Active forms of methodological work in a preschool institution as a means of increasing the professional competence of teachers

Interactive forms of work with teachers as a factor in improving the quality of education

Natalia Chebordakova

Interactive forms of work with teachers as a factor in improving the quality of education

The quality of education and its effectiveness is one of the pressing problems of domestic pedagogy . The leading role in ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process is played by the teacher and his professionalism.

Increasing the level of skill of teachers is a priority area of ​​methodological work , which occupies a special place in the management system of a preschool institution and represents an important link in the holistic system of advanced training of teaching staff , since, first of all, it helps to improve the professional competence of the teacher and the development of his creative initiative.

Enhancing the creative activity of teachers is possible through non-traditional, interactive methods and forms of working with teachers . Many major methodological innovations are associated with the use of interactive teaching methods .

The word " interactive "

came to us from the English language.
The concept of interaction (from the English interaction)
arose for the first time in sociology and social psychology.
Interactive means the ability to act or be in a conversation mode, dialogue with something (for example, a computer)
or with someone
(for example, a person)
From this we can conclude that interactive learning is, first of all, dialogue learning, during which teachers .
Today it is necessary to use new, active forms of work , which are characterized by the involvement of teachers in activities and dialogue, involving free exchange.

The importance of using interactive methods in a preschool institution:

1. Improving the quality of the educational process in a preschool institution.

2. Stimulating the interest and motivation of teachers in self-education .

3. Increasing the level of activity and independence.

4. Development of skills of analysis and reflection of one’s activities.

5. Development of the desire for cooperation and empathy.

In addition, interactive learning ensures the creation of an atmosphere that relieves tension and anxiety in adults due to inclusion in educational activities , reveals new opportunities, and is a necessary condition for the development of competencies.

The first effective interactive form introduced into work with preschool teachers is training .

•Training: fast response, fast learning. The exercise, the atmosphere, the special state of mind of each participant.

•Business game: contribute to increasing interest in the problem under consideration, help the formation of teachers’ creative thinking , search for new ways to solve complex problems, form and train their practical skills. A business game is, to a certain extent, a rehearsal of the teacher’s . It makes it possible to play out any pedagogical situation in person , which allows you to understand the psychology of a person by taking the place of a child, his parents, a manager or a colleague.

Pedagogical ring : Here it is supposed to attack the opponent with questions that must be answered promptly. The game host can also ask questions. The content of the questions may relate to one or different problems, depending on the purpose of its implementation: to clarify and systematize classes on one problem or to conduct a mini-diagnosis of teachers’ on a whole range of issues. For example, pedagogical ring : “Ways to improve the educational process in preschool educational institutions .”

•Round table: the topic and problem are highlighted in advance. Possibly prepared speakers. You can divide participants into groups when discussing different types on the same issue. It is imperative for the presenter to formulate conclusions and suggestions. Topics for round tables can be different, but they must contain alternative elements formulation For example, “Problems of interaction between public and family education at the present stage”, “Preschool educational institution - what should it be?”, “The strength of the teacher’s personality. What is she wearing?


• Symposium – a discussion in which participants give presentations representing their points of view and then answer questions from the audience.

• Debate – a discussion based on pre-arranged speeches by representatives of two opposing groups.

• Discussion is one of the ways that will help teach teachers how to conduct a professional, constructive debate that can lead to solving a problem and developing a common opinion . Discussion (translated from Latin - research, analysis)

consists of a collective discussion of any issue, problem or comparison of ideas, opinions, proposals.
It can be used as an independent type of work with teachers , as well as as a business game that stages a discussion. When taking part in a discussion, the teacher first of all formulates a thesis - a thought or position, the truth of which must be proven. Before holding a discussion, the problem and goals of the discussion should be formulated for teachers , that is, it should be explained what is being discussed, why the discussion is being held, and what the discussion should yield. At the same time, it is necessary to interest teachers by pointing out to them unresolved or ambiguously solved pedagogical problems or issues.
It is also necessary to establish rules for the discussion and each speech. The leader of the discussion must create a friendly atmosphere, a positive emotional background, and also make sure that all teachers are aware of the essence of the problem being discussed and are familiar with the relevant terminology, common for all participants.

The goal of the leader is to collect more and fewer opinions, so he activates teachers and supports their activity, offers to formulate proposals , speaks out himself, trying to identify different approaches, different opinions in order to come to the desired result.

