Methodological development of “Games for getting to know preschoolers”

Thematic lesson “Getting to know” children (5-6 years old)

The teacher reminds the children that we communicate with different people in different ways: “Say hello the way you greet:

-with a friend in kindergarten

-with the teacher

-with a clown in the circus

- with my beloved grandmother

- with someone who was offended

- with someone you are glad to see

Now let’s all say together: “Hello!” and let's applaud each other.

Game "Cooks"

Everyone stands in a circle - this is a saucepan. Now we will prepare the soup (compote, vinaigrette, salad). Everyone comes up with what it will be (meat, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, parsley, salt, etc. The teacher hands out pictures.

The teacher shouts out in turn what he wants to put in the pan. The one who recognizes himself jumps into the circle, the next one, jumping, takes the hands of the previous one. Until all the “components” are in the circle, the game continues. The result is a tasty, beautiful dish.

Collective work “Flower meadow of FRIENDSHIP”

A blank clearing hangs on the board. Flower preparations are laid out nearby.


- Guys, will you help Umnyasha and me plant beautiful flowers in the clearing of FRIENDSHIP? Look what flowers we have?


- Choose the one you like best. Let's take turns. Dasha, take a flower, glue it and draw a stem for it, please. This is the flower Dasha planted! Who, Dasha, will you give the felt-tip pen to? (children take turns gluing flowers)


- Amazing! We have a very beautiful clearing of FRIENDSHIP!

Game “Blow up, bubble!”


— Guys, do you want to know Umnyasha’s favorite pastime? He will tell you in your ear (Umnyasha speaks into the first child’s ear, and then the children in a circle repeat his words into each other’s ears).

And then we will all say in unison what kind of activity this is
(“Blowing soap bubbles”).
-Come on, let’s also blow soap bubbles (the teacher blows soap bubbles, the children catch them).

Game "Ha-ha-ha! He-he-he!"

Children stand in a circle, clasp their hands. The presenter shows the following:

-Touches left shoulder 3 times, saying “ha-ha-ha”

-Touches the right shoulder 3 times, saying “ho-ho-ho”

-Touches left knee 3 times, saying “hee hee hee”

-Touches the right knee 3 times, saying “he-he-he”

Then all movements are repeated at a faster pace 2 times. Then even faster, 1 time at a time. Then the number of times increases and the pace decreases. By saying the last “heh,” children are invited to throw out all the fatigue, all the anger, all the resentment that has accumulated in their body.


It’s time to say goodbye, but now we will have such a ritual (tradition) that before we go home, we first stand in a circle, stretch out our left hand “from the heart, from the soul” (it turns out to be a pyramid of palms) and say the traditional words: “ One, two, three, four, five – we’ll meet again soon!”

Dating games for preschoolers (from work experience)

Natalya Plakhteeva

Dating games for preschoolers (from work experience)

What are dating games? This is a type of play activity that is aimed at creating a favorable environment in a group of children who do not yet know each other.

The purpose of the games: to help children get to know each other and eliminate inhibitions in communication, to promote the establishment of trusting contact with children, and to unite the group.


- create an atmosphere conducive to communication between children;

- relieve tension, stiffness;

- develop skills of positive social behavior, set them up for friendly communication.

Dating games for preschool children should be short, cyclical and dynamic. Preschool children are characterized by a visual-effective type of thinking. Therefore, when conducting dating games for children of this age, it is necessary to use visual material - toys, pictures. It is desirable that this visual material be bright, original, preferably made with your own hands.

Dating game “I give you a toy.”

This is a great dating game for kids. The teacher shows the toy and says loudly and clearly: “I’m giving the bunny to Olya!” The attention of 2-3 year old children will definitely be attracted by the named toy (a rag toy “Bunny on a finger”, and along with the name of the toy, they will also remember the names of new friends. When the children remember each other’s names a little, you can offer the role of the leader to one of them.

The teacher corrects the child if he incorrectly says the name of the peer he is giving the toy to.

Dating game “Magic Ball”

Children sit in a circle. The teacher passes a ball of thread in a circle to the child sitting next to him, he winds the thread on his finger and at the same time says his name and then passes the ball to the next child. He also says his name, winds the thread around his finger and passes the ball to the next one. And so on until the ball is in the hands of the teacher

Dating game “Multi-colored ball”

The teacher holds a ball in his hands (I made the ball using the Patchwork technique) and says:

"Multi-colored ball

Jumps along the path

Along the path, along the path,

From birch to aspen,

From the aspen-turn,

He’s coming straight to (Mashenka)!”

With the last words, the teacher passes the ball to the child. The child whose name was named takes the ball. Then the child is asked to say his name and the name of the teacher.

Dating game “Box with a surprise”

To organize the game, I took a box that is shaped like a cube.

This game resembles a game with a ball, only at the end the teacher opens the box himself (or gives the child the opportunity to pull the ribbon). From a secret pocket, the teacher takes out and gives small souvenirs to the children as a keepsake of their acquaintance.

One of the tasks of parents and teachers is to teach children to get acquainted, help them establish contacts with peers and make friends with the children of the group.

To help children not be afraid of new acquaintances, to instill in them a desire to make new friends, and children's games for acquaintance are called upon

The course of the conversation is a game.

Part 1: Conversation with children on the topic : “I am your new teacher

(Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, the teacher sits opposite them)

Educator : - Hello guys! My name is Natalya Vladimirovna, I am your new teacher .

teachers in our group , Marina Viktorovna is now on vacation, she will rest and return to us in September.

teacher in our group , this is our assistant, Marina Sergeevna.

(children's questions)


- Guys, let's repeat my first name and patronymic, please say it yourself, Natalya Vladimirovna (children repeat)


- Fine! And once again we’ll say everything in unison, Natalya Vladimirovna (children repeat)


- Well done.

-Now let's get to know each other better .

To do this, we will play the game “Roll Call - Confusion”

Goal: Development of voluntary attention, consolidation of acquaintances

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