Summary of a dramatization game for children of the 2nd junior group

Game-drama based on the fairy tale “Turnip” in the first junior group

Nadezhda Sherstobitova
Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale “Turnip” in the first junior group
Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale
Turnip in
the first junior group .
Goal: Development of the child’s emotional sphere, formation of trusting relationships, activation of attention.

Educational: Learn to coordinate your actions when conducting a dramatization game, continue to introduce children to Russian folk art and fairy tales .

Developmental: Expand and enrich children’s vocabulary with action words (went, pulled, came running, called, continue to develop the pronunciation of vowel sounds through onomatopoeia ( “meow-meow”

, develop articulation, motor activity with poetic accompaniment,

Educational: To foster interest and respect for pieces of theatrical and play equipment, to develop a desire to transform into the depicted images, using various means of expression, to encourage children to express pleasure and joy from emotional cooperation and empathy.

Material and equipment:

Decorations for the game, attributes characteristic of each character in the fairy tale Turnip

turnip (large, musical fragment from A. Filippenko’s collection “Marichka”

Preliminary work: reading and telling the fairy tale Turnip

, showing
a fairy tale using various types of theater, getting to know all the characters in the fairy tale , looking at illustrations for the fairy tale .
Characters: presenter, turnip , grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, mug, mouse, cloud.

Outline of a dramatization game based on the fairy tale “Pykh” for children of the second junior group

Outline of a dramatization game based on the fairy tale “Pykh”

for children of the second younger group .

Goal: To develop children interest in games – dramatizations. children’s ability to reflect some game actions and imitate the actions of characters, to convey simple emotional states of characters, using at least one means of expressiveness - facial expressions, gestures, movement (smiles, makes a scared face, shakes his head, waves his hands, etc.)

— Promote speech development;

— Contribute to the creation of an emotionally positive mood children

— Development of perception, attention, thinking;

— Nurturing love, kindness, and caring attitude towards the world around us through a fairy tale .

Type of game - game - dramatization.

Materials and equipment: musical accompaniment (fragments of folk music, costumes of grandmother, grandfather, Alenka, hedgehog hat, garden decorations (a bed with cabbage, carrots, beets, turnips)


• reading and telling fairy tales ,

• conversation based on a fairy tale ,

• looking at pictures and illustrations,

• finding expressive means to convey the speech of fairy tale , the characters’ movements,

• selection of props, costumes, creation of scenery,

• exercises in imitation of movements, voices of characters.

Characters: Storyteller , grandfather, grandmother, Alenka, friend Masha, hedgehog, bees, mosquitoes.

Dramatization game based on the fairy tale “Teremok” in the first junior group

Natalya Visyasheva
Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale “Teremok” in the first junior group

" Game-dramatization of the fairy tale " Teremok "

in the 1st
junior group
To develop interest in theatrical play and their creative abilities.

— Continue to teach children to act out the fairy tale by performing individual actions and pronounce the characters’ lines.

— Help increase the expressiveness of speech and movements.

— Develop attention, memory, communication skills.

-Maintain interest in theatrical games , cultivate friendly relationships.

Educational field: social and communicative development.

Integration of educational areas: social - communicative, artistic - aesthetic (music, speech, physical development.

Equipment and materials: house - tower , character hats (mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear, chest.

GCD move

The fairy tale is hidden in a riddle. Well, try to guess. If you find out the answer. The fairy tale will come to us again ! (the teacher asks riddles)


Fox, fox, fox! Very cunning eyes, Fur coat - you can’t take your eyes off. “I love to eat chicken!”

Clumsy, clubfooted. A bear walks through the forest. If they ask what he likes, he will say: “I would like to eat honey!”

The bunny went out for a walk. He began to jump and play. Suddenly there was a cracking and clicking sound. He pressed his ears, jumped and hopped.

The frog sits with its eyes bulging. He doesn't speak Russian. She likes to live alone in the swamp. She catches mosquitoes.

A gray toothy wolf prowls the field. Calves, lambs, looking.

This is where the fairy tale ends , and well done to those who listened.