• Discussion swing (discussion)

: the audience is divided into groups
(2 or more)
. Each group advocates opposing views on one issue.

•Brainstorming: a group of several people actively discussing a problem to solve. The group leader voices the general decision.

• Lecture using feedback : The teacher addresses the audience after each completed thought . Based on the answer to this, he regulates the content of the further lecture.

•Lecture together: a teacher with a specialist or a parent in pairs covers current issues. The material for this type of lecture is pre-distributed. At the end, listeners are allowed to ask questions to both lecturers.

• Lecture “question and answer”

: Throughout the lecture, questions are asked and the lecturer answers.


form after the teacher’s ). The teacher asks a problematic question, the parent votes with a card (4 pieces)
: 1 – agree;
2 – I agree, but; 3 – disagree; 4 – I agree, if. Then the teacher brings parents with the same cards into a group and a discussion is organized. Conclusions are drawn by teachers .
• Creative hour “Gold Placers”

work in small teams, where methodological recommendations and models for analyzing a literary work are developed, and non-traditional drawing techniques are introduced.
• Master class (workshop)

Its main goal is to get acquainted with teaching experience , the work , the author's findings and everything that helped the teacher achieve the best results.
• Problematic pedagogical situations . A situation is proposed, from which ways out are proposed.

Pedagogical workshop or pedagogical “atelier”

master teacher of the teaching staff to the main ideas of his educational system and practical recommendations for its implementation. For example: “Development of the creative imagination of a preschooler through the means of fiction, art activities, and experimentation.”
"Film School"

the teacher shows pre-prepared video recordings of one of the types of children’s activities (for example, children playing)
Show without comments. According to the criteria given by the teacher , parents evaluate the level of development of children's activities.
•Bank of ideas: this is a rational way of collectively solving problems that cannot be solved by traditional methods at this stage. For example: “Ecology of play: how to bring play back into the life of a kindergarten”


• Exhibitions – fairs of pedagogical ideas , auction: public presentation of the best examples of professional activity. Properly prepared and carried out, it stimulates teachers to creativity and self-education . Leads to the emergence of new ideas, stimulates teachers to creativity and self-education .

• Coaching session: interactive communication . Developmental consultation, discussion (question - answer)

The teacher does not receive advice and recommendations, but only answers questions that the consultant asks him, and finds ways to solve problems himself. For example:
Working with a certified teacher .

• Quick-attunement: this is the teacher’s attitude for successful work .

1. If you want people to like you, smile!

2. You are the best and most beautiful, let all the fashion models in the world envy you.

3. There are people like a gold coin: the longer they work , the more they are valued.

• Case method: non-game method of analyzing and solving situations. Where teachers participate in direct discussion of business situations and tasks taken from real practice.

The essence of the case method is that the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills is the result of the active independent work of teachers to resolve contradictions, as a result of which the creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of creative abilities occurs.

•Open space technology: provides for the active participation of each teacher , the creation of a democratic atmosphere, equality of opportunity, openness and cooperation, interaction, communication, development and exchange of ideas.

Using TOP at the teachers' council (no need for a detailed agenda and work ).

•Presentation: a visual version of lecture and practical material.

All of the above methods are quite effective. To summarize, we can say that a well-constructed system of interactive forms of work with teaching staff will lead to an increase in the level of educational work of preschool educational institutions and will unite the team of teachers .


1. Davydova O.I., MayerA. A., Bogoslavets L. G. Interactive methods in the organization of pedagogical councils in preschool educational institutions . –SPb: “CHILDHOOD – PRESS”

, 2008. – 170 p.

2. Romaeva N. B. Interactive forms of working with personnel (methodological materials)

/auth. – comp. N. B. Romaeva and others. Stavropol: SKIRO PC and PRO, 2012. – 93 p.

Lecture 1.6. Topic: Active forms of methodological work


1. The effectiveness of new active forms of methodological work in parole.

2. Technology and characteristics of some active forms in working with teachers in a preschool institution.

3. The concept of interactivity and interactive methods.

4. Features of the interactive game, its algorithm.


1. Vasilenko, N.O. Forms of organization of methodological work in preschool education institutions / N.O. Vasilenko, L.N. Koteneva.- Mozyr: “White Wind”, 2011.- 91 p.

