Summary of a lesson on environmental education in the preparatory group
Summary of a lesson on environmental education in the preparatory group. Summary of the NOOD on environmental education for
The current stage of development of preschool education is characterized by the rapid pace of introduction of innovative technologies into work practice
Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education
The importance of innovative activity in a preschool institution Innovation (eng. innovation) - innovation, innovation. Leveraging Innovation
funny riddles with a trick
Riddles about musical instruments for children: 28 best
Funny riddles for children Comic riddles are great for developing a child's attentiveness. After all, to give the right
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Sound (S)”
Lesson 1 Spatial orientation Cross orientation. - Place your right hand on your left shoulder. Put
Review competition “Garden fairy tale on the window.” Environmental education and upbringing of preschool children is currently becoming one of the priority areas. - presentation
Vegetable garden on the windowsill based on the fairy tale “Puff” Zhanna Pribe Vegetable garden on the windowsill based on the fairy tale “Puff”
Self-analysis of a kindergarten teacher’s GEF lesson – what mistakes should be avoided?
Difficulties and questions I have already raised this topic in the article “Self-analysis of a teacher: how to properly
Self-analysis of GCD in the preparatory school group. Educational field "Speech development". Topic: Quest game “Journey to the Island of Correct Speech.”
Self-analysis GCD Tatyana Zvyagina Self-analysis GCD Self-analysis. GCD senior group “The Magic World of Butterflies” Integration
Open speech therapy lesson in the senior group “In the land of beautiful speech” outline of a speech therapy lesson (senior group)
Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old Integrated speech therapy session with older children
girls playing with a red box
Independent activity of children in the 1st junior group of kindergarten: planning, forms, conditions and tasks
In order to achieve the educational goal set for them, teaching staff of kindergartens must use
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