Topics of legal education events Education of the legal culture of the younger generation is a whole complex
Elena Miroshina Summary of educational activities for drawing in the preparatory group “Portrait of a Friend” Municipal budgetary preschool
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Using gaming techniques and drawing a portrait of a friend
Lesson summary. Drawing on the theme “Different buildings on the street” Detsky sad.Ru >> Electronic library
Abstract of a speech therapy lesson in a senior group on the topic: Musical instruments. Note of a speech therapy lesson.
Summary of children's leisure activities using a tabletop theater in the senior group Mucha, Mucha-Tsokotukha Gilded belly.
Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”, “Music”, “Health”, “Physical education”. Kinds
Abstract of the integrated lesson “Profession - hairdresser” for children of the senior group Shchepkina Tatyana Viktorovna Abstract
Self-analysis of direct educational activities on FEMP in the preparatory group Elena Mambetova Self-analysis of directly educational activities
Purpose: Study of similar and dissimilar figures (circle, square, triangle) their size and shape. Shape