Summer entertainment “Flower Festival” for children of the senior group. Material (senior group) on the topic

Comic fortune telling for adults

Ved: So, for the first fortune telling session we need hardworking girls who will agree to sort out the peas. Which one of you is brave? (3 people)

(They are asked to take a handful of peas from the bag, then, at the leader’s signal, they place one pea on the table. The leader casts a spell).

Ved (female): Sailor, recruiter, general's uniform, student, businessman, amateur cook, stupid, boring, wait for a miracle. (At which word the peas run out, such a betrothed awaits the girl)

"Christmas Quiz"

  1. To express our faith in God, what do we do? (Let's get baptized)
  2. Who are disembodied, immortal spirits? (Angels)
  3. When does God give a person a Guardian Angel? (at Holy Baptism)
  4. How do we connect with God? (via Communion)
  5. Mother of all people? (Mother of God)
  6. Father of all people (God)
  7. Prayer to the Guardian Angel (“Holy Angel of God...”)
  8. What is the name of the holy book? (Bible)
  9. How are the faces of the Holy Trinity depicted on icons? (In the form of three young Angels sitting at a table)
  10. God's Family (Church)
  11. What does the word "NIKA" mean? (Victory)
  12. What does it mean to talk to God? (Prayer)
  13. What types of prayers are there? (repentant, petitionary, laudatory, grateful)
  14. When were Angels created? (Before the creation of the visible world and man)
  15. Who are fallen angels? (Evil spirits)
  16. What is the name of the Angel whom God gives to a person during Holy Baptism? (Guardian angel)
  17. God has always been and always will be. God is outside of time. Property of God? (God is Eternal)
  18. God is All-Satisfied (God has everything and needs nothing for Himself)
  19. God is just, he judges people fairly (God the All-Righteous)
  20. God is All-Good (God loves us all like no other person. God is very kind)
  21. God always has in Himself the highest joy - happiness (God is the All-Blessed)
  22. God is Almighty (Nothing is impossible for God. God can do whatever He wants)
  23. God is Omniscient (God knows everything that was, what is and what will be)
  24. God is always, at all times, everywhere (God is Omnipresent)
  25. God is constant, always the same, there is no change in him (God is Unchangeable)
  26. What should a soldier of Christ do? (Good deeds, live according to God's Law)
  27. List the weapons of the warrior of Christ (Holy water, cross, confession, communion, prayer)
  28. What is the material (external) world? (what a person can see)
  29. What is the inner (spiritual) world? (what we feel inside ourselves)
  30. What is Communion? (Connection with God)
  31. How do we prepare for Communion? (fasting, prayer, reconciliation)

Christmas traditions

The day of January 6 is called Christmas Eve, just like porridge, which is usually cooked from a mixture of different cereals, poppy seeds and honey. On the night before Christmas, Orthodox believers organize Carols: they go from house to house, dressed in different costumes, and sing Christmas songs. In the old days, it was believed that one should sing carols joyfully and cheerfully in order to scare away evil spirits. Carolers were always given sweets, money and other gifts.

Christmas marked the transition to a new stage of life, and all the bad things had to be left behind. Therefore, it was customary to ask each other for forgiveness. They also tried to move into the new Orthodox year without monetary debts.

Cool competitions for everyone

Wardrobe out of the box

Do you know games and competitions for Christmas? Very good, this competition is one of them. All participants must sit (standing or sitting) in a circle in order to pass a medium-sized box to each other. The competition begins with music along with the handing over of the box. At the leader’s command, the music stops, and the participant who has the box in his hands must take off any item and put it inside.

This continues until the participants are half undressed, after which the competition moves into the second stage: when the music stops, the participant must, without looking, take out any item from the box and put it on. The conditions of the game are valid throughout the entire party or a certain time during which participants must wear things from the box.

Festive dances

A very fun competition in the winter season. Before the event, you need to prepare notes that will indicate any things or events characteristic of the winter season: snowfall, frost, ice skating, Santa Claus, and so on. First, the participants must draw out a note with the task, after which, to the music, he must show with body movements what is written on it. The winner is the participant who turns out to be the most inventive and original, for which he is awarded a prize.

Go where it's warmer

It is better to select children for the competition, because the prizes will be interesting primarily for them, but the parents will have another prize: Christmas greetings to the winning team of fans. Prepare, also, props: threads and candies. The essence of the competition is that each participant, blindfolded, tries to find and pick candies hanging in the air. Each participant is prompted by his team of fans with the words: “Cold” (if he is looking far from the candy) and “Hot” (if very close). The prize of the competition is a torn piece of candy.

Football on ice

To play the game, you need to prepare the area: trample the snow or clear the ice of obstacles. The main object of the game is a piece of ice that will spin well on the site. All participants must sit in a circle, with a distance of at least two meters from each other. The driver stands in the center and tries to push the piece of ice outside the circle with his feet. All participants in the circle must prevent him from doing this by stopping the ice floe and returning it to the driver. The participant who misses the ice floe must take the place of the driver. The duration of the game is limited only by the desire of the players themselves.

The game becomes more interesting if all the circular players defend a certain zone, for example to their left or right. Also, you can complicate the task by passing the ice floe to a neighboring player, thereby not returning it to the driver, but without leaving your playing area. If a participant tries to stop the ice floe with his hands, he replaces the leader. Also, the ice floe should not fly above the players’ knees, otherwise it returns to the game without consequences.


To start the game, the driver must leave the room. After this, the essence of the game is announced: one of the participants will be a “mirror”. When the driver returns to the room, he is given a task: to find a mirror in the room. The special charm of the game is that the driver is looking for a real mirror, and the “mirror” repeats all the movements of the driver during the search. The main requirement is to laugh so that the driver does not guess who the “mirror” is.

