Theory and practice of finger gymnastics in the senior group
Organization and conduct of finger gymnastics In the senior group, special attention is paid to development exercises
12/20/2018 Notes on drawing on the topic: “Beautiful Bird” in the middle group; outline of a drawing lesson (middle group)
Specific options within the framework of the theme “Birds” According to the program for fine arts by T. Komarova in
Card index of winter walks in the senior group of kindergarten (December)
Card index of walks "Winter" For older ages No. 27 Comparative observation of the bullfinch and waxwing
Lifting paint from the surface of watercolor paper
Summary of an open lesson on art “Drawing using the wet-on-wet technique (with reflection) “Reflection of trees in water”
Lifting of paint from the surface of the paper. As long as the paper is still damp, you can
theater in preschool educational institution
Relevance, purpose and objectives of theatrical activities in preschool education.
Relevance, purpose and objectives of theatrical activities in preschool education. Theatrical activity is a source of development
Riddles about animals - a selection of the most interesting riddles
About domestic animals It gives us milk, although it is not a cow, It is ready to share its wool. She
Subject-developmental environment in the middle group of kindergarten within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard
Subject-based development environment in the middle group of kindergarten within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard Slide 1 Subject-based development environment
work of preschool teachers and educators
Report on the topic: “Content, types and main areas of activity of preschool educational institutions. "
The work of a kindergarten teacher is extremely important for the future of the entire country, because he is entrusted with
Didactic game on sensory education in an early age group “Razvivashka”
Teacher's methodical piggy bank: Educational games to help the teacher for children 5–6 years old in kindergarten
Games and toys for kids Contained in sections: Didactic games 32101 Sensory development and
Summary of the lesson on modeling “Summer carpet” in the second junior group
Lesson summary for modeling "Summer Carpet" in the second junior group Alexandra Neshataeva Lesson summary
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