Correctional and developmental lesson on the development of cognitive processes with children of senior preschool age “We develop while playing”
Relieving anxiety in preschoolers Home / Classes and trainings / Outline of a correctional and developmental lesson for
Drawing lesson on the topic “Dishes” in the middle group
Preparatory stage A distinctive feature of children 3–4 years old is increased restlessness and activity. Therefore, when
Features of the emotional sphere of a preschool child
Features of the emotional development of a preschool child The problem of our time is that many children have
9 Simple Science Experiments You Can Do to Have Fun with Your Kids
Maria Savchenko Experimental activities in the preparatory group. How to Create a Rainbow Introduction Every person though
Construction sets for teaching children robotics
Features of the development of engineering thinking in preschool children
10/22/2018 Yulia Shevchenko General Director of the Perm Center for the Development of Giftedness Yulia Shevchenko took part in
Creative report from a teacher on self-education
Self-education report by teacher Nina Vladimirovna Grigoryan for the 2022-2020 academic year
Report on self-education of teacher Nina Vladimirovna Grigoryan for the 2022 -2020 academic year Municipal Autonomous
Excursion to school. Senior group. Teacher Kupina A.Yu.
Myth No. 4. The more preparation, the better. We have a boy in our kindergarten.
Folder for parents “Road Rules”
We are 10 years old and our reputation is important to us. Traffic rules plan for the senior group
Program of the physical education and health club “Healthy Guy”
Program of the physical education and health club “Healthy Guy” Explanatory note Man is the highest creation of nature. But for that
Thematic week “Visiting a fairy tale.” Senior group
Thematic week “Visiting a fairy tale.” Senior group Topic of the week: “The fairy tale is a lie, but in
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