Summary of a lesson in the second junior group on the topic “Space for kids”

Summary of educational activities for drawing with children of the second junior group “Journey into Space”

Yulia Prokhorova

Summary of educational activities for drawing with children of the second junior group “Journey into Space”

Summary of educational activities for drawing with children of the second junior group on the topic Journey into space

Goal: to introduce children to a new way of drawing “coming through drawing”


• Give children an initial idea of ​​space

• Enrich children's vocabulary ( space , rocket, astronaut )

• Learn to create a composition

• Foster a culture of behavior

• Accuracy in work

• Develop auditory and visual attention

• Speech, fantasy, thinking

Materials and equipment:

Presentation, sheets of white paper, blue gouache, brushes, jars of water, wax crayons, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: What holiday was yesterday? (Children's answers)


Educator: That's right, Easter. Do you know that the whole country celebrated another holiday. Do you know which one? Cosmonautics Day . This is a holiday for all astronauts , and those who built space rockets . Listen to the poem:

The sun is shining in the clear sky

An astronaut flies in a rocket,

And below the forests, fields, the earth spreads out.

(" Cosmonautics "

E. A. Subbotina)

Educator: Do you want to become an astronaut ? And fly into space ? (Children's answers)


Educator: Well, are you ready to fly? Then let's warm up, like astronauts do before takeoff .

Warm-up " Rocket "

"Physical Education Minutes"

Cosmonautics Day . E. A. Subbotina)
To fly to the sun (describe a large circle with their hands)

The astronaut needs a year (they hold their cheeks with their hands and shake their heads)

But dear, we are not afraid (arms to the sides, swinging left and right)

We fly over the ground (arms spread to the sides)

Let's say hello to her (raises hands in the air and waves)

Educator: Well done guys, now you are real astronauts . Come to the easel and listen to the riddle:

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon

Do it quickly... ( rocket )

Educator: Correct. Look at the easel, this is the kind of rocket we will paint (sample of a rocket )

Tell me, what geometric shapes does
the rocket ?
children's answers. Educator: I’ll now show you how we will draw a rocket . Take blue paint and draw a narrow rectangle (wash off the brush)

At the top of the rectangle we draw a red triangle, on the sides on the right side and on the left side we draw small triangles.
So we have a rocket . What else is missing from our rocket ? (Children's answers)

Educator: Well done guys, you made very beautiful rockets . Let's make an exhibition " Rockets are flying into space ."

"Yellow leaves are flying." Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Yellow leaves are flying.” Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group Preliminary work Observation of the autumn birch, linden,.

A summary of an integrated lesson in physical education in the 2nd junior group “Happy sparrows are flying, flying, flying...” A synopsis of an integrated lesson in physical education in the second junior group “Cheerful sparrows are flying, flying, flying...” prepared by the teacher.


Progress of the lesson:

Conversation about space .

— Guys, look at the picture, it shows a starry sky : at night the stars and the moon shine there. Sometimes we can witness a wonderful view when the stars “fall”

This phenomenon is called "Starfall"

— You and I live on planet Earth. This is what our planet looks like from space . What does she look like?

— In space , besides the Earth, there are other planets.

Abstract of GCD in Fine Arts in the second junior group “Journey into Space”

Cherkasova Vera
Synopsis of GCD in Fine Arts in the second junior group “Travel into Space”

Summary of a drawing lesson in the 2nd junior group .

Topic: " travel into space "


Goal: To introduce children to a new, unconventional way of drawing “coming through drawing”


Strengthen children's initial understanding of space . Repeat the words : space , planets, stars, rocket, astronaut , sun.

Material: Illustrations: planets, starry sky, astronaut , spacesuit, rocket, wax crayons, watercolor paints (purple, dark blue, album sheets with stars drawn in white wax crayon, brushes, napkins, toy star-sun.

Summary of educational activities for drawing with children of the second junior group “Cosmic sky”

Olga Ratnikova

Summary of educational activities for drawing with children of the second junior group “Cosmic sky”

Summary of educational activities for drawing with children of the second junior group on the topic Cosmic sky

Goal: to introduce children to a new way of drawing “finger painting”


• Introduce children to the concept of Space

• Enrich children's vocabulary ( space , rocket, astronaut )

• Learn to create a composition

• Foster a culture of behavior

• Accuracy in work

• Develop auditory and visual attention

• Speech, fantasy, thinking

Materials and equipment:

Pictures depicting the starry sky, planet Earth, other planets, depicting a rocket, sheets of black cardboard, yellow, red, white gouache, napkins.

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