Card index of low mobility games (school preparatory group)

Sedentary games in preschool educational institutions for preparatory and secondary groups

An example of a sedentary game "Bubble"

Examples of exercises for the middle group:

Traffic lightYou will need 3 flags of different colors. Children sit on chairs. The teacher shows a red sign - children should put their hands on their knees. On the yellow flag, clap your hands. The color green appears - stomp your feet.
Song of the AnimalThe point is to imitate animal voices. The teacher names the animal - the children say in chorus how it “speaks.” You can take a horse, cat, dog, chicken, cow, goat.
Broken phoneThe teacher whispers a word in the ear of the first child, who passes it on to the next child - and so on down the chain. The last person approaches the teacher and says loudly which word has reached him.

Thematic week in the second junior group “Professions”

A card index with goals and examples of sedentary games for children in the preparatory group:

GatesThere is a development of dexterity and coordination. It takes place outside. Children break into pairs, hold hands and stand one after another, raising their arms high. The last pair passes under everyone, trying not to hit anyone, and stands in front.
Military figure freeze in placeA popular interpretation of the game “The Sea is Troubled.” The children freeze in the pose of any military man, the leader looks for the one who is moving. The first one who gets caught becomes the leader.
Who's missing?Children's memory and speed of thinking develop. A leader is chosen from among the kids and is blindfolded. The teacher quietly asks one of the participants to leave the room. Then the presenter’s eyes are opened and asked to name the person who left the room.

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