Summary of the lesson “Visiting a fairy tale” in the second junior group. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Who Said Meow?” Alibekova Ulmeken “Visiting a fairy tale” in the 2nd junior group. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Who Said Meow?” In order to come visit a fairy tale.

Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Teremok" Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Teremok" Goal: to continue working on the development of children's speech abilities; develop theatrical.

Dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Teremok” with children of middle preschool age. Integration of educational areas: speech, cognitive, social-communicative, artistic-aesthetic, physical. Target:.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok” (second junior group) Objectives: To teach children to consistently present the plot of a fairy tale; develop children's dialogical speech, answer expressively and ask questions.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok" Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok". Objectives: consolidate children’s knowledge of genres, develop intonation expressiveness of speech, teach them to imitate movements.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about their favorite fairy-tale characters. Objectives: To develop in children the ability to guess the names of Russian folk tales.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok” by children of senior preschool age Educational areas: “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development” “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Speech.

Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale “Teremok” for children of the second junior group Purpose: To develop children’s interest in games - dramatization. To help develop children’s ability to reflect certain play actions.

Summary of educational activities in the second junior group. Game-dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok” Summary of direct educational activities in the 2nd junior group. The game is a dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”. Educator: Pilyugina.

Scenario for the second younger group. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok" Purpose: Formation of children's creative abilities. Objectives: 1. Teach students to improvise the simplest movements, imitative movements.


Progress of the game:

Children enter the group and see the decoration of a village house, a vegetable garden with beds.

-Where are we, guys?

- Which fairy tales have a house and a garden ?

Children's answers (Turnip, Pykh)


— Do you want to become the heroes of the fairy tale “Pykh”


There are costumes and a “magic”

box with hero cards.

- Let's choose who will be who. The teacher shows the card and the children choose a hero.

Children dress up in costumes.

-Once upon a time there lived a grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter Alyonka. And they had a vegetable garden. Cabbage, beets, carrots and yellow turnips grew in the garden. One day my grandfather wanted to eat turnips. He went out into the garden. He walks and walks, and in the garden it is hot and quiet, only the bees are buzzing and the mosquitoes are ringing.

Grandfather passed a bed with cabbage, passed a bed with beets, passed a bed with carrots... And here the turnip is growing.

watch how everything grows.

Everything grows, everything blooms,

Come to the garden

Grandfather: (pointing to vegetables)

- here is a carrot - sweet, hard, orange, tasty, you can make a salad from it;

- but the beets are round, burgundy, hard, healthy, my grandmother will make me a vinaigrette from them;

- but the cabbage is green, hard, juicy, round, and my grandmother will cook cabbage soup from it;

- and here are the turnips - yellow, hard, tasty.

Hedgehog (from behind a turnip)

: “Puff” – “puff” – “puff”.

(grandfather gets scared and runs home)

Grandfather: oh, grandma, there’s someone scary sitting and puffing under the turnip tree. Scared

Grandma: Why, you’re older! I'll go get the turnip myself.

I'll drag carrots

And I’ll bring the beets.

I'll cut a head of cabbage

Round, juicy, very tasty.

- but the beets are round, burgundy, hard, healthy, I’ll cook my grandfather borscht from them;

- but the cabbage is green, hard, juicy, round, crispy; I bake cabbage pies for my grandfather;

Hedgehog (from behind a turnip)

: “Puff” – “puff” – “puff”.

Storyteller : the grandmother got scared, ran away and sat down on a bench. They are sitting with their grandfather

Storyteller : Alyonushka came home.

Alyonushka: Don’t worry, grandfather and grandmother, I’ll go to the garden and bring you a turnip.

We dug up the beds in the spring.

We plowed, watered,

The harvest has now been harvested.

Here is a carrot - juicy, beautiful, tasty, crispy, sweet -

grandma will prepare the salad;

- and here is the turnip - yellow, round, hard, sweet, sweet.

Hedgehog from behind a turnip: “Puff” – “puff” – “puff.”

Storyteller : Alyonushka was not afraid, she leaned closer and saw: a prickly bun lying behind the turnip.

