Sports entertainment for middle school children on an autumn theme
Scenario of sports entertainment for children of the middle group “Our Autumn Fun”
Goal: to bring joy and create a positive emotional mood from entertainment. Objectives: to ensure the diversified development of the individual, to cultivate courage, dexterity, to develop the ability to navigate in space, to cultivate a friendly attitude between children, a desire to help. Aids: dummies of vegetables and fruits, 2 baskets, pine cones, a bear toy, a handkerchief, vegetable caps, onions, carrots, car attributes, leaves and hoops - by color (green, yellow), large umbrella. Decoration : autumn theme.
Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle. Educator: Hello, children! I am glad to see all of you at our sports entertainment “Our Autumn Fun”: “We walk along the path, raise our legs higher!” - they walk. So as not to be late, we need to run quickly! - they run.
We will gallop along a flat, smooth path on a horse!
We will walk along the winding path with a quiet step. We'll carefully go around all the swamps, puddles, and hummocks. - They walk like a snake. Have you all arrived? Hooray! That's nice kids. We arrived at the garden. A child reads a poem: A glorious harvest has grown. Collect whatever you want! Let’s all go to the garden - join in the round dance!” No. 1 Round dance game “We have a vegetable garden” after the game the children sit down. Educator: Guess my riddle: In the morning we go into the yard - The leaves are falling like rain, rustling under our feet and flying, flying, flying. (Autumn) A child reads a poem: “Autumn, autumn outside the window, The rain is falling like peas, The leaves are falling rustling, How beautiful you are autumn!” Educator: let’s prepare our fingers and perform finger exercises “Autumn Leaves” for them. Finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves” No. 7
Outdoor game for the middle group “Zhmurka” by Flotov (All children play).
Children leave the hall to the music.
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Sports festival “Journey to a forest clearing”
- October 30, 2012
Summary of the autumn sports festival “Journey to a forest clearing” for the preparatory group.
A sports festival gives children the opportunity to apply the skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes, and a fairy-tale character creates a festive mood in children. I also propose to use musical and rhythmic gymnastics as one of the non-traditional forms of physical education, sports and recreational work in preschool educational institutions.
Autumn sports festival “Journey to a forest clearing”
Program content:
- Create a festive mood in children.
- Provide children with the opportunity to use motor skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes.
- To form in pupils the need for physical activity.
Equipment: 2 gymnastic benches; 2 baskets; 12 dummies of mushrooms; 2 medicine balls; 8 hoops; 8 balls diameter 6 – 8 cm; 4 arcs; A set of leaves, the musical composition “Rubber Hedgehog”.
The children enter the hall, and Lesovushka meets them there.
Lesovushka: Hello, guys, I'm old lady Lesovushka. I guard this forest and keep order here.
Guys, look how beautiful it is in my forest, my forest clearing is decorated with different colors. And who tried so hard, you will find out by guessing my riddle:
She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves.
Children: Autumn.
Lesovushka: That's right, guys, it's autumn, and today I invite you to my autumn forest, take a walk, play, admire nature and find out what autumn will bring us. Guys, do you agree?
Children: Yes.
Children are divided into two teams of 6 people.
Forest Girl: We’ll go along the path and collect mushrooms.
Relay race “Collect mushrooms”. At the starting line, the team captains are given a basket each, they run to the finish line, overcoming obstacles, take one mushroom from the hoop, and put it in the basket. They run back to the starting line and pass the basket to the next participant. The team that collects all the mushrooms the fastest wins.
Lesovushka: Well done guys, you completed the task, you collected a lot of mushrooms. Do you know how animals prepare for winter in the fall? (Children's answers). The Zeri are preparing supplies. So we will help the squirrel stock up on nuts.
Relay race “Squirrel, roll the nuts.” In front of each team, at a distance of 4 m from the starting line, there is a hoop placed on the floor and a medicine ball at their feet. The first participants roll medicine balls with their hands to the hoop, leave them there, and run back to their teams. The second participants run to the hoop, pick up the balls and roll them back to the team. Then they pass the balls to the third participants and stand at the end of the column. The team that finishes the relay faster wins. (E.F. Zhelobkovich 150 relay races for preschool children)
Lesovushka: That's how many mushrooms we saved for the squirrel. And now I offer the teams a rest and invite the fans.
Rhythmic gymnastics “Rubber Hedgehog” (music by S. Nikitin, lyrics by Y. Moritz. Complex of rhythmic gymnastics by M.Yu. Kartushin “Physical training subject-based activities with children”).
Lesovushka: Guys, autumn is also rich in the harvest of vegetables and fruits.
Relay race: “Planting and harvesting potatoes.”
In front of each team, 4–6 hoops are laid out a meter from the starting line. And a meter from the last hoop there is a rotary stand. The first participants have a bucket with 4 – 6 balls in their hands. The first participants run to the hoops and place one ball in each. Then, having run around the turntable, they run back to their teams and, passing the empty bucket to the next participants, stand at the end of the column. The second participants run to the hoops with an empty bucket and successively collect balls into it. Then, having run around the turntable, they run back to their teams and, passing the bucket to the next participants, stand at the end of the column, etc. The team that finishes the relay faster and without errors wins.
Relay race “Remove the pumpkin from the field”: the first participant runs to the arc, crawls under the arc, then, running around the turntable, runs back to their teams, passes the baton to the next participant, etc. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.
Lesovushka: In the meantime, our participants are resting, I invite the fans, I also have a task for you.
A strong wind flew by and scattered all the leaves. 2 children participate. While the music is playing, the children collect leaves.
Lesovushka: Well done guys, we played and had fun today. And I also have a gift for you. (Forest Girl hands the children a basket of apples).
Author: Elena Nikolaevna Filipova, teacher of the second qualification category, MBDOU Kindergarten “Solnyshko”, Tazovsky village, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen region. Work experience 9 years.