A collection of games for developing communication skills in children two to three years old

Communication is the ability of a person to express his thoughts and feelings so that they are correctly understood by other people. A child, entering this world, from a very early age begins to communicate with adults and children, expressing himself in one way or another. And in order for this communication to take place in the most favorable conditions, it is important to teach the child to communicate correctly. The easiest and most effective way to teach children is through play.

Communicative play for children involves joint activities, self-expression and mutual cooperation, development of communication skills and the formation of friendly relationships. During these games, the child experiences genuine joy with other children, which later turns into cheerfulness, optimism, the ability to get along with other people, the ability to overcome life’s difficulties and achieve goals.

The lack of communication skills leads to a delay in the child’s mental development, and in the future – to the formation of a negative life position.

With these games, children:

  • Body clamps are removed;
  • There is an emotional release;
  • Imagination, facial expressions and gestures develop;
  • Attention is activated;
  • Skills of rules of conduct are demonstrated;
  • Self-esteem increases.
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