Beds for children: vegetable garden and garden on the windowsill in kindergarten

You can make a very good vegetable garden on the windowsill for children yourself, regardless of the time of year. It is important to choose the right plants. For year-round care of the garden on the windowsill, you should think about how different crops will combine with each other. You also need to think about the order of ripening, since sometimes you have to add new seedlings from time to time.

What greens can you plant?

In such a garden you can grow some plants that have a fairly compact root system. The list of these plants includes tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and much more.

You can plant flowers in kindergarten. Moreover, greens for growing are sold in (specialized) stores. When purchasing from these stores, you need to follow the planting instructions. For example, you can plant ornamental flowering plants or healthy watercress. This plant tastes like radish. After a few weeks you can start harvesting.

Parsley and dill can also be planted in a window garden. Almost all types of parsley can be planted on a windowsill. When planting dill, it is better to give preference to mid-ripening species, because early-ripening dill quickly becomes unattractive.

Basil is planted. Thanks to its strong spicy aroma and original taste, this herb is liked by many people.

Onion. It can be planted in a jar of water. Can be grown from seeds. It is better to choose varieties that ripen quickly.

You can plant mint. Mint has a delicate aroma. This plant is perennial. Its leaves can be added to tea, making it aromatic and healthy.

In addition to the above plants, herbs such as oregano, cilantro, thyme and much more can be planted.

Decorating a vegetable garden on a windowsill

This is perhaps the most difficult moment. And I think that the colleague who asked me to expand on this topic in more detail was referring specifically to design ideas.

As for the older group, I see the garden there as follows. Each student, after a preliminary introduction to the topic, chooses the plant that he would like to plant. For some it will be an onion, for others it will be a sunflower, etc. For each child, you can purchase identical pots, on which a sticker with the child’s name will be affixed. Or perhaps you will be able to buy bright multi-colored pots of the same style, but in different colors.

Then you will need to choose a time to plant the plants and spend at least 30 minutes every day to develop this theme further. For example, show cartoons about the growth cycles of each of the selected plants. Water them on separate days. In others, you just need to make sure that the soil is neither dry nor wet. You can make a calendar in which each child writes the name of the plant and puts the planting date and germination date.

If this option does not suit you, then you can saddle everything in the form of a single composition on one windowsill. The main thing here is to choose a concept. There are a lot of design ideas on the Internet. It could just be a few pots with different plants and a little herb, or it could be all green plants, or, conversely, all multi-colored. You can decorate your garden with some decorative figures.

I am sure that you will find a suitable option among the photos, but I have not seen my option, which I suggested first, anywhere. Try to do this, although it is costly in terms of money and time, it is worth it. This will be a real highlight of your group.

What vegetables are best to plant?

Despite the fact that you won’t be able to harvest a lot of crops from the windowsill, you can create beautiful and cozy garden beds for children in a warm room. The following vegetables can be planted:

  1. You can start planting cucumbers. This culture loves spacious pots, so it is worth taking this fact into account and choosing large and free containers. Also, cucumbers are heat-loving and grow well in illuminated areas. For a beautiful garden design, you need to choose high supports. From time to time you need to remove excess stems.
  2. Tomatoes. This plant is an ideal option for planting. Tomatoes love bright places. Additional lighting can be used. The culture does not tolerate drafts and cold water (when watering).
  3. Many people plant peppers. At the same time, if we are talking about planting plants in a kindergarten, it is better to avoid planting hot peppers. Sweet varieties take root well on the windowsill.

Master class on decorating a vegetable garden on a window in the kindergarten “Dachka in Romashkovo”

This spring, according to tradition, our kindergarten held the “Vegetable Garden on the Window” competition.

They suggested an unusual topic - “The plot of my dreams.”

Since our group is called “Romashka,” our children from the preparatory group and I decided to call our garden plot “Dachka in Romashkovo.” We presented our dream dacha like this.

They built a two-story mansion (they took boxes as a basis, covered them with brick-like wallpaper, glued the windows, covered the roof with self-adhesive paper, made balcony railings from ceiling tiles and decorated the railings with trim made from egg cartons, and the foundation was made from shells).

In the vegetable garden area, a design approach was used: the arrangement of the beds and paving slabs is in the shape of the sun.

In the recreation area, flower beds were laid out, a gazebo was built, and a path made of shells was laid out.

We paid great attention to creating the composition, and at the same time tried to present the variety of seedlings.

We observed the germination of bean and pea seeds (in cups). We watched the weather. We made notes in observation diaries.

We selected didactic games and coloring books for the children according to the topic, and held discussions on the topic. Then we planted our seedlings in the garden bed and watched the plants grow. At the end of summer we harvested beets, carrots, zucchini, peppers, but the fruits of our labor were shown to other kids, since our students had already become schoolchildren. I am sure that the knowledge and skills acquired in the process of such work will not pass without a trace.


