A therapeutic tale about mother's work for children aged 2 to 4 years

A fairy tale about mother Elena the storyteller

In a far, far away city there lived a family: father Vasily, mother Elena and three sons Ivan, Arkady and Kiryushenka. They lived amicably and happily. Every evening, mother came to her sons, put them in warm beds, and she sat down in a comfortable chair and told different fairy tales. Yes, so interesting that even the moon and her star friends quietly sat down on the window and listened attentively. And the breeze and its friend the rain stopped making noise, they really wanted to listen to these fairy tales.

But then one night, the evil sorcerer Eremey came out into the street. He simply could not sleep and decided to take a walk under the moon and starry sky. And what was his disappointment when he realized that there was no one in heaven. He sent his servant the black raven to find out what made the heavenly bodies leave their posts. The raven circled above the earth for a long time and finally he found his inseparable girlfriends, the stars and the moon, and just flew up when they hissed at him:

“Hush, hush, let me listen to the end of the story!!”

The raven also listened, He heard the tale of Lena’s mother, and he became so interested that he forgot about his master’s task and only in the very morning he flew in, apologized and told him everything.

The sorcerer wanted to be told bedtime stories, too, so he stole Mother Elena from the boys. But the beautiful Elena did not want to tell a fairy tale. Eremey got angry and imprisoned her so that she would be more accommodating.

The whole family was alarmed: they were looking for Elena’s mother on the street, at work, in stores, nowhere. And only when night fell again, the little star went down to the boys’ room and told the terrible news that an evil sorcerer had stolen their mother, and that only her sons could save her. To defeat Eremey, you need to get a platinum quiver, place a golden arrow in it, and then release it from a silver bow. Only she can get into the very heart of the sorcerer and kill him. And in order to somehow help the boys, the moon gave them a magic light that would show them the way.

The boys ran after the light one day, got tired, saw a big, big house by the road, and decided to ask for an overnight stay. They knocked and the giant opened the door for them:

-Why did you come?

-Let us spend the night, good man. Our mother was stolen by an evil sorcerer, we are going to save her, but we are tired, we need to rest a little - said Ivan

The giant let them into the house and then they heard the loud cry of a girl.

-Who is this crying? - asked Arkady

-My daughter. It’s been a year now... she’s been crying and crying, we can’t do anything.

“Let’s teach her how to play PSP, maybe it will help,” Kirill suggested.

We went into the room of the giant’s daughter, and there all the basins were filled with the girl’s tears. They showed her the PSP and taught her how to play. And lo and behold, she stopped crying.

In the morning, seeing off the guys for calming his daughter down, the giant also promised to help at the right time. With this we said goodbye.

The brothers moved on. The light led them to a forest clearing. They look, and in the clearing the cubs are fighting, they cannot divide the honey

-Why are you quarreling? Divide the honey equally - said Arkady

-How is it? - asked the cubs

And so the problem is, honey is in a barrel with a volume of 400 ml, and Ivan has a mug V = 200 ml in his backpack. The question is, how to divide honey into two equal parts?

Ivan studied well at school and quickly found the answer. From the barrel, they filled a mug with honey to the brim and gave it to one bear cub, the remaining 200 ml in the barrel was given to the second bear cub. And then a bear came out into the clearing:

-Thank you boys for reconciling my mischief makers. Call me when you need help, and I will definitely help!

They began to continue on their way. They see a beautiful, beautiful butterfly that is entangled in a web and the spider is already approaching it, wanting to destroy it. Arkady was very clever. He took out scissors and quickly cut the web, and meanwhile Kirill took a large stick and hit the spider so hard that he didn’t even have time to gasp. The butterfly rejoiced at freedom:

-Thank you boys. Someday I will help you, I will not remain in debt.

The light led the brothers further. And so he led them to a high, high tower, on the roof of which hung a platinum quiver. What to do, the tower is too high, it’s impossible to reach it. And they called the giant, and the giant was right there, happy to help. He extended his hand and took off the quiver and gave it to the guys.

Let's run further. We saw a cave, and in that cave there was a chest with a big, big lock, but the key was nowhere to be found. The inscription next to it: The golden arrow and silver bow are kept here, but no one can open the lock, and even if someone opens it, they still won’t be able to take either the arrow or the bow. The brothers became thoughtful and decided to call the bear. And the bear was right there, swung her huge paw and tore off both the lock and the lid of the chest. The boys thanked the bear and were about to put the arrow in the quiver, but that was not the case, a fire broke out around them and there was no way to put it out. And, of course, then the butterfly flew in with all its relatives, they waved their wings, put out the fire. Ivan took the quiver, Arkady put an arrow in it so that it would be charged with magical power, and then they gave it to Kirill, he inserted it into the bow and... shot: “Fly, fly the arrow into the very heart of the evil sorcerer Eremey, so that his evil spell will be dispelled, his prison spells will be destroyed shackles and our mother will be freed.!!!”

