Methodological development “Use of the game set “Froebel’s Gifts” in preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education

Set 1 – Textile balls

Multi-colored textile balls on strings can be used for games from infancy. They are very unusual, embossed, pleasant to the touch. They can be rolled, lowered and raised, and rocked. The child will learn what “up”, “down”, “around”, “straight”, “right”, “left” are. He gets acquainted with the properties of the ball: the absence of angles, instability.

Guidelines for set 1

A set of textile balls is recommended for use with children starting from 6 months of age.

  • First of all, you should pay attention to exercises related to fine motor skills. The balls can be squeezed and unclenched, feeling how the shape of the toy changes.
  • To improve the grasping function of your fingers and hands, the catch-and-throw game is suitable. The child tries to catch the ball flying towards him and throws it back, straining his arm muscles.
  • The string on the balls allows you to hang the toy so that it can swing freely. The baby pushes the balls from side to side, observing the change in the position of the object. In this way, children gain their first knowledge about the movement of objects in space.

What does it contain?

  • 8 wool balls of different colors.

Set 11 - Colored Bodies

The beads are made in the form of different geometric shapes: balls, cylinders, halves of a cylinder, triangular and quadrangular prisms, parallelepipeds. They also differ in color. They can be strung on a string to solve various problems.

The figures are quite large and can be easily held in a child's hand. The child can sort them. This is good counting material.

Guidelines for kit 11

Recommended for children from 2-3 years old

  • Children are invited to create funny caterpillars and worms from beads. You can make the task more difficult by giving each child instructions on which beads they should use.
  • As an exercise in perseverance, patience and fine motor skills, children completely string each type of bead onto a string. The goal of the game is to find out how many balls, cylinders, triangles and other figures fit on a rope.
  • The effective development of the ability to distinguish objects is facilitated by conventional sorting by colors and shapes.

What does it contain?

  • Rope.
  • Beads.

Set 6 – Cubes, posts and bricks

A more complicated version of the fifth set. It is complemented by cylinders and cylinder halves. This opens up great design possibilities. The child gets acquainted with new figures.

Guidelines for kit 6

Recommended age for classes is 5 years.

  • Thanks to the expanded set, children can try their hand at building more complex objects. Together with the sets of previous sets, it will be possible to create improved versions of houses and structures.
  • Mini-quizzes are suitable for developing spatial and logical thinking. The child takes two or more objects and tells how each figure is different. During a group lesson, you can divide into teams. The group that names more differences than their opponents wins.
  • Building the largest tower allows you to compete and show your skills. To play, you will need items from all previous sets. Children take turns placing the figures on top of each other. If the tower is broken, the game starts again.

What does it contain?

  • Cubes.
  • Prisms.
  • Cylinders.
  • Halves of cylinders.

Set 9 – Rings and half rings

You can build different patterns from thin rings and half rings. The child creates patterns, thus mastering writing and drawing. Painted and unpainted elements are available. They differ from each other in diameter.

Guidelines for kit 9

Recommended age: 5 years.

  • Together with the previous sets, the set of rings clearly explains the dimensions of objects. Trying to thread a ring onto cylinders, bars and other shapes, the child independently comes to the correct connection of objects according to the size of the things used.
  • Using half rings you can create pictures - waves, flowers, etc.
  • Sorting by color, shape and size is an effective exercise for fine motor skills and logic.

What does it contain?

  • Rings.
  • Half rings.

Set 8 – Sticks

The set includes a case with nine compartments. Each of them contains sticks. They differ in length and also in color. There are unpainted parts. Objects are used not only to create drawings, but also to teach counting and problem solving.

Guidelines for kit 8

Recommended age: 5 years.

  • From several sticks you can create a two-dimensional projection of geometric shapes - a square, a rectangle.
  • Counting sticks by color has a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills and logic. To complicate the game, the child is given a random set of sticks, from which it is necessary to count the number of each color and determine which color is missing.
  • Thanks to the different lengths of the sticks, it is possible to create entire words.