What flowers to plant in kindergarten

When planting plants on a windowsill, it is important to take the following precautions:

  1. It is worth choosing safe rooms and places so that children cannot get injured.
  2. The bed should completely fit into the window sill area.
  3. There is no need to add fertilizer to the garden bed.

It is also important to think about the lighting in the room. You can install special additional lamps to create better illumination. A comfortable temperature should be maintained. For example, a temperature of 20-25 degrees is acceptable for plants. The main thing is that it should not be lower than 16-17 degrees.

Planting plants on a windowsill in a kindergarten is a very interesting and extremely unusual idea. With the help of this lesson, you can teach children to work in the garden. And then they will be happy to plant plants for the kindergarten outside. Also, you can explain and talk about the characteristics of each culture. It is important to take precautions and safety measures when organizing a window garden. Also, do not forget about watering and caring for plants. Then, this event will appeal to both children and their parents.

What will we sow?

So, when the children are already in the know, they will be looking forward to the planting process itself, because this is the most interesting thing, throwing a seed into the ground and waiting for the results. Here, by the way, a very good educational moment is being worked out - training patience. The child sees that in order for something to grow, one must wait patiently. But don’t just wait, but carefully look after your mini-garden - water, fertilize if necessary, loosen the soil, tie up seedlings.

In order to choose plants that are ideal for growing on a windowsill, I suggest that educators first familiarize themselves with one book. And then show it to the children along with pictures and explanations. This book is called “Vegetable Garden on the Windowsill” from the Belaya Vorona publishing house. With its help, you will teach children to grow both ornamental and edible plants, and you will also be able to conduct some exciting experiments.

You can also buy ready-made seeds , which are intended specifically for gardening on the windowsill - and you can be sure that green beauty will not keep you waiting long. These spices can be cut off and they will immediately grow again. Perhaps with your mini-garden you can satisfy the requests of preschool kitchen workers for parsley, dill, basil and other spices.

You can even hold a competition for the best vegetable garden on the windowsill among kindergarten groups. In this case, of course, an important role should be given to design. In the senior and preparatory groups, students can become real participants in this event. You can ask each group to come up with names for their vegetable garden and write poems about it.


The easiest way to grow mint is on a windowsill, since it is not sensitive to light, moisture, or soil quality. Different species get along well with each other, even if assorted mint is planted in one pot.

It is not recommended to sow mint seeds at home - it takes too long. It is better to buy seedlings with roots in a store or market. Mint takes up to 12-14 days to take root, and then it begins to grow quickly, spreading an incredible aroma throughout the apartment.


The rosemary cuttings are immediately planted in the ground for rooting. There is no need to pre-plant it in water. You need to create a greenhouse on top - film or a glass jar will do. The root will get stronger in 2 weeks, then the “greenhouse” must be eliminated.

You need to put drainage at the bottom of the container with soil. Rosemary loves fresh air, but is afraid of drafts. There are no special instructions for watering this plant, but you need to sprinkle the leaves with water from time to time.

Consultation and advice for educators “Organizing a vegetable garden on the window”

Olga Fedorovskaya

Consultation and advice for educators “Organizing a vegetable garden on the window”

The influence of the surrounding world on the development of a child is enormous. Acquaintance with endless, constantly changing phenomena begins from the first years of a child’s life. Natural phenomena and objects attract children with their beauty, bright colors, and diversity. By observing them, the child enriches his sensory experience, on which his further creativity is based. The more deeply a child learns about the mysteries of the world around him, the more questions he has. The main task of an adult is to help the child find answers to these questions on his own. In order to satisfy children's curiosity, instill the first skills of activity and independent thinking, conditions are created for children's search and research activities, which contributes to the formation of aesthetic perception , a sense of beauty and a humane attitude towards nature in children.

Children will be convinced that a garden on the window , made with their own hands, will provide tasty and fresh vegetables and herbs grown by them, which are not only tasty, but also healthy, since they do not contain any chemicals.

A children's garden on the window will give great pleasure, beauty and great health benefits. Moreover, the process of caring for and growing a vegetable garden is very exciting and interesting. With the joint efforts of children and teachers , you can create a beautiful and tasty harvest on the window .

A vegetable garden on the window is a kind of “vitamin oasis.” In fact, such a wonderful idea can be implemented very simply and quickly.

Such knowledge will allow little gardeners the garden on the window with even greater interest .

Remember that the window where the garden will be placed is better to face the sun.

Choosing the design of the future vegetable garden on the window .

It’s very easy to create a garden design on , the main thing is imagination.

brightly decorated vegetable garden will look fun and unusual, and will delight everyone with its attractive appearance.

