Album of didactic games “Great rights of a small child”

Didactic games for legal education in kindergarten | Card index (middle group) on the topic:

Didactic games on legal education in kindergarten

Game: “Doing the Right Thing”

Goals: to give children the concept of bad and good deeds and be able to analyze them; develop politeness and consideration in children. Material: paired pictures. Each pair of pictures is dedicated to one topic. But one of the pictures depicts a bad deed, and the second - a good one. In total, from 10 to 20 pairs are used. The teacher explains to the children which actions can be called good and which are bad, and then offers to give examples of good and bad actions. Then the teacher gives each player two cards. The cards must be distributed in such a way that the pairs for both pictures are in the hands of the other player. Everyone’s task is to find a pair for both pictures. It is important to ensure that children work carefully and address each other politely. No one has the right to offend another person, humiliate him or severely punish him

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