Joint play activities of parents and children (from work experience)
Types of joint activities of children with parents Types of joint activities of children with parents.  Organization
Card index of didactic games on labor education for preschoolers
Work clothes For the lesson you need paper cut-out images of a boy and a girl, different types
Working with families on the topic “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children in the family”
Patriotic education consists of instilling in a child love for his native land and country in
Parents' meeting 1st junior group "Development of children's speech in a family and kindergarten"
Working with parents during the period of children’s adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten Zaitseva Oksana Sergeevteacher-psychologist Bolotskikh
What you need to know about a child’s psychological readiness for learning
Without exception, all parents are interested in the success of their child’s education. Therefore, they begin to prepare it in advance
labor education from kindergarten
Formation of a positive attitude towards work, interest, the main focus on inclusion in various types of useful activities among students
Card file of conversations with children 5–7 years old “Let's talk about hard work” Nina Aleksandrovna Volkova Card file of conversations
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Sound (S)”
Lesson 1 Spatial orientation Cross orientation. - Place your right hand on your left shoulder. Put
Parents' club "Growing and Developing Together" - a model of supporting families and young children in preschool educational institutions
The tasks of the family club are to intensify the work of the institution with parents (legal representatives) of pupils, to create a social and pedagogical environment
Plan of work with parents for 1st junior group “Dwarves”
Nursery group: what is important for parents to know? In the vast majority of cases, parents receive a ticket to
Methodological development “Entertaining mathematics corner”
Subject-based developmental environment for mathematics in preschool educational institutions Subject-based developmental environment for mathematics in preschool educational institutions Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education
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