Leisure “Holiday of Soap Bubbles” methodological development (senior group)

Game Bubbles Up!

All players form a circle. We choose one player to stand in the middle and give this player a bottle of bubbles and a stick to blow them out. Ask the player to blow as many bubbles as he can. The remaining players should try to keep the flying soap bubbles in the air for as long as possible by blowing upwards on them.

When the last bubble sits on the ground and bursts, a new player goes to the middle of the circle.

Play until everyone gets their turn in the center of the circle, or until you get bored, or until you run out of bubbles.

Game Bubble Art

Bursts of bubbles on the paper provide a base that you can then draw on. It's a combination of cooperative play and art project that kids will love. You just need to prepare colored solutions for soap bubbles in advance. To do this, read the article on how to make a solution for soap bubbles with your own hands, or just buy a ready-made solution and several jars of liquid food coloring (dyes for soap making are also suitable).

Take a set of several bowls, pour a solution of soap bubbles into each and add a drop of dye of a certain color. Bowls of even just three colors are quite enough, but you can make more.

We divide the children into pairs. One team member will dip the wand into the colors of their choice and blow a bubble. His teammate must hold a piece of paper and catch the bubble so that it bursts and a colored mark appears on the paper. We continue until the player with the bubbles says that his design on paper is ready. Then the players change places so that everyone can create their own art project on paper from bursting colored soap bubbles.

Then you can leave the sheets to dry and then get creative by completing the drawings.

Dance of frozen bubbles

Every child loves to play the freeze-freeze game and loves to pop bubbles. This game combines the love for both of these games. It is perfect for children's parties: outdoors in summer, indoors in winter.

First, we gather all the children in the central space. Now you need to turn on some music and dance the way you like. At this time, several adults should blow soap bubbles in a given dance space, and ask the children to burst as many bubbles as they can.

When the music stops, children should stop dancing and popping balloons - “freeze” in place. This is especially difficult for young children who prefer to keep popping the flying bubbles rather than "freeze."

  • Soap bubbles catalog

Everyone who did not have time to freeze leaves the game, and the next round begins.

But players who are “outside” the dancing area don't have to worry because they get to blow bubbles into the dancing crowd.

Continue playing until there is only one player left in the dance space. He is declared the winner.

Bubble Day at Summer School Camp

Summer holiday for junior schoolchildren “Show of Soap Bubbles”

Author: Repeshko Lyudmila Petrovna, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Olenovskaya School No. 1 of Volnovakha District”, town.
Olenovka, Donetsk region. Description: holiday-entertainment for the mood of adults and children of the school camp. Goal: to amuse adult and children's audiences! Objectives : create a cheerful festive mood.
Progress of the event.

Ved. -Good afternoon, dear guys, guests! Today we have a holiday "Show of Soap Bubbles"

This means everyone is in a good mood. We will listen, watch, play, and blow bubbles. How nice it is to play with soap bubbles. You blow and hundreds of light bubbles swirl around in a beautiful dance. Soap bubble. What is this? This is a multi-layer film of soapy water filled with air, which is mixed with different colors. At a temperature of -25* they freeze in the air. May break on the ground and crumble into crystal pieces.

1. — Blowing bubbles Like this, look. 2. -They are all airy and very naughty. 3. -To catch them, hold them in your palm. 4. - If you blow harder, there will be a lot of bubbles 5. - One, two, three, four, five - You will never catch them. 6. – Bubbles fly up easily, sparkling with the colors of the rainbow! 7. - The best holiday for children - - SOAP BUBBLES SHOW! Song "Feast of Soap Bubbles"

Ved. — Soap bubbles are a good thing. I want to let them out all day. But they run out and then new ones must be made. But as? - This is 1 drop of detergent and 2-3 drops of water.