What does it contain?

  • Sticks 9 types.

Set 12 – Mosaic, lacing

The original mosaic from Froebel is distinguished by the presence of colored ropes that can be used to connect different pieces. From them you can collect different images: from simple to complex. The parts are rounded and therefore safe. They fit tightly into the base and do not fall out of it. You can connect only chips of the same color with ropes or create a pattern with them.

Guidelines for kit 12

Recommended age: 2-3 years. The basis of any games with lacing is the sensory development of children.

  • The child’s task is to make a picture named by the teacher from multi-colored chips.
  • Using strings, you can lace the board through the holes. The game will be a good simulator for children to improve the skill of lacing their own shoes in the future.
  • After the child has created a figure from the chips, you can ask him to circle each chip of the same color with a string.

What does it contain?

  • Colored ropes.
  • Stand with holes.
  • Chips of different colors.

Set 3 - Cube made of cubes

The set includes eight absolutely identical small cubes, from which you can add one large cube. The child learns to count, understand what a part and a whole are, how to make a big one out of small elements. You can build towers from cubes.

Guidelines for set 3

Set 3 is suitable for children from 3 years old.

  • Playing with blocks develops building skills in children. To gain first knowledge, it is recommended to start with simple models. The kid can build a table and a chair, create a staircase with steps or a pyramid.
  • For the next game you will need to use all the dice from the set. You need to build a high tower and try not to drop a single cube.
  • The number of items allows you to create cubes of different sizes. Comparing the size of figures helps to clearly see how and how things in nature differ.

What does it contain?

  • 8 identical cubes

Set 2 - Main bodies

The second set will allow the baby to become familiar with basic geometric shapes. He compares them, finds similarities and differences. The toys have metal hooks, so they can be hung on the crossbar using strings. The design is installed on the box and is stable.

Guidelines for set 2

The second set is recommended for classes with children of a more conscious age - from 2-3 years old.

  • This set of geometric shapes is suitable for conducting a variety of experiments. For example, if you roll all 3 pieces down an inclined surface, which one will end up at the bottom faster than the others?
  • You can hang each figurine by a hook and invite your child to look at it from different angles. This will develop spatial thinking, and the baby will learn to see differences.
  • To study the properties of geometric shapes, the game “Turrets” is suitable. Children, together with adults, try to place the figures on top of each other. The children's task is to answer why certain types of objects cannot become a strong foundation for a structure.

What does it contain?

  • Ball.
  • Cylinder.
  • Cube
  • Fastenings.

Set 4 – Cube made of bars

Instead of cubes, the set includes blocks. The child observes how from one figure one can assemble a completely different one - a cube. You can assemble not only towers, but also more complex structures, and compare them with each other.

Guidelines for set 4

Recommended age for children is 3-4 years. A set of bars together with the previous set expands the options for exercises and the field for creativity.

  • The set is a continuation of the construction theme. Together with the cubes, the bars allow you to build houses and add roofs to structures.
  • Using an example, oblong figures explain how to create a completely new object from one shape - the bars turn into a large cube.
  • Thanks to the long shape of the block, it is possible to grow a tower higher than the previous one.

What does it contain?

  • A set of identical blocks.

Set 10 – Chips

The set includes small round chips. They come in 9 different colors and are stored in separate compartments. They can be mixed and disassembled, clearly illustrated with examples and tasks. Fine motor skills and logical thinking develop.

Guidelines for kit 10

Recommended for children over 5 years old.

  • The variety of colors and compact size of the chips allows them to be used in solving mathematical problems. To make the learning process more interesting and enjoyable, each color is given the name of the available objects from the task. For example, if the problem is about an apple, take a red or green chip, any color the children like is suitable for the machine.
  • Alternatively, children can create a variety of pictures in the form of dot mosaics.
  • The set is completely poured into one container, and the children’s task is to sort the chips by color as quickly as possible.

What does it contain?

  • Multi-colored chips.
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