Christmas poems

There are quite a variety of games and competitions for Christmas, and this is one of them. It is best carried out among children who have recently learned poems on the theme of Christmas. All participants need to be divided into two or three teams, and the task of each team will be to read any poem with words about Christmas. The winner is the team that recites the most poems.

Comic fortune telling for children

Ved: To maintain justice, we invite children to the stage. But only those who don’t like candy (5-6 people)

Ved (children): Unsealed, chewing gum - two, three - leggings, five - owl, six - mermaid, seven - dolphin, 8-9 - Aladdin, 10-20 - friend on the way, 38 - enter the house.

If you get a bad fortune

Ved: Don't be upset. To make up for your failure, we will fulfill your every wish. Where is my wish box?

(a token is pulled from the box, a wish is written on it. The player reads it out and it is immediately fulfilled)

Games for children at Christmas party

The holiday is also diversified by the various games that can be offered to children.

They can be played even in a small room.

Buzz, bee, buzz

For this game you need to cut out flowers from colored paper and attach them to the floor with adhesive tape. (The children themselves will be happy to do this.)

The players dance while the music plays. When it suddenly ends, they run, buzzing, to their flowers. In this case, there should be one less color than there are players. Those who do not have time to run up to the flower leave the game. (Take care of consolation prizes.) After this, one flower is removed. The winner receives the title of King of the Bees and a grand prize, such as an edible marzipan flower or a jar of honey.

Keeping the principle, the game can be changed. For example, instead of flowers, cut out islands that pirates jump onto, and then the winner can be given something suitable.

Pig oink oink

Tie the corners of the pillowcase with rubber bands, and use pink markers or paints to draw eyes and a snout. When the pillowcase is dry, place the pillow in it. Tie the pig’s “neck” with a wide bright ribbon, attaching it in several places with thread so that it does not slip. To the music, players pass the pig Oink-Oink around in a circle. The music suddenly stops. The one who was the last to pass the pig to his neighbor shouts “Oink-oink” and then receives a prize from a basin standing in the center.

Wind, wind, you are mighty

The players are given straws for cocktails. By blowing through a straw, players must hit a ping pong ball into an upside down box. In this case, touching the ball is not allowed.

Traveling with water

Participants are divided into two equal teams. They stand in a row opposite each other. The first person in each row receives two glasses: one empty and one filled with water. On command, players pour water from a full glass into an empty one and quickly pass both glasses to the next one in a row. The team whose glasses reach the last participant faster, and at the same time less water is spilled, is declared the winner. The game can be played to the soundtrack of a song with a “water” theme. For example, “Temper yourself, if you want to be healthy, douse yourself...”, or “Water, water, water all around...”

Fly, my ball!

The players are divided into two or more teams. Each team receives a balloon. The players' task is to keep it in the air without touching the ball with their hands. You can do this by blowing on the ball, supporting it with your head or shoulder. In order not to confuse the balls, they must be of different colors. Make sure there are no fragile, easily breakable objects in the room.

Very sharp eye

A light ball, such as a ping pong ball, is placed on the edge of the table. The driver is blindfolded and placed with his back to the table. On command, he must take five steps forward, turn three times in place and, returning to the table, blow the ball onto the floor. Naturally, the correct direction is lost, and amid general laughter, the driver blows the ball away from where there was no trace of it.

Christmas games and competitions for adults

Build a snowman!

Participants are divided into pairs of two. Each couple is given a roll of toilet paper, a baby bucket, and peeled carrots.

In each pair, one “makes” a snowman from the second participant in the competition, using all the materials offered. Whoever “makes a snowman” faster, and most importantly, better, is the winner.

Decorate the Christmas tree!

(variant of the previous competition)

In this case, each couple participating in the competition is given tinsel, Christmas tree decorations, stars, fir branches and a pack of clothespins.

Task: who can “decorate the Christmas tree” faster and more beautifully?

Best shooter

Balloons inflated with helium are released to the ceiling of the hall, one of which contains confetti. Participants in the competition are given slingshots. The goal is to knock down the balls. Naturally, the most accurate one wins. The participant who knocks down the confetti ball will receive a special prize. This prize could be a kiss from the Snow Maiden (Father Frost).

Help Santa Claus

The presenter says that in the coming year there was not enough snow in the city, and since, due to a misunderstanding, some snow flew into this hall, he asks for volunteers to help Santa Claus. Previously, paper snowflakes are scattered around the hall. Participants are given baskets (as an option, thick darning needles and threads are available for stringing snowflakes on them). The player who collects the most snowflakes in a given time is awarded a medal “For his invaluable contribution to the cause of Santa Claus.”

Am I drunk?

The presenter calls one volunteer and asks him to take a sobriety test. Champagne bottles are placed in a straight line at a step distance. The participant is asked to step over them, blindfolded, without knocking them down. Given the complexity of the task, the participant is allowed to first complete the distance without a blindfold. After this, the subject is blindfolded, and the presenter, making a sign to the audience, quickly removes all the bottles from the distance. After this, the subject walks, raising his legs high, through non-existent obstacles to the general laughter.

Who's the skinniest here?

Two gymnastic hoops are demonstrated. Two barkers (ideally Father Frost and Snow Maiden) try to invite the largest number of participants into their hoop, while they themselves are also inside the hoop. The presenter counts the number of people in each hoop, declares the winner the team with a large number of participants, but gives sweet prizes to the team with fewer participants (explaining this by saying that the winning team needs to take care of its pieces in order to continue to win similar competitions!)

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