It is very important to provide proper lighting for the garden , optimal temperature and humidity. But this is not all the requirements for successful growth.

Good and high-quality soil, thanks to which the plants will bear fruit, must be correctly selected.

Useful tips for favorable flowering of a mini-garden on the window :

1. Sow the seeds of your favorite crops evenly.

2. Caring for a vegetable garden on a window is not very difficult, the main thing is to water it systematically.

3. The temperature for plants should be above 17 degrees, otherwise the plants will rot and not bear fruit.

4. The window where the vegetable garden must be carefully sealed and not allow drafts to pass through.

5. For climbing plants, it is necessary to create a special design .

6. Choose plants for the window garden so that they are adapted to the room and are not too whimsical.

A vegetable garden on the windowsill in a kindergarten promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, this helps to better understand plant life. He is able to expand children's ideas about plants as living organisms , about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop an aesthetic sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the plants grown and the results of their work.

Such a children's garden will perfectly decorate the interior, and the environmentally friendly and always fresh fruits will never cease to please the children all year round.

Especially such a garden will be very useful in the winter season, when the amount of vitamins is limited.

In order to decorate a vegetable garden on the window , educators need to apply their creativity and involve parents in the design.

Grow a vegetable garden with your children and eat the fruits with pleasure!

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Growing vegetables

In addition to greens, you can grow vegetables in the garden on the windowsill in winter. For beginners, the lighting should be of the highest quality possible so that there are no problems with the plants. Those who have already practiced growing crops already know from their own experience what kind of light is needed for which vegetables.


It seems that growing cucumbers in an apartment is unrealistic. With the right approach and proper care, everything is possible! Cucumbers are not very picky, so you can enjoy fresh salad in December and March.

Advantages of planting cucumbers on the windowsill:

  • it's not difficult, even a beginner can easily cope with this task
  • one and a half months after planting, you can enjoy juicy and healthy fruits
  • You can provide your table with delicious fresh salads all year round

Before growing cucumbers in your apartment, it is important to know that not all varieties are suitable for this. It is better to give preference to self-pollinating, bush and shade-tolerant ones. The following varieties are suitable for this:

  • Legend F1
  • Marinda F1
  • Connie F1
  • Debut
  • Athlete
  • Babylon
  • Claudia F1

Beginners are advised to choose a variety from the list, then the harvest is guaranteed.

For cucumbers, you need to create favorable conditions so that the plant is quickly saturated with vitamins and soon bears fruit:

  • Light. Cucumbers are photophilous, so natural light will not be enough for them. It is necessary to purchase fluorescent lamps to illuminate the plant when it gets dark outside or the weather is cloudy.
  • Warm. For these plants, it is important to provide a regime from +20 to +24 degrees. At a lower temperature, the fruits will take a long time to ripen and will not turn out juicy and crispy.
  • Moisture. Cucumbers do not tolerate drought either in the garden or on the windowsill. It is necessary to strictly monitor soil moisture.

Bush hybrids are best planted in a plastic container or flower pot (large). The seedlings are planted immediately. You can buy it, or prepare it in advance, in the fall.

You can watch the video on how to grow cucumbers and tomatoes on a windowsill:


A tomato on the windowsill is the dream of every housewife. Bush indoor tomatoes are not picky about moisture and temperature. They need to be watered as the soil dries and keep the temperature from +17 to +24 degrees. The room where the tomatoes are located can be ventilated, since, unlike cucumbers, they are not afraid of drafts. The following varieties of seedlings are best suited for the home garden:

  • Balcony miracle
  • Room surprise
  • Betta
  • Bansai
  • Cherry
  • Florida
  • Talisma

As a rule, the seeds indicate that this variety is suitable for growing indoors.

What do you need to grow vegetables, herbs and berries at home on the windowsill?

  • Place . Usually this is a windowsill or balcony. It is better if they face the sunny side. If not, lamps will be required for additional lighting. If necessary, the window sill can be expanded or shelves can be built for “beds” (the minimum distance between shelves is 50 cm).
  • Containers . Beds for a home garden can be clay or plastic pots or wooden boxes. The main thing is that there are holes in the bottom for draining water. It is recommended to place containers on pallets.
  • Soil . There are many soil mixtures for indoor gardening. As a rule, several layers are made: peat, compost, turf. You can prepare the soil yourself, or you can buy it at a specialized store.
  • Seeds . Some varieties of tomatoes or cucumbers grow well at home, while others do not even sprout. Therefore, before you start indoor gardening, you need to sit on forums, read articles on the Internet and find out what seeds to buy.

In addition, you may need fertilizers, fertilizing, a thermometer and a vessel for settling water (houseplants are watered with water at room temperature, separated from chlorine).

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