2. Kashlev, S.S. Interactive teaching methods: educational method. allowance / S.S. Kashlev. – Minsk: TetraSystems, 2011. – 224 p.

3. Kotko, A.N. Management of a preschool institution / A.N. Kotko.- Minsk: State Educational Institution “Academy of Postgraduate Education”, 2009.

4. Kotko, A.N. Fundamentals of professional skills of the deputy head of a preschool institution for main activities / A.N. Krotko, Guz, A.A.-Minsk: State Educational Institution “Academy of Postgraduate Education”, 2003.-380 p.

5. Pozdnyak, L.V. Management of preschool education: textbook for students. ped. universities / L.V. Pozdnyak, N.N. Lyashchenko. - M.: Publishing House, 2001. - 432 p.

The effectiveness of new active forms of methodological work in parole

In modern conditions, the essence of the forms of work in the system of continuous education of teaching staff is changing: in contrast to the traditional information one, they acquire a training character, which ensures:

1) formation of a culture of self-development for teachers,

2) creates the prerequisites for them to understand and determine their civic position.

This should be facilitated by a change in management techniques, active teaching methods that intensify pedagogical activity and stimulate professional readiness to participate in the management of a preschool education institution.

In the last decade, the so-called active methods of teaching and upbringing (“active learning methods”, “active learning technologies”) have been intensively developed and introduced into the pedagogical process. These methods are based on established facts that, other things being equal, up to 90% of what he does remains in a person’s memory; up to 50% of what he sees; only 10% of what he hears.

Activation of the cognitive activity of teachers is possible through the use of the following active teaching methods:

· modeling of classes and individual events;

· analysis of specific situations, which involves making optimal decisions based on knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical laws of the educational process;

· a business game that imitates the activities of a teacher in a situation close to the real one;

· discussion, which provides an opportunity to freely discuss a problem and exchange opinions;

· round table based on the principle of collective discussion of problems;

· “brainstorming” is a method that involves a group finding new alternative solutions to a problem situation, etc.

This group of methods also includes: problem-based learning methods, game technologies, immersion methods, interactive methods (Study independently using the “Integrated Course of Lectures on Pedagogy” edited by Sivashinskaya Part 1, pp. 157-158.).

Forms of methodological work:

— theoretical seminars (reports, messages);

— workshops (reports, messages with practical demonstration in lessons, class hours, extracurricular, extracurricular events);

— disputes, discussions (round table, dialogue-argument, debate, forum, symposium, “aquarium technique”, “open discussion”), etc.;

— “business games”, role-playing games; simulation lessons; panoramic lessons;

— lectures by didactic scientists, psychologists, sociologists, defectologists, speech therapists and doctors;

— discussion of the latest modern methods, technologies, achievements of psychological and pedagogical science;

— discussion of individual open, mutually attended classes, events or their cycle;

— discussion and evaluation of author’s programs, teaching aids;

— discussion of “slices of knowledge”, questions for testing and questioning of students;

— various exhibitions, reports on self-education: reports, abstracts, lesson development, production of didactic and visual aids; exhibitions of the best works of students, products of their creativity;

— discussion of effective teaching experience and recommendations for its dissemination and implementation;

— competitions “Best kindergarten teacher...”, Educator of the Year”;

— pedagogical readings, scientific and practical conferences;

— pedagogical advice, etc.

2. Technology and characteristics of some active forms in working with teachers in a preschool institution

Basically, active forms of organizing methodological work in a preschool institution are divided into group and individual forms .

Let's consider and characterize some of them.

Open display. A lesson followed by a discussion of what was viewed, a form of training for teachers and dissemination of best practices.

The panorama of experience can act as an independent form of work and as a technique. This is a purposeful demonstration of advanced pedagogical experience, during which the main directions of the teacher’s work are most fully presented, the ideas of the experience are isolated and shown using the verbal and illustrative method, that is, the teacher cites fragments of individual lessons or the entire lesson to confirm the main points of his experience.

In addition, a video recording, multimedia presentation, slide film, visual aids, etc. can be used during the panorama.

The panorama ends with a conversation, a discussion during which the proposed experience is discussed. It is possible to conduct an experiment showing different ways to solve the proposed problem by several teachers. The panorama of experience is not regulated in time.

