Job description of a preschool teacher (kindergarten)
A job description for a kindergarten teacher is needed as an addition to the employment contract, which explains it
Principles of aesthetic education - Formation of aesthetic feelings in preschool age
Formation of aesthetic feelings in preschool age Aesthetic education is not innate. She's starting to form
Literary living room as a form of nurturing love and interest in the literary word among preschoolers
Musical and literary lounge for children and parents of the preparatory group “Fairy-tale images of A.S. Pushkin in the music of Russian composers"
Literary living room as a form of nurturing love and interest in the literary word among preschoolers Tamara
Self-education topic: ecology
Teacher self-education plan on the topic: Environmental education of preschool children through play activities
Five stages of a plan for self-education on the topic of ecology Stage I – informational and analytical.
Genres of painting in fine arts
Genres of painting in the fine arts and their brief descriptions for children with examples of paintings and artists
At what age should a child be introduced to such a concept as genres of painting in the visual arts?
Teaching role-playing games for children of senior preschool age with mental retardation
Salon. Summary of plot-role-playing games in all age groups
Thematic role-playing game “Barbershop” Summary of a lesson on teaching thematic role-playing game for children of senior preschool age
Summary of the lesson on testoplasty “Toys painted here” for children with special needs 5-6 years old.
How to prepare salted dough In testoplasty, salt dough familiar to all young mothers is used. Compound
Life safety. Life safety in kindergarten in the middle group
Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old Notes on "Dangerous Objects"
Finger games for children 4-5 years old in kindergarten: card index for the teacher and parents
How to play finger games? To achieve the desired result you need to pay attention to some
Subject drawing in the middle groupan article on drawing (middle group) on the topic
Drawing. Notes for drawing lessons, GCD in the middle group of GCD for drawing with children
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