complex
Rating of the best educational computer games for children
The best computer games for the development of children of different ages
In the modern world, young parents no longer adhere to the position that computers and computer games
Riddles about professions - about women's, men's, military professions, about the profession of policeman, engineer, driver, teacher, cook, doctor: the best selection for preschoolers and schoolchildren
Riddles about professions for schoolchildren - a selection for children in grades 1-4 Riddles about professions
WORK PROGRAM OF THE “Develop” CIRCLE for children of senior preschool age (5-7 years old) for the 2022/2021 academic year work program (preparatory group)
School-Studio of Contemporary Choreography BMP'oint Photo: School-Studio of Contemporary Choreography BMP'oint This school focuses on the study
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