Alyonushka: Oh, it’s a hedgehog.

Storyteller : Alenka took the turnip, put the hedgehog in her apron - and went home.

Alyonushka: Here's a turnip! And here is a terrible beast for you - a hedgehog.

- Well done Alenka! What a brave girl!

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Dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Teremok” in the 2nd junior group

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok” in the second junior group “Sun”
Goal: Formation of children’s creative abilities. Objectives: 1.Teach students to improvise simple movements, imitation movements and singing skills; 2. Create an emotional mood in students to receive joy and satisfaction from participating in a fairy tale; 3. Foster a desire to help those who need help. Equipment: house-teremok, box with riddles and toys with answers, scenery, clearing, costumes for dramatizing fairy tales for children, costumes for presenters, musical arrangement, light music, poster, invitation cards. Characters: Presenter -1 Svetlana Viktorovna.
Presenter -2 Faina Kabdullaevna. Mouse - Dasha Volkova. Frog-Ulyana Apanasenko. Bunny – Maxim Bogdan. Fox - Dasha Strakhova. Wolf - Ignat Tsigir. Bear - Milana Pernitskaya. Progress of the lesson.

In the center of the group there is a house-teremok, a forest clearing is decorated, and chairs are prepared for children and guests in front of the house.
Children enter the group to the soundtrack “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” (music sounds low). They stand in a semicircle and greet guests in Kazakh and Russian. The presenter comes out and greets everyone. Presenter : Hello, my dear children, girls and boys, and you, dear guests, hello! you came to us today, we are always glad to have guests. Attention attention! Residents and guests of a fairy-tale, kindergarten, mysterious, cheerful, talkative, funny and happy state. In our wonderful kindergarten, the lesson will be interesting. Fairy tales are loved by everyone in the world, adults and children love them, they teach us how to live so that everyone around us can be friends. We will go to visit the fairy tale at this hour now. Today we will visit a fairy tale. ...and which one you will find out from after completing our task.. The presenter holds a box inside which contains toys based on the fairy tale “Teremok” Presenter: Children, we walked along the path and found a beautiful box. And the box is not simple, it’s magical, that’s how it is! Presenter: what a beautiful box, I wonder what’s in it? (he tries to open it, but it doesn’t open - Maybe a fairy tale? The fairy tale is hidden in a riddle. Well, try and guess. If the answer is correct, the fairy tale will come to us again! The presenter begins to make riddles and the box opens to the music.
1. A small ball fumbles under the bench . (mouse) (the box opens and he takes out a toy mouse.) 2. In the summer in the swamp you will find it. Green frog, who is it - (frog) 3. Rushes without looking back, only his heels sparkle. Quickly guess who this is a (bunny). 4. A cunning cheat, a red head. A fluffy tail - a beauty! What is her name? (a fox) 5. In the winter she sleeps - in the summer she stirs up hives (a bear).
Presenter : Well done guys, you guessed all the riddles, that’s how many toys were given to us by a magic box! Presenter : Children, be quiet, don’t make noise, don’t scare away our fairy tale, there are miracles here... The fairy tale is hidden for now! Don’t be sad, smile, the fairy tale gives you a surprise. Presenter : touches the toys with a magic wand and says: Fairy tale , fairy tale, come and bring the toys to life! Where are you, fairy tale, show yourself and answer the guys! (children close their eyes at this time children dressed in costumes appear). Presenter : The children were really looking forward to the fairy tale, the fairy tale is already friends here, the fairy tale has come here again. What is it called? Children: Teremok.. Presenter: The sun is shining, the fairy tale begins. We all know, we all believe, There is a wonderful tower in the world. Tower, tower, show yourself, show yourself, stop. Towards the forest with the garden facing us. And a window and a porch. Educator : Here comes Teremok, let's sit back and see what happens next. The red summer has flown by, the days have come rainy, no, damp in the rain. But the dry, excellent house, it’s true, the word is not bad, but it still stands empty, it really needs an owner, look... someone is splashing through the puddles... Educator: There is a mansion in the field, a mansion It’s not low, it’s