The arrow flew away. Ogonyok brought Elena’s sons home, and their mother was waiting on the threshold... beloved and dear. And they began to live peacefully and happily. We bought a big, big sofa for the stars and a huge chair for Luna. And having gathered in the evening, they listened to Elena’s fairy tales.

Mom for Baby Mammoth

happened on the shore of the distant and cold Arctic Ocean. One day, angry waves broke a large ice rock. The sun warmed up, and the ice began to slowly, slowly melt.

There was a frozen Mammoth in the ice. He warmed up in the sun and came to life. "Mother!" - Mammoth called, but no one answered him. He waited a little, and then went to look for his mother. The Baby Mammoth walked for a long time. Sometimes he stopped and called for his mother, but his mother was nowhere to be found. The baby mammoth is tired and hungry.

"Who are you?" - he heard someone's voice. It was a reindeer. The baby mammoth had never seen him before and was scared. “I’m looking for mom!” - he said. “So you’re a cub!” the Reindeer was surprised. “Cub,” said the Mammoth. “I was sleeping, then I woke up, but my mother was gone!” And he sighed. “I've never seen your mom! - said Deer. “Maybe Uncle Walrus knows her?”

Uncle Walrus was very surprised to see the Baby Mammoth. “Who are you?” he asked. “I'm a cub! - said Mammoth. “I was sleeping, then I woke up, and my mother was gone!” - “What’s your mother’s name?” - "Mother!" - said Mammoth.

Uncle Walrus remembered that a long time ago, when it was warm in the North, huge animals similar to the Baby Mammoth lived here. “But they went to Africa when the Great Cold came!” “I want to go to Africa too! - said Mammoth. “I want to find my mother!”

“Aren’t you afraid?” - the Walrus and the Reindeer asked him. “I won’t be afraid!” - said Mammoth. Then the Walrus drove a large ice floe to the shore, the Deer brought herbs to the road, and the Baby Mammoth swam to Africa to visit his mother.

“Across the blue sea to the green land I am sailing on my white ship. Neither waves nor wind scare me! I'm swimming to the only mother in the world! I want to get to the ground as soon as possible, “I’m here!” I came!" - I’ll shout to her. Let mom hear, let mom come, Let mom definitely find me! After all, it doesn’t happen like that in the world, for children to be lost?” And suddenly the ice floe under Baby Mammoth melted and broke! "Mother!" - he shouted.

And then the Dolphins appeared. They picked up the Baby Mammoth on their backs and rushed to the ground. The dolphins threw the Baby Mammoth onto the sand and swam away. The baby mammoth opened his eyes. This was Africa.

In front of him was a Deer, but completely different. "Who are you?" - Baby Mammoth asked him. “I am a Deer from Africa,” answered the African Deer. “And who are you?” “I don’t know,” said Mammoth. - I'm looking for my mother. Uncle Walrus said she was here."

“I didn’t see your mom here! - said the African deer. - Maybe the Wise Cockatoo knows her? He has lived in the world for a very long time!” And the Deer called the Cockatoo. The cockatoo was very surprised to see the Baby Mammoth and said that it was the first time he had seen such an animal. And he and the Deer began to think about where to look for the mother of this strange cub.

“And I know where his mother is!” — they suddenly heard someone’s voice. And they saw the Monkey. The Monkey had a banana in his hand. “Catch!” - she shouted to the Baby Mammoth. The baby mammoth caught a banana with its trunk. And then everyone shouted: “Yes, this is the Baby Elephant!” Only hairy!”

“So, that means I’m the Baby Elephant!” - Mammoth was delighted. “So my mother is here and you know her?” - "Certainly! Her name is Big Elephant!” - the animals shouted. And they went to the big Elephant.

Soon night fell and the moon rose. But they kept going and going. And finally they came to the clearing. There, all bathed in moonlight, stood the Elephant. She slept.

"Mother!" - Mammoth cried. The Elephant looked at the Baby Mammoth for a long time, and then said: “Who is this?” “It’s me,” said Mammoth. - I've been looking for you for so long! But you didn’t recognize me!” And he began to cry. “Don’t you recognize the baby elephant? - shouted the Deer, Monkey and Cockatoo. - Look, he has a trunk and ears like yours! Only he’s wearing a fur coat because he’s from the north!”

"Quiet!" - said the Big Elephant and approached the Baby Mammoth. She looked at him carefully and said: “Don't cry! You are really not a Baby Elephant, you are a Baby Mammoth! But still, you are my son!”

"I do not understand anything! - said Mammoth. “Why am I your son if I’m not a baby elephant?” “Because a long time ago, when the Great Cold came, mammoths came from the North to Africa and became elephants.” “So I am the Baby Elephant who lived a long time ago!” - Mammoth was delighted.

"Hooray! Finally he was found! - the animals shouted. The African night was replaced by morning. When the animals returned back, the Monkey asked: “Do you think it’s true that mammoths became elephants?” “I don’t know,” said the African Deer. And the wise Cockatoo said: “What does it matter? He found MOM, and that’s the main thing!”

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