Card index of didactic games on gender education of children in the middle group

Card index of didactic games on gender education of children in the middle group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 10 “Solnyshko”

Play as a means of educating preschoolers

Play, according to teachers, is the best method of learning anything. While playing, the child does not think about the fact that this is study and they want something from him. He simply performs actions that interest him and easily, naturally remembers a lot of necessary information.

Gender games for preschoolers are one of the ways to explain how girls and boys should behave, what rules their behavior in society is subject to. The outdated stereotype “cars for boys, dolls for girls” has long since become obsolete; modern early development methods tell a completely different story. In addition, the lines between male and female professions are gradually blurring; many women are passionate about the ideas of feminism. Because of this, it becomes more difficult for the younger generation to adapt to their role, and many parents and especially grandmothers are opposed to new practices, when boys playing with dolls and “mother-daughter” are not only allowed, but also encouraged, and girls dream of becoming not a housewife, but, say, a prime minister.

Project objectives:

Didactic game

"Ears on top of the head."


  • Development of auditory attention.
  • Teach children to identify themselves and the people around them by gender role.

Progress of the game:

The adult calls several names. Children need to listen carefully and say the extra