— Guys, the fairy-tale hero Shrek uses the same recipe. Once upon a time there lived in a fairy-tale state a big, green giant named Shrek. He lived alone in the forest, in a swamp, which he considered his own. He lived in a swamp and blew bubbles. One day, the evil little Farquaad, the Ruler of the magical kingdom, mercilessly banished all the fairy-tale inhabitants to Shrek's swamp. And the carefree life of the giant Shrek came to an end. He suffered and was bored. And suddenly I heard that we were having a bubble festival. “This is what I need,” he thought and went to the Soap Bubble Show. And here he is in front of you - a fairy-tale hero! Look at this one! Someone gave him a toy: Not a car, not a firecracker, just a tube, look! And there were bubbles hidden inside. The bubbles are about to take off. The kids will make everyone happy. (Music. Shrek blows bubbles) Ved. - And now there's a commercial break. (Game with children) -Does a soap bubble look like an orange? (Yes) -Does he look like a tangerine? (Yes) -What about the apple in the garden? (Yes) -What about the fish there in the pond? (No) -Is the bubble like a globe? (Yes) -What about an inflatable ball? (Yes) -Does it look like a telephone? (No) -What about a big tape recorder? (No) -Is it round, like the sun in the sky? (Yes) -And on a bicycle wheel? (Yes) -Does it also look like a house? (No) -What about a white snowball? (Yes) Ved. Guys, do you like magic tricks? -Get ready, the magic is about to begin!

Game "Magic" (quiet music plays) Vedas. - You are water - water, 1. - You are my cold friend Become water - water Not simple - green (Children repeat) Eniki, beniki, clocus - Let's look at the first trick (green foam) 2. - You are water - water Light as frost Become water - voditsa Not simple, but blue (children repeat) Eniki, beniki, klokus - Here is your second trick (blue foam) 3. -You are water - voditsa, You are my beautiful friend Become water - voditsa Not simple, but red! (Children repeat) Eniki, benik, klokus - This is the third trick (red foam)

Ved. Guys, we often buy bubbles to have fun, but there are people for whom bubbles are their life’s work. Soap bubble master Feng Yan from Canada placed 125 people in a giant soap bubble. And recently the record increased: 181 people fit into the bubble. Ved. - And now, guys, we’re going to the country of “Bubbleland”. I’ll ask everyone not to get up and make noise, not to play around, not to make noise, to look carefully here.

Bubble show (Music, equipment at hand)

Ved. - Guys, do you want to play? Game “Soap Mood” I’m handing out straws to everyone as quickly as possible. Let’s play to see who blows the most bubbles. (Cheerful music) Ved. - The kids have been sitting too long - it’s time for us all to move! Game "Soap Bubbles"
- You are Soap Bubbles! Let's say the magic words: “One, two, three - we are all soap bubbles!” Bubbles love to fly. Of course, you can’t catch them (run, fly) Music Bubbles have houses (hoops) Music: STOP! At the signal “It’s time to go home!” all the bubbles take up space in the hoop. Those who do not have enough space are eliminated from the game and turn back into a child. We remove one hoop. One hoop left and one winner!

Ved. -Look quickly - AQUARIUS has come to you! It blows bubbles and drenches us all! (Music) - To the site everyone, friends! It's time for us to have some fun! Don't forget the sprinklers - let's start having fun! (Children splash and douse themselves with water)

Ved . -And now, my friends, I invite everyone to dumplings with cherries! -HURRAH!

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Event at a school summer camp. Scenario: Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation Game program for primary schoolchildren with a presentation. Forest and its inhabitants Sports and recreational event at a summer school camp. Scenario Event for students of a school summer health camp. Development of “Journey to the Forest”

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Relay race with soap bubbles

Bubble relay: Divide the children into two teams and line them up at the starting line.

Place a cone-shaped structure or some other identifying mark a few meters (not far, 2-3 meters is enough) from the starting line; you can stand close to a bush or tree and mark it as a border.

Players, one at a time, must blow a bubble and then catch it on their blowing stick. As soon as the child catches the bubble on a stick, he must rush to the identification mark and back. The bubble must not burst or fly off the stick (if this happens, the player must go back and start again).

When the children return to their teams, the sticks are passed to the next player in line, who must do the same.

The game continues until one team completes the task. This team wins.

Video of soap bubbles show

Music for a soap bubble show

For this fairy tale I used several soundtracks. Each of which helps in demonstrating the plot, making it more lively and dynamic.

The phonograms are “glued together” into a single track lasting 20 minutes.

If you liked the musical accompaniment, you can write to me:

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