A seminar is a group lesson according to a specific plan under the guidance of experienced specialist teachers. They are carried out with the aim of increasing the theoretical level of educators on a specific issue of educational work with children. The topics of the seminars are related to the objectives of the annual plan and the goals of the development program of the preschool education institution. For example, when deciding on the use of modern technologies for raising and teaching children in the practice of a preschool institution, it is useful to first hold a seminar that will allow you to become more familiar with its essence and scientific and methodological support. In this case, the seminar can work in creative group mode.

The seminar plan usually consists of several sessions. Their number and frequency depend on the specific topic. The leader of the seminar can be the head, deputy head for main activities, specialists from a preschool education institution, school, an experienced teacher or teacher who has attended a seminar on the topic as part of course training or is studying at a higher education institution. It is possible to invite teachers of the higher education system, researchers, etc. to participate in the seminar. The head of the seminar, together with the deputy head of the main activities, thinks through a plan for its conduct.

Types of seminars:

1. Interdisciplinary seminar

A topic is brought up for the lesson that needs to be considered in different aspects: political, economic, scientific and technical, legal, moral, etc. Students are assigned tasks to prepare reports on the topic. Specialists of relevant professions and qualifications may be invited to the lesson. Such a seminar allows students to broaden their horizons and promotes an integrated approach to assessing the problem.

2. Problem seminar

For example, before holding a teaching meeting, the teaching staff is invited to discuss a problem related to the scientific side of the stated topic. Before the lesson, teachers are tasked with selecting material, formulating questions and explaining the problem. At the seminar, a primary discussion is held in a (group) discussion. The groups' opinions are submitted for collective consideration. This makes it possible to identify the scientific and theoretical level of knowledge of teachers and to generate interest in the issue being considered at the pedagogical council.

Thematic seminar

The seminar is organized and conducted with the aim of focusing the attention of student teachers on the topic of the teachers' council or on its most important and significant aspects. Before the start of the seminar, participants are given the task of highlighting the essential aspects of the topic, tracing their connection with the practice and experience of activities on the scale of a district, city, or team. The thematic seminar deepens the knowledge of students, orients them towards an active search for ways and means of solving the problem under consideration.

4. Orientation seminar

The subject of discussion at such a seminar is new aspects of well-known topics, ways to solve already posed and studied problems, published official materials, and directives.

5. System seminar

It is carried out for a deeper acquaintance with various problems to which the topic of the pedagogical council is directly or indirectly related, for example: “Ways to introduce health-forming technologies into the practice of a preschool educational institution,” “The system of cultural values ​​and spiritual development of a person,” etc.

Systematic seminars push the boundaries of teachers’ knowledge, do not allow one to be confined to a narrow circle of topics of the teachers’ council, help to discover the cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena, and arouse interest in studying different aspects of the pedagogical process.

6. Workshop.

Conducted for a more in-depth and systematic study of problems of pedagogy, psychology, methodology; The theoretical material is supported by practical examples, showing individual techniques and ways of working. During the seminar, the professional skills of teachers in a certain type of activity are improved, creativity and imagination are developed.

A practical seminar is distinguished by the fact that it includes practical tasks, observations of the work of colleagues with subsequent discussion, comments, questions, their activity).

During the workshop, it is possible to discuss different points of view, debate, and create problematic situations, which ultimately make it possible to develop a common position on the issue under consideration. It is important that the results of the seminar are presented in the form of specific and realistic recommendations, and that their implementation is under the control of the manager.

An important form of work is workshops for parents with the involvement of various specialists. Venue of the seminar: methodological classroom of a kindergarten, group room, museum, exhibition hall, etc. The seminar can be considered effective if it helps to quickly make changes in the educational process in a timely manner.

A business game when working with teaching staff in a preschool educational institution can act as an independent form of methodological work and as a technique. This is a practical lesson that simulates various aspects of professional activity and provides conditions for the comprehensive use of knowledge available to students.

The educational business game is based on the following elements:

· presence of roles;

· the presence of situations in which roles are implemented;

· modeling of conditions close to real ones;

· mandatory joint activities of game participants;

· control of playing time;

· system for evaluating the progress and results of the game; “rules governing the course of the game;

· elements of competition.

