Shadow puppet theater for primary school studentsmethodological development on the topic
Shadow theater templates: Kolobok fairy tale template For a theatrical production of Kolobok, you will need a template with the main
PLAN of activities for the implementation of the program of spiritual and moral education for the 2020-2021 academic year
In what areas do you need to work? Psychologists recommend not mixing all types of activities, but clearly
Summary of an open lesson on the world around us Topic: “Journey to the forest”.
Summary of the integrated lesson “Educational game-trip to the winter forest.” Senior group Synopsis of an integrated game lesson
Summary of educational activities for cognitive development with children of the preparatory group “Types of transport”
Summary of GCD on cognitive development with children of the preparatory group “Types of transport” GCD in the preparatory
Presentation “What kind of houses are there?” presentation for a lesson on the world around us (senior group) on the topic
How are such visual aids useful? Pictures and coloring pages as examples and training exercises
Mothers Day
Long-term plan of entertainment and leisure for the year (multi-age senior preparatory group)
Long-term plan for entertainment and leisure for the year (multi-age senior preparatory group) Evgeniya Velichko Long-term plan
Pedagogical project on environmental education of preschool children “Ecological path”
Organization of environmental projects For environmental projects in different groups, it is preferable to choose topics related to native
Project in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic “The Magic World of Theater”
Project in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic “The Magic World of Theater” Organization of project activities
Intelligence development in children: what to pay attention to
Types of Intelligence Psychologist Howarth Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences. Its essence is that
Workbook. Section: “Construction” according to the “Development” program L.A. Wenger, edited by A.I. Bulycheva for children of the senior group
Ekaterina Puchkina Schemes and card index of buildings based on Lego construction. Card index of games based on Lego design. 1.
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