Organization of sports games with children of senior preschool age

"Let's help Dunno"

Age 5-7 years Material - 5 cards with a playing field and 25 cut cards with images of sports equipment. Goal To develop attention, the ability to recognize and name sports equipment and sports. Number of players from 1 to 5. Motivation - to help Dunno find sports equipment. Progress of the game All players receive a conditional number of cards (they choose from the general pile). A presenter is identified, who takes cut cards from an opaque bag and voices what is indicated in the picture. The player whose pictures match takes it for himself and puts it on the card. The one whose cards are completely closed wins. Looks like that:

Here you can download the didactic game sports lotto Let's Help Dunno for color printing in PDF format
Didactic game on physical education for preschoolers

"The fifth wheel"

Age 5-7 years The goal is to know and name sports equipment, to develop the ability to classify objects according to essential characteristics. Didactic material: a set of 10 cards, on each card there are 3 stripes depicting 5 items, 4 items are sports equipment, and 5 are extra. Each extra item in the strip belongs to a certain category (toys, fruits, vegetables, food, household appliances, furniture, kitchen utensils, interior items, hats) Progress of the game: Children name sports equipment, identify the extra picture, explaining their choice, name a generalization the concept of “extra” images. For example: 1 card: - basketball, volleyball, soccer ball, rubber ball - sports equipment, pyramid - toy, which means it is extra; - a puck, a baseball, a shuttlecock, a tennis ball - sports equipment, a drum - a toy, which means it is superfluous; - a baseball bat, a hockey stick, a tennis racket, a gymnastic stick - sports equipment, a truck - a toy, which means it is superfluous; Extra pictures are toys (general concept) It looks like this:

Download the didactic game The fifth odd one for color printing in PDF format
Didactic game cut pictures

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