Carrying out a business game requires careful development:

· determination of the theme and educational purpose of the game;

· determination of the areas and places of professional activity subject to simulation modeling;

· identification of the stages of the game and the problem situations included in them;

· determination of the composition of players, goals and functions of their participation;

· establishing the rules of the game;

· writing a prospectus and game script;

· drawing up game instructions;

· preparation of game documentation.

At least 5-7 days before the business game, participants are given a package of tasks, the content of which includes a description of the initial setting of the game, organizational instructions; The duration of the game depends on its content and specific tasks (it can last 2 hours or even several days).

Round table meetings

For teachers, periodic round table meetings with various specialists - scientists, artists, representatives of public organizations, educational and cultural institutions, government agencies, government agencies, etc. - can be extremely educationally useful.

Before each such meeting, the lesson leader invites teachers to put forward a topic that interests them and formulate questions for discussion. Selected, classified questions are passed on to the guests of the round table to prepare for presentations and answers. Several specialists who are researching this problem can be invited to the round table at the same time. In order for the round table meeting to be active and interesting, it is necessary to encourage participants to exchange opinions and maintain an atmosphere of free discussion. When discussing any issues of education and training of preschoolers, “circular” placement of participants allows them to be self-governing, put everyone on an equal footing, and ensure interaction. The organizer of the round table thinks through the questions for discussion.

Discussion. Consideration, research, discussion of a controversial issue; everyone must express their own opinion, learn to defend it, and prove their point of view.

A discussion is held if there is a set of problem situations, for example, objective (the presence of different points of view in science) and subjective (an acute divergence in the points of view of teachers).

In order for the discussion to take place, it is desirable for these situations to coincide, with which the listeners are familiarized in advance. The organizer of the discussion determines the active speakers - defenders of different points of view; other performances may be unplanned.

The task of the lesson leader is to not impose his opinion during the discussion, confronting different points of view. He also monitors the specific response of the speaker, which should rationally combine both practical experience and a theoretical explanation of the issue under discussion.

The discussion can be conducted: based on the materials of the lecture; by publications in the press; on the problems of the pedagogical council.

Discussions consolidate knowledge, increase the volume of new information, help develop the ability to argue, prove, defend and defend one’s opinion and listen to the opinions of others.

The “Ring” game is a type of discussion that can be used not only as a technique, but also as an independent form of methodological work.

The participants present are divided into two groups, representing different positions in the upcoming discussion. From among them, a leader and a support group are selected, which prepares evidence of their position on the subject of discussion.

Opponents (group leaders) reject, destroy or admit that the interlocutor is right. An expert group is created from the remaining participants, which has developed criteria on the basis of which they evaluate the result of the discussion.

Master class is a form of methodological study. A master class can be organized as an independent form of study, or included as part of a lesson. The master class is used to train teachers (showing methods and techniques for working with children, advanced pedagogical experience, etc.) on the basis of an educational institution or one teacher who has a high level of professional skill, has deep knowledge of the subject of the demonstration, and is fluent in the organization of the educational process and methodology teaching and raising children.

A methodological bridge is a type of discussion, a form of methodological work. It differs in the composition of participants (conducted between teachers of two preschool educational institutions, districts, etc.). The role of the presenter is performed by a methodologist or an expert group consisting of scientists, methodologists, etc.

Methodological gatherings are a form of methodological work, most often used in preschool educational institutions; contributes to the creation of a favorable psychological microclimate in the team, improves communication skills.

The leader, when choosing a topic, proceeds from the general problem being solved by the institution. Participants of the “get-togethers” are not informed of the topic in advance. The leader’s skill is to call listeners to a conversation on a topic, find out their starting position, and prepare them for the subsequent discussion of this issue at the teachers’ council. The conversation most often takes place over a cup of tea.

Brainstorming is a teaching method in which the lesson leader’s questions are structured in such a way that short answers are given. Preference is given to answers-fantasies and insights. Listeners are prohibited from criticizing and evaluating the ideas expressed, but combinations and development of the proposals made are encouraged. All statements are recorded. The “assault” lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. This is followed by a discussion of the ideas expressed.

Another brainstorming structure is possible if the audience is significant in number. To solve the problem raised, several working groups of 3-5 people and an expert group are formed, whose responsibilities include developing criteria, evaluating and selecting the best ideas. Then a warm-up training is carried out, the task of which is to help students free themselves from stiffness and shyness.

