Thematic week at the preschool educational institution “A fairy tale comes to visit us, brings miracles with it” calendar and thematic planning (senior group) on the topic

Calendar planning “Visiting a fairy tale”

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN MONDAY _August 17___ 2022. Topic of the week: _Visiting a fairy tale___. Theme of the day:__________

Printed board games: Lotto “Plants, Animals”
Target. To introduce the animal and plant world of our planet; expand your horizons; teach to highlight
a common characteristic of objects and group them by characteristic.
Memorizing poems: “New Home” (Fomicheva, 202)
Individual work on FEMP: “Unfinished Pictures” (FEMP)
Target. Introduce children to the varieties of geometric shapes of rounded shapes.
Didactic games: “Feed the animal” (275)
Target. Learn to divide words into parts, pronounce each part of the word separately.
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 6
Individual-subgroup work: (P) “Guess the hero of a fairy tale by silhouette”
Target. Development of attention, memory; ability to explain your choice
Conversations on the topic of the day: “What fairy tales do you know?” Target. Revealing children's knowledge about types of fairy tales
Observations. Looking at the willow Purpose. Introduce the structure, growth and development of willow; develop
ability to generalize based on essential features; accumulate experience of attentive attitude towards growing
plants; to form ideas about the cat as a pet and a friend of man, about its
Plot-role-playing games: “Toy Factory” Goal. To train children in the ability to carry out play activities
actions according to verbal instructions, assign roles; teach how to model game dialogue.
Creative game: “My best friend” Goal. Develop creativity. Learn to display your own in a drawing
mood, features of another person’s appearance.
Physical exercises for balance and coordination of movements: “Streams and lakes” (67)
Target. Develop children's coordination of movements, speed, dexterity, and ability to act on command.
Games for the development of fine motor skills: “Beads”. Laying out geometric shapes in a certain way
Outdoor games (plot, non-plot): “Cat and puppies” (219)
Target. Learn to walk on your toes; develop dexterity.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: learn to keep order in your locker,
wipe the dust off the shelves
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: sound of the sea
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 6
Construction games, playing out the building: “Teremok” Goal. Develop the ability to build from wood
designer; play around with the building
Reading fiction: S. Marshak “Poodle” Purpose. Learn to retell short passages
Different types of theater: Shadow theater. Target. Develop imagination, thinking, arm muscles
Outdoor games: “Throw and catch” Goal. To develop children's coordination of movement, orientation in
space. Practice throwing and catching, running fast.
“Looking for a stick” (Russian folk game) (265) Goal. Develop reaction speed.
Organization of independent play activities for children: music corner.
Target. Develop the ability to independently select the rhythm of a piece of music
Working with parents: Conversation “The importance of maintaining a daily routine”

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN TUESDAY __August 18__ 2022. Topic of the week: _Visiting a fairy tale____. Theme of the day: ______________

