Training according to an individual curriculum at school
Training according to an individual curriculum at school
What is an individual curriculum? A curriculum is a document that describes in detail
Social project for moral and labor education of preschoolers “Patience and work will grind everything!”
Project duration: short-term (November). Type of project: educational and informational Project participants: children of the preparatory group, teachers, parents,
What is IOM, which children need it and how to compose it?
Individual development route for a pupil with disabilities
Modern parenting In recent years, new values ​​for raising children have taken shape in our country.
educational environment of educational institution
The educational environment as a set of conditions that ensure the development of children in preschool educational institutions
The concept of the educational process in preschool educational institutions In modern conditions of the preschool education system, the main goals and
Ural: the splendor of Russia
Educational and creative project “Travel around the world”
Ural: the splendor of Russia and beautiful gems Ural: the splendor of Russia Next comes another beautiful
Summary of the walk in the middle group “Hello, golden autumn!”
Planning walks in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard Let's consider the file of observation walks for the middle group of a preschool educational institution.
“Autumn has come to visit us” Entertainment for children of the younger group.
“Autumn has come to visit us, autumn has brought a holiday.” So, autumn has dressed up, guests are invited,
Riddles with answers for children 5-7 years old on the topic: Fairy tales
Riddles about fairy-tale heroes Riddles about fairy-tale heroes are perhaps one of the most popular among
clothes in English for children
Clothes and hats. Visual aids and games.
Fourth Extra Goal. Development of thinking. Task. Familiarization with the surroundings (clothes, shoes, hats). Equipment.
Didactic game for speech development in the preparatory group “Fun Train”
Objectives of the game and preparation of didactic material The train for the game is a flat image from
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