The generation of ideas begins on a signal in all working groups to which an expert is attached who records the ideas put forward. Then the working groups rest, and experts select ideas based on selected criteria. The brainstorming session ends with a discussion and evaluation of the best ideas, their justification and public defense. This form is designed for 1 hour.

Pedagogical KVN - practical classes, the purpose of which is:

— improvement and systematization of knowledge, as well as consolidation of certain professional skills and abilities;

— promoting the creation of a positive emotional climate in a group of teachers;

— development of an active position and competitive spirit. Thus, KVN promotes the activation of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and the creation of an emotionally positive climate in a group of teachers. This is an excellent opportunity to show your creative abilities, theoretical and practical knowledge in competition, quickly resolve a pedagogical situation, and be able to objectively assess the knowledge of your colleagues. Stimulates the activity of participants in acquiring and demonstrating knowledge, skills and abilities.

Algorithm of actions

From a group of teachers, 2 teams and a jury are formed; the rest are fans. Teams get acquainted with the topic of the meeting 5-7 days in advance, receive homework, and are offered relevant literature. In addition, they prepare mutual humorous greetings on the topic of this KVN.

The manager must foresee possible answers to questions and have a good grasp of the problem. He also prepares entertaining assignments that require non-standard solutions (including the “Captain Competition”), directly related to the topic being studied.

In this form it is very good to conduct final classes upon completion of methodological activities. In this case, the purpose of holding a club of experts will be to identify the knowledge and skills of teachers (hence there may be more teams, for example, 5-6). In addition to good knowledge of the problem, team members must have the following qualities: a sense of humor, pedagogical resourcefulness, speed of reaction, mobility (Appendix 4).

A methodological festival is a form of methodological work, the purpose of which is to demonstrate and exchange advanced pedagogical experience, introduce new pedagogical ideas and methodological findings. It can be used both at the final stage of working on a problem, and at the initial stage, and requires a large number of participants and listeners.

During the festival, there is a circular panorama of methodological findings, an auction of ideas, a round table, stand consultation points and other forms of work. Participants submit applications for classes and methodological ideas for participation in the methodological festival in advance.

Consultation is a form of methodological work, which is characterized by a monologue form of presenting information new to educators. However, it is necessary to provide elements of feedback, that is, to ensure the active involvement of educators in the reproduction and consolidation of the material. This is possible using active working methods. It is successful to conduct consultations in the form of role-playing games, when the deputy head of the main activity does not tell how to conduct, for example, a lesson on retelling a work of art, but shows it, giving educators the opportunity to imagine themselves as children of younger or older age, followed by an analysis of the actions of the participants. It is possible to offer to solve a crossword puzzle before starting a consultation, which is difficult to do without knowing certain concepts, and try again after the consultation, giving educators the opportunity to see the effect of the knowledge gained. Having told educators about the methodology for assessing children's drawings, it is possible to provide an opportunity during a consultation to conduct it using specially selected samples, etc.

It should be remembered that over time, other educators may also need a previously conducted consultation. Therefore, its content or a detailed plan indicating the literature used must be presented in writing, which can be used in subsequent work.

Planning consultations for teachers of preschool education institutions for the academic year

Contents of the activityCategory of listenersDeadlinesResponsible
1. “A child’s first steps in kindergarten” (practical recommendations for maintaining documentation in early age groups)Early childhood educatorsSeptemberDeputy Head
2. Planning and organization of educational work in a preschool educational institution according to the “Praleska” programYoung professionalsOctoberDeputy head
3. Metadychnyyapadykhodykhod yes pharmavannya at preschool natsyyanalnaysamasvyadomasciprazdaluchenne and traditional Belarusian peopleTeachers of all age groupsNovemberEducator
4. Technology of the process of Belarusian-speaking and Russian-speaking development of preschool children and teaching literacy in Russian-speaking and Belarusian-speaking modes N. S. StarzhinskayaTeachers of the groups “Fantasers”, “Pochemuchki”JanuaryDeputy head
5. Technology of algorithmization of the process of pre-mathematical development of preschool children I. V. ZhitkoTeachers of the groups “Fantasers”, “Pochemuchki”FebruaryDeputy head
6. Technology of the process of educating an ethical attitude towards nature A. A. PetrikevichTeachers of all age groupsMarchDeputy head
7. Pedagogical diagnostics of child development in the preschool education systemTeachers of the group "Fantasers"AprilDeputy head
8. Portfolio as a means of assessing the professional development of a teacherTeachers of all age groupsMayEducator

When organizing group forms of methodological work, there is no need to strive to increase the number of participants: 3-4 people is a normal group for a seminar, workshop, consultation, and even for organizing a collective viewing. It is much more important that each form of work brings specific benefits, and that the acquired knowledge and skills are reflected in teaching activities and contribute to increasing the effectiveness of educational work with children.