Word games: “Knock and knock, find the word, dear friend” (276) Purpose. Learn to divide words into syllables (parts).
Games and entertainment: “Crested Hen” Goal. Develop the ability to run in different directions.
Creative games: “My favorite book” Goal. Learn how to make a book cover; develop creative
Exercises to prevent visual impairment: “Drawing zigzags with your eyes”, “Chains of circles”
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 6
Individual-subgroup work: (Modeling) “My favorite fairy-tale hero”
Target. Develop the ability to sculpt from an idea; use different methods and techniques.
Conversations on the topic of the day: “What fairy tales do you know?” Target. Revealing children's knowledge about their favorite fairy tales.
Target walk. Topic: Observing a snail Purpose. Introduce the snail and dragonfly and their image
life; develop thinking; cultivate a sense of responsibility.
Games to develop the perception of size: “Travelling around the room”
Target. Learn to find objects of different sizes.
Creative game (moral education, children’s speech): “Portrait” Purpose. Develop creativity
children; Learn to see and convey a person’s individual characteristics.
Poems, nursery rhymes, songs (Teach to memorize small folklore forms): “Today it’s so bright all around!”
Target. Reading poems about summer, listening to children's songs about summer.
Observing the work of adults: Janitor. Target. Promote speech development through enrichment
Outdoor games (plot, non-plot): “Dragonfly Song” (26)
Target. Develop rhythmic, expressive speech; improve coordination of movements.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: Strengthen the ability to use a fork correctly and
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: bird sounds
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 6
Didactic games: “Name the extra word”
Target. Activate attention; develop thinking, speech, and correct sound pronunciation skills.
Reading fiction: A. Gaidar “Chuk and Gek” (chapters)
Target. Introduce children to a new work; learn to analyze the actions of heroes
Board and printed games: “Don’t yawn!” (insects) (102)
Target. Develop auditory attention and reaction speed.
Outdoor games: “Throw and catch” Goal. To develop children's coordination of movement, orientation in
in space. Practice throwing and catching, running fast.
Ball games: “Big Ball” (r.n.i.) (35)
Target. Develop coordination of movements, create a desire to achieve a goal.
Organization of independent play activities for children: games in the construction corner
Working with parents: Individual conversation “Your son (daughter) is growing”

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN WEDNESDAY _August 19__ 2022. Topic of the week: __Visiting a fairy tale__. Theme of the day: _____________

Games for speech development: “Who will be who (what)?” Target. Develop thinking, sequence of events.
Outdoor games with running and jumping: “Find yourself a partner” (running) (14)
Target. To teach how to run without bumping into each other, to clarify children’s knowledge of colors.
Fun games: “Cinderella”, “I know...”.
Games to develop fine motor skills: Treats for birds. Seed sorting.
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 6
Individual-subgroup work: “Let's draw a fairy tale” Goal. Development of fantasy, imagination,
children's creative abilities.
Conversations on the topic of the day: “I came up with a fairy tale” Purpose. To develop children's imaginative thinking, monologue
speech, the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and consistently.
Observations: natural phenomena using literary words: Observation of a praying mantis
Target. Expand knowledge about appearance features, general signs and life manifestations
praying mantis; develop an understanding of the changes and behavior of birds; learn to analyze,
establish the simplest connections between appearance features and methods of movement,
features of appearance and methods of protection from enemies; enrich your vocabulary.
Games with sand, water, natural materials: Game “Trample the paths”
Target. Acquaintance with the properties of sand, development of coordination of movements
Games with physical education equipment: “Trap, take the tape”
Target. Develop dexterity and intelligence in children. Practice running, catching and lining up in a circle.
Games - travel: “Rules of conduct in nature and on the water” Purpose. Summarize knowledge about the forest, how
Outdoor games (plot, non-plot): “Flock” (84) Goal. Develop rhythmic and expressive skills
speech, activate the vocabulary on the topic “Birds”; develop dexterity and dexterity.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: Develop the ability to put your things in order
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: music for relaxation
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 6
Leisure evening: “My years are passing by...” Target. Expanding the understanding of the child’s personality.
Reading fiction: V. Kataev “Flower - seven-colored”
Physical exercises to develop basic types of movements: Crawling and climbing.
Climbing from one flight to another.
Outdoor games with sports toys: “Flock” (84) Goal. Develop rhythmic and
expressive speech, activate vocabulary on the topic “Birds”; develop dexterity and dexterity.
Didactic games: “Don’t yawn!” (insects) (102) Purpose. Develop auditory attention and reaction speed.
"Journey to the Greenhouse" (FEMP)
Target. Introduce children to the formation of numbers (2-10), practice counting within (3-10).
Organization of independent play activities for children: book corner.
Target. To develop children's desire to look at book illustrations and read short texts
Working with parents: Consultation “Child's rights. Prevention of child abuse"

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN THURSDAY __August 20__ 2022. Topic of the week: _Visiting a fairy tale____. Theme of the day: __________

