Classes, exercises and games with balls, on balls, in balls. Training, correction, prevention
Tasks that are set during classes In outdoor games with a ball, preschoolers acquire the necessary
Extracurricular activity “Travel through the branches of the military”
Educational presentation “For children about the branches of the Russian military” for older preschoolers Presentation progress Slide 2,
Drawing lesson in the second junior group on the topic “Planes are flying”
Exciting activities for children from 3 to 4 years old on drawing with colored pencils and gouache
math game insert the signs
Logic games and exercises for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in older preschoolers
Math games for preschoolers 6-7 years old Math games for children 6-7 years old
Mini-laboratory “Get to know” - experimental research activities of preschoolers
Mini-laboratory “Know-ka” - experimental research activities of preschoolers Relevance of the chosen topic 2 Advantages of experimental research activities 3 Modern
Interesting facts about Great Britain: geography, culture and history for schoolchildren
Interesting facts about Great Britain: geography, culture and history for schoolchildren
Once upon a time, Great Britain was considered one of the most influential countries in the world - its government had
Diary of observations of a vegetable garden on a window in a kindergarten in pictures
Kosenkova Marina Diary of observations of plant growth as part of the competition “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” Children’s
How to celebrate a birthday in kindergarten
"Happy birthday!" Birthday corner in kindergarten
A birthday is not just another reason to receive gifts, but a significant event that
Report about Rowan 2, 3, 4, 5 grade message, the world around us
Reports and messages Plants Rowan Rowan is an unforgettable plant, the bright berries of which are often
Sports quest game “In Search of Magic Candies”
Sports quest for older preschoolers of preschool educational institutions Summary of a sports quest with children and parents in
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