History of Christmas tree decorations
Summary of a lesson on speech development for children 5-6 years old “Making descriptive stories about toys” using mnemonic diagrams
There are Christmas tree decorations in boxes in the attic, waiting for their finest hour to come.
FEMP work program in kindergarten, senior group
Lesson notes on FEMP in the senior group Tatyana Leontyeva Lesson notes on FEMP in the senior group
Methodological development for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Writing methodological recommendations by a teacher of an educational institution”
photo from the website ria.ru There are creative teachers in the world who have something to share with colleagues
Notes on drawing in the preparatory group “We are young designers”
Notes on drawing in the preparatory group "We are young designers" Notes on children's lessons
Walks in the preparatory group, a file cabinet with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard
Card index of walks in the preparatory group according to the seasons Card index of walks associated with the change of seasons
GCD construct. Didactic game “Fruits and vegetables”
Didactic game "Vegetables and Fruits" The purpose of the didactic game "Vegetables, Fruits" is to form an idea of
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. In a forest clearing
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. In a forest clearing Summary of GCD in the preparatory group at
Lesson outline on the topic: “Journey to the forest” for senior preschool age
Lesson summary “Forest is our wealth.” Senior group Summary of an open lesson in the senior group
Lesson summary “Travel along an ecological trail”
Summary of a lesson on ecology in kindergarten in the senior group “What is changing in the forest”
Drawing in the preparatory group what an autumn leaf can become
Progress of the lesson. The teacher asks a riddle: I bring harvests, I sow the fields again, Birds to the south
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