FEMP games: “Fixing the Blanket” (FEMP) Purpose. Continue introducing geometric shapes.
Drawing up geometric shapes from these parts.
Games for the perception of correct sound pronunciation, clarification, consolidation, activation of the dictionary:
“Who needs what” (144) Purpose. Practice classifying objects; develop the ability to name
items needed by people of a certain profession.
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 6
Formation of KGN:
Individual-subgroup work: “Castles in the Air” Goal. Learn how to applique locks
mosaic method; develop precision of movements and imagination.
Conversations on the topic of the day: “Negative heroes in fairy tales.” Target. Remember what negative heroes there are in
fairy tales, why they are considered so; teach to evaluate and analyze the reasons for the actions of these heroes.
Observations in wildlife: animals, birds, insects: Observation of a bumblebee
Target. Systematize ideas about the features of the external structure, methods of movement, and
protection from bumblebee enemies; cultivate a culture of behavior.
Climbing games: “The Bear and the Bees” (54)
Target. Develop the ability to act on a signal, to climb onto an elevated surface.
Creative games: “Golden leaf fall” Goal. Develop creative imagination; visual attention.
Learn to look at pictures. Cultivate emotional responsiveness, ability to see and understand
the beauty of nature, to form aesthetic feelings
Physical exercises for the development of ATS: Jumping. Standing long jump (at least 80 cm).
Outdoor games (plot, non-plot): “Children and the Wolf” (15) Goal. Learn to understand and use in speech
past tense verbs and imperative verbs.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: strengthen the ability to use a napkin correctly
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: lullabies
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 6
Examination of pictures, albums, illustrations: Examination of illustrations for Russian folk
fairy tales
Reading Fiction: J. Reeves Noisy Bang, trans. from English M. Boroditskaya
Target. Continue to introduce children to foreign literature
Low mobility outdoor games: “Home” Goal. Perform movements as directed by the leader.
"Who left?" Target. Development of attention.
Games to develop attention: “Who are you?” (89) Purpose. Develop auditory attention and reaction speed.
Games using building materials: “Furniture for the Three Bears”
Target. Learn to build furniture from small Legos
Household work: Repairing books and game boxes. Target. Cultivate a caring attitude
to games and toys
Independent activities for children: Doll corner. Target. Teach children to negotiate independently
about the plot of the game, play together

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN FRIDAY _August 21___ 2022. Topic of the week: __Visiting a fairy tale___. Theme of the day: ___________

Games for speech development: “The word got lost”
Target. Development of logical thinking, the ability to select the appropriate word.
Outdoor games with running and jumping: “Trap, take the ribbon”
Target. Develop dexterity and intelligence in children. Practice running, catching and lining up in a circle.
Games - fun: “Potatoes”, “Fun”, “Paints” Goal. Introducing new games.
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 6
Formation of the group: Learn to keep your combs clean
Individual-subgroup work: (P) “Fairy tales” Purpose. Generalizing children's knowledge about fairy tales
Conversations on the topic of the day: Purpose. Bring to the attention of children which famous artists drew illustrations for
fairy tales
Observations: phenomena of living nature using artistic words: Examination of dew
Target. Continue acquaintance with natural phenomena (dew); develop the ability to install
cause-and-effect relationship between observed phenomena; cultivate love for native nature.
Games with educational toys: “Live numbers” (FEMP)
Target. Practice counting (forward and backward) within 10.
Games with physical education equipment: “Hares and wolves” (82)
Target. Teach children to jump on two legs and perform movements in accordance with the text.
Games - travel: “Across the sea of ​​games” Goal. Development of coordination of movements and fine motor skills of the hands.
Outdoor games (plot, non-plot): “Recognize the plant” (25)
Target. Learn to find a plant by name.
"Frogs" (69) Goal. Teach children to match movements with words.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: Strengthen the ability to correctly turn and
fold your clothes
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: sounds of nature
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 6
Looking at pictures, albums, illustrations: Looking at illustrations for fairy tales
Conversation with children on the topic of the week: “My favorite fairy tale” Purpose. Consolidate knowledge about types of fairy tales;
create a desire for systematic reading
Leisure evening: “In the footsteps of fairy tales.” Target. Summarizing; emotional mood
Physical exercises to develop basic types of movements: Throwing, catching, throwing.
Throwing objects at a distance (at least 5-9 m).
Didactic games: “What time of year?” (160)
Target. Learn to perceive poetic text; cultivate aesthetic emotions and experiences; consolidate
knowledge about the months of each season and the main signs of different seasons.
Independent activity of children: with physical education equipment
Working with parents: Conversation “Household items as toys”