not high, it’s not high . There's a mouse running across the field. She stopped at the door and knocked. Mouse: I knock on the door, I knock, I want to get into the little house. But the owners are silent. They don’t want to open it for me. I’m on the right, I’m on the left. I looked around the little house, the door was open, there was silence, I will live here alone. Educator: The mouse began to live in the mansion alone. There is a teremok in a field, a teremok It is not low, not high, not high. Educator : Here is a frog running across the field. Frog: Kva-kva-kva-kva. Educator : She stopped at the door and knocked. Frog: I'm knocking on the door, I'm knocking, I want to get into the little house, Who lives in the little house, Who lives in the low house? Mouse: I’m a little mouse, and who are you? Frog: And I'm a frog. Mouse: What can you do? Frog: I can read nursery rhymes. The frog reads the nursery rhyme “Cucumber, cucumber, don’t go to that end, the mouse lives there and will bite off your tail.” Mouse: Come in! Educator: The two of them began to live together, the mouse bakes pies, and the frog goes for water. Educator : There is a tower in the field, the tower is not low, not high, not high. Here a bunny runs across the field, stops at the door and knocks. Bunny: I knock on the door, knock, I want to get into the little house. Animals: Who is knocking on our door again? Bunny: I am a runaway bunny, Oh, let the bunny in and feed him lunch! Animals: What can you do? Bunny: I love to play. Let's play the round dance game “The little white bunny is sitting.” Educator : Well done, we played well. Animals: Come in, bunny, you will live with us. Educator : The three of them began to live together. The mouse bakes pies, the frog walks on water, and the bunny sings songs. Educator: There is a mansion in the field, a mansion, It is not low, not high, not high. Here is a little fox running across a field. Fox: - I am a fox, I am a little sister. I walk quietly. Early in the morning, out of habit, I went out hunting. Teacher: The Fox stopped at the door and knocked: I knock on the door, I knock, I want to get into the little house. Animals: Who's there? Fox: It’s me, little fox-sister. Will you let me into the little house? Animals: What can you do? Fox : Make riddles. 1.Lives in a hollow and gnaws nuts. 2.White in winter and gray in summer. 3. Fluffy tail, golden fur Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. Animals: Come in. Educator: The four of them began to live together. There is a mansion in the field, a mansion, It is not low, not high, not high. Here a top runs across the field, stops at the door and knocks. Wolf: I knock on the door, I knock, I want to get into the little mansion. Don't be afraid of me in our fairy tale miracles! I won’t eat anyone here, I’ll smile at everyone! Animals: What can you do? Wolf: I can sing a song. “Shadow, shadow, shadow,” and the guys will help me. (They sing a song shadow-shadow-shadow, the animals sat down under the fence, the bunny lolled around, come and catch up, the fox boasted - I am beautiful to the whole world, the bear boasted that I can sing songs, the hedgehogs boasted - our fur coats are good.) ... Animals: Come in. Educator: The five of them began to live. There is a mansion in the field, a mansion, It is not low, not high, not high. Here is a bear walking across the field, stopping at the door and knocking. Bear: I knock on the door, I knock, I want to get into the little house. Well, open up the animals and let me into the little house. Animals: What can you do? Bear: I am a bear, I am a bear, I can sing songs. Uh-uh-uh. Educator and animals : Teddy bear, little bear, You don’t know how to sing songs. Bear: I have been a bear for a long time, a wonderful dancer. Top, top, top. Teacher and animals: You are confused again, you don’t know how to dance. Educator : Animals, let's teach the bear to sing and dance. Dance “A bear and a doll are briskly stomping”
Bear: Well, thank you animals for teaching me to sing and dance.
For this I will treat you, help yourself. (Hands out treats) All the animals to the children : Children, have plenty of rest, quickly, quickly everyone get up, we invite all the people to a fun round dance!!!! (children dance to cheerful music) Presenter: The guys have been artists! And the guys showed us a fairy tale! The artists and spectators were all good!!!! Let's clap for each other from the bottom of our hearts!! Host: Dear guests and guys, thank you all very much for your attention.

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