Methodological development for middle group teachers. Themed morning exercises.

Summary of story-based morning exercises for children of the middle group “Visiting the Sun”

Lyudmila Chernova

Summary of story-based morning exercises for children of the middle group “Visiting the Sun”

MDOBU “Medvedevsky kindergarten No. 3 “Golden Key”

general developmental type

Summary of morning exercises in the middle group

based on the fairy tale Visiting the Sun

Developed by: Chernova L. Yu.

teacher of the secondary “B”
Topic: Visiting the sun

Story-based morning exercises in the middle group.

Program content:

*Increase children's in physical exercise by including them in story-based activities .

*Promote children's .

*Form expressive movements.

Preliminary work:

Reading the Slovak folk tale The Sun is Visiting



Educator: - I invite you to go visit the sun , as the heroes of the fairy tale Visiting the Sun


We hit the road.


Behind the guiding step is a march. (Walking around the hall following the guide. 20s.)

We are walking along the road.

Feet walk merrily.

A hedgehog is walking ahead.

He shows the way.

We walk on all fours. (Walking around the hall on all fours. 10s.)

Chickens follow him - friendly guys.

They raise their legs high so as not to get tangled in the grass.

Hands on the waist, walk with a high hip lift. (20s.)

A duck walks behind them, waddling from side to side.

Let's squat, hands on knees. (10s.)

The last one is the hare. He raised his ears high - he looked,

so that no one lags behind.

We walk on our toes, hands up. (20s.)

Everyone is in a hurry - the sun as soon as possible.

They are in such a hurry, they are running,

either faster or slower. (running around the hall at different paces for 30s.)

They ran into the forest. The air in the forest is fresh. Our heroes walk and breathe the forest air. And the magpie flies with them, flapping its wings. (Walking following the guide. Hands up through the sides - take a deep breath through the nose, hands down - exhale through the mouth. 20s.)

So we came to the sun . (forming in a circle)

The sun is fast asleep and does not wake up.

Let's wake up the sun and clap our hands. (I. p. – basic stance. 1 – arms to the sides, 2 – clap above the head, 3 – arms to the sides, 4 – I. p. 6 times)

The sun woke up . He looks to see who woke him up. (I. p. – feet at the width of the feet. Hands on the belt. 1 – turn to the right, 2 – I. p., 3 – turn to the left, 4 – I. p. 6 times)

Sleepy sun , unwashed. The hare took the bucket and began carrying water. (I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1 - arms to the sides, 2 - bend forward, touch the floor with your hands, 3 - straighten your arms to the sides, 4 - i. p. 5 times)

The duck washes the sun , wipes every ray. (I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, left hand up, reach for your hand, 2 - i. p., 3 - the same to the left 5 times)

The hedgehog rubs it with its prickly bristle back until it shines. (I. p. - basic stance. 1 - sit down, bring your arms forward, 2 - I. p., 3-4 the same. 5 times)

The sun smiled and sparkled.

The animals and birds were happy and jumped. (Jumping on two legs, swinging your arms up, alternating with walking. 2 times)

The sun smiles on everyone and gives joy to everyone. Let us smile at each other and, with the help of our sun-like , wish our friends something good. (Children say their wishes, connect their palms to each other - “convey wishes”


the sun has ended . We return to the group in a good mood. (Turn right, walk in a column around the hall, return to the group )

Morning exercises in the middle group (according to the Federal State Educational Standard)

Morning gymnastics in the middle group (according to the Federal State Educational Standard)
Author: Svetlana Vladimirovna Grebenyuk, teacher Place of work: MBDOU “Kindergarten of a combined type “Masterok”, Abakan Description of the material: I offer you a scenario for morning exercises. I thought for a long time about how to combine exercises with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. And I got it: “basic structure” and “changeable content” (the guys already knew a lot of movements and exercise songs by E. Zheleznova and other authors) Participants: children, teacher, music director. Equipment: flag, box with images of the heroes of the song.
Summary of morning exercises in the middle group “Jolly Guys.”

Goal: creating conditions for healing the body through a set of physical exercises.
Objectives: Educational: - create conditions for the formation of basic motor skills;
— provide conditions for the formation of sustainable interest in morning exercises; — create conditions for the formation of children’s readiness for joint activities; -promote the development of independence and initiative; Developmental: -promote the development of coordination of sensory systems in children; — create conditions to encourage children to engage in speech activity; — promote the development of motor, auditory, and long-term memory in children; — create conditions for the development of distribution and switching of attention; — promote the development of the child’s interaction skills with adults and peers; Educational: - cultivate the ability to listen to each other; - cultivate a sense of satisfaction from participating in collective activities; - create conditions for a joyful mood, give children an emotional charge for the coming day; Progress of morning exercises.
1. Children follow the rhythm of the march, form a circle and stop. 2. Q: Guys! I need 4 assistants. How do we choose them? Possible answers for children: using counters or lots (a set of geometric shapes of two colors). Counting rhymes: A lamb was walking in the meadow, The lamb lost its horns. A hungry wolf walked by, he snapped a lamb with his teeth! Greek rode across the river. The cancer sees the Greek in the river. He put the Greek's hand into the river. Cancer for the hand of the Greek - DAC. A dog walked across the bridge, Four paws, Fifth tail. Two firefighters ran, And they pressed the button - Ding! The teacher, together with the children, selects four people (they form a small circle inside a large one). The teacher gives one of the children a flag. 3. Each assistant offers to perform movements in a circle (the signal for the order is a musical chord and passing the flag to the next one). The assistants also perform movements in their circle. Possible movements: “Fox”, “Heron”, “Geese”, “Bees”, walking on toes, side step, jumping on two legs, jumping with a hop, etc. 4. The teacher takes the flag and all the guys run around circle (with a turn in the other direction) to cheerful music. 5. Q: Now let’s see what song was hidden in our box today. The teacher takes masks out of the box and puts them on the assistants. The guys guess the name: “The hares stood up in order...”. Everyone sings a song to the music

and perform the appropriate movements (when it is the character’s turn, the child goes into the middle of the circle). Verse 1 The hares stood up in order The hares do exercises (jerks with their arms) The cat, too, don’t be lazy - Get ready to exercise. (hands to your shoulders and up, repeat to the rhythm) Chorus: (repeat 2 times) Jump-jump, hands up Jump- jump, hands down (jumping with clapping overhead) Now come on, my friend, pull yourself up, stretch, stretch. (stretch on your tiptoes, arms up) Verse 2 Nearby, a hedgehog is trampling the grass, He wants to exercise with us. (squats, arms forward) We’ll walk with a hedgehog, raise your legs higher. (swing your legs to your arms outstretched forward) Chorus: (repeat 2 times) Top-top, step forward, (step forward) Top-top, step back. (they step back) And now clap your hands The legs are up and standing. (Clapping and half-squatting) Verse 3 The frogs on the water lily Straightened their backs together (arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread and swinging left and right) Put their paws on their sides And sway slightly. (stand, hands on the belt) Chorus: (repeat 2 times) Kach-kach, right, left, Kach-kach, left, right. (leans to the side) This is such a frog (stretch on toes up) Both exercise and fun. (bending forward) 6. Walking in a circle and leaving the hall to the music.

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