Thematic week based on fairy tales in kindergarten. Plan

Plan of activities for the thematic week in the group for children with complex disabilities “Journey through fairy tales”
The purpose of the thematic week: to create the necessary conditions for getting to know fairy tales; form the simplest emotional reactions: joy, surprise, sadness; cultivate a love of fairy tales. Monday - “He left his grandmother, he left his grandfather” Tasks: - introduce the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”; - to form an emotional perception of literary works and interest in them; - develop the ability to listen to a fairy tale; - learn to look at illustrations, recognize familiar characters, show and name them; - learn to imitate the simplest movements of animals - jumping (by imitating the actions of the teacher) Activities: - reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”; didactic game "Kolobok" - teach how to interact with peers in the game; — designing a “Kolobok Path”; — outdoor game “Catch up with the fox”; — didactic game “Whose silhouette?”; - together with the children, singing a kolobok song for a doll. Tuesday – “Ryaba Hen” Objectives: - create conditions for the formation of emotional responsiveness in children; - form the simplest emotional reactions: joy, surprise, sadness; - develop the ability to listen to a fairy tale; - accompany the tale being told with gestures; - develop the ability to monitor the development of actions. Events: - viewing of the table theater "Ryaba Hen"; - examination of illustrations for a fairy tale; — modeling (plasticine) “Grains for the Ryaba Chicken”; - musical game “Hen, Chicks and Cat”. Wednesday – “Grow, turnip, sweet and strong” Objectives: - learn to watch a fairy tale with puppet theater characters; - form emotional reactions: joy, surprise; - continue to teach children to answer simple questions from the teacher about the content of the fairy tale, to develop their imaginative thinking; - encourage the repetition of individual expressions of the fairy tale (they pull, they pull, they can’t pull). Events: — viewing of the “Repka” puppet theater; - examination of illustrations for a fairy tale; — motor exercise “Turnip”; — outdoor game “The turnip is green on top”; - listening to the song “Bug” (N. Kuklovskaya) Thursday - “Terem, tower, tower, it is neither low nor high” Objectives: - to develop children’s attention and perseverance when watching a cartoon; — to cultivate in children a kind attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales; - cultivate the ability to follow the development of action, empathize with the characters; - expand and deepen children’s ideas about wild animals (hare, fox, wolf, bear); — learn to involve in feasible participation in dramatization. Activities: — constructive activity “House for a Bunny”; — didactic game “Assemble a fairy tale from parts”; — dramatization game “Teremok” (mouse, bunny - children); — drawing “Teremok for animals”; — didactic game “Whose silhouette?”; - watching a cartoon based on a fairy tale. Friday - “Visiting a Fairy Tale” Objectives: - teach children to find a book with a given fairy tale, making an independent choice from several available; - recognize familiar fairy tale characters from illustrations, answer simple questions about the content of the fairy tale. Activities: - organize an exhibition of books and illustrations based on the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”; — design of a theater corner based on fairy tales; — didactic game “Guess which fairy tale I’m from?”; — outdoor game “The turnip is green on top”; — design of a travel folder for parents “Reading fairy tales.” Used literature: 1. The program of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with intellectual disabilities “Correctional and developmental education and upbringing”, edited by E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva. – M.: Education, 2011 2. “Theatrical games in correctional and developmental work with preschoolers”, ed. Baryaeva L.B., Vechkanova I.G. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2009 3. M.Yu. Kartushina “Logoritmics for kids.” - M.: Sfera, 2005

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