With such an organization of methodological work, the main thing happens - the teacher compares his opinion, judgment, his assessment of what is happening in the team with another, sometimes opposite one. During the discussion, he learns empathy, reflection, and the ability to defend his point of view.

Creative micro groups.

They arose as a result of the search for new, more effective forms of methodological work. They are created voluntarily when it is necessary to master best practices, new techniques or develop a promising idea. Several teachers unite, taking into account psychological compatibility and creative interests. There may be one or two leaders in the group who take on organizational issues.

Each group member independently studies the question assigned to him and prepares brief information. Then everyone exchanges opinions, argues, offers options, and implements them into the practice of their work. Mutual attendance at classes and discussion of the best techniques and methods are organized. If necessary, a joint study of additional literature is carried out. The main attention is paid to search and research activities, and the entire team gets acquainted with its results.

Work on a single methodological topic. With the right choice, a single methodological topic can really captivate teachers. There are a number of requirements that must be taken into account when choosing a single topic: relevance for a preschool institution, taking into account the achieved level of activity, interests and requests of teachers, close connection with specific scientific and pedagogical research and recommendations, with the pedagogical experience of other institutions. These requirements eliminate “reinventing” the wheel and allow the introduction of truly advanced practices. It is also possible that the team itself carries out experimental work and creates the necessary methodological developments. Practice shows the advisability of defining a topic for the future, broken down by year. A single methodological theme should run like a red thread through all forms of methodological work and be combined with the themes of self-education for educators.

Literary newspaper.

An interesting form of work that brings employees together. Goal: to show the creative capabilities of teachers, as well as children and parents. All participants write articles, stories, compose poems, and make drawings.

Briefing. A meeting at which the position on one of the pressing issues is briefly stated. It can be conducted by a supervisor or specialist who prepares in advance to answer questions on a specific topic. Allows teachers to become more active as much as possible. Two teams: one asks questions, the other answers; The organizer asks questions, the teachers answer.

Pedagogical Excellence Relay Race.

A competition between several groups of teachers, where one teacher begins to cover a problem, and the next continue and reveal it together. The last participant sums up and draws conclusions.

Artistic piggy bank. Depending on the pedagogical objectives, the collection may include reproductions of works of fine art, photographs, drawings of objects, animals, natural phenomena, diagrams, signs (any necessary information). A good way to attract children's attention. The materials from the piggy bank can form the basis of an exhibition.

Creative living room.

A form of organizing interaction between teachers in accordance with their interests and preferences. An atmosphere of free, relaxed communication is created.

Review competition.

A method for testing professional knowledge, abilities, skills, and pedagogical erudition. Demonstration and evaluation of creative achievements of teachers. Involves the ability to evaluate results by comparing one's abilities with others.

Music salon.

One of the forms of aesthetic development, spiritual communication between teachers, children and parents, preservation of the best folk traditions and customs. Technique for creating a favorable microclimate in a team.

Thematic exhibitions.

Presentation of visual materials: drawings, products, literature. They contribute to the enrichment of knowledge and are a meaningful form of exchange of experience among teachers.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

The use of active forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions

The quality of education and its effectiveness is one of the pressing problems of domestic pedagogy. The leading role in ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process is played by the teacher and his professionalism.

Increasing the level of skill of teachers is a priority direction of the methodological work of MBDOU Semyansky kindergarten No. 7 “Snow White” . Methodological work occupies a special place in the management system of a preschool institution and represents an important link in the holistic system of advanced training of teaching staff, since, first of all, it helps to improve the professional competence of the teacher and the development of his creative initiative.

Activation of the creative activity of teachers is possible through interactive methods and forms of work with teachers. Many major methodological innovations are associated with the use of interactive teaching methods.

Interactive means the ability to interact or be in a conversation, dialogue mode with something (for example, a computer) or someone (for example, a person).

It is valuable that with such an organization of work, the teacher can not only express his opinion, view, give an assessment, but also, having heard the evidence-based arguments of his colleagues, abandon his point of view or significantly change it. Teachers develop respect for other people's opinions, the ability to listen to others, and make informed conclusions and conclusions.

Our educational institution practices the following forms of work with teachers:

  • Pedagogical councils are permanent collegial bodies that consider various aspects of the activities of preschool educational institutions. Pedagogical councils are held throughout the year according to the annual work plan.
  • Training seminars and workshops: “Development and enrichment of a child’s vocabulary. Preparing children for school” , “Development of speech in preschool children” , “Mastering the organization of project activities with children” . The focus of the workshop is not only on theoretical issues of the educational process, but also on practical skills.
  • Master classes are a well-known form in the field of education of transferring experience and learning new things through the active activity of participants solving the task assigned to them. Professional experience was presented in conducting such master classes as “Organization of cognitive and research activities with preschoolers”, “Healthy baby!” , “Game stretching” , “Production of a teaching aid for sensory development” .
  • Business games: “Correct answer” , “Use of health-saving educational technologies” , “Federal State Educational Standards experts” . During the business game, you can solve problems of varying complexity; it activates the creative initiative of teachers.

Also used are such forms of work as coaching sessions, quick-tuning, trainings, competitions, and round tables.

This experience helps develop creative potential and improve the professional level of colleagues, and is also an incentive to create new interesting projects.

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Interactive forms and methods of methodological work in preschool educational institutions presentation

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Agenda: 1. Interactive methods and techniques in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions - senior teacher of the MADOU kindergarten No. 11 “Peresvet” Evstifeeva N.F. 2. Interactive communication. Fishbone method "Fishbone"

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The word “interactive” came to us from the English language from the word “interact” - where “inter” is mutual, “act” is to act. Interactive means the ability to act or is in a mode of conversation, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or with someone (for example, a person). Interactive learning is, first of all, dialogue learning, during which interaction between teachers or a teacher and the leader of a methodological event takes place.

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Improving the methodological culture and increasing the skills of teachers Creating conditions for increasing the level of professional competence Identification of the level of pedagogical excellence, pedagogical abilities and skills Developing among teachers the need for self-development, self-education, self-education Identification, study, generalization and dissemination of the most valuable experience of teachers Uniting the teaching staff on the basis of common goals and objectives, content of the work of the preschool educational institution Purpose of interactive forms

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The importance of interactive forms Stimulating interest and motivation for self-education Increasing the level of activity and independence Developing skills of self-analysis and reflection on one’s activities Developing a desire for cooperation

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Interactive forms of work Traditional Innovative Newest

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Traditional Seminar, seminar - workshop Pedagogical living room Consultations: (group, individual) Round tables, pedagogical rings Methodological association KVN training, What? Where? When? Quizzes

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Innovative Exhibitions and fairs of pedagogical ideas Business game Master class Pedagogical workshop Project method

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Latest Briefing Interactive communication Coaching sessions Quality circles Quick settings Unions of like-minded people

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CONCLUSION Increasing the professional competence of teachers, as a result of using interactive forms of methodological work on the development of innovative technologies, allows us to achieve the following results: Stability of the optimal level of children’s mastery of the program Improvement of the psychological microclimate in the team Increase in the creative activity of teachers and their satisfaction with the results of their work Increase in the pedagogical competence of teachers, level, level of their qualifications

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Sources Romenskaya L.A., Interactive forms of working with teachers. method. rcde. nov. ru/getblob. asp… yslugi/focusgrups.html

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Fishbone (Fishbone) The essence of this methodological technique is to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the object of analysis and the factors influencing it, making an informed choice. Additionally, the method allows you to develop skills in working with information and the ability to pose and solve problems. Fishbone is based on a schematic diagram in the shape of a fish skeleton. In the world, this diagram is widely known under the name of Ishikawa, a Japanese professor who invented the method of structural analysis of cause-and-effect relationships.

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Fishbone (Fishbone) schemes make it possible to: - organize work in pairs or groups; — develop critical thinking; — visualize the relationships between causes and effects; - rank factors according to their degree of importance. Conclusions, generalization

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Thank you for your attention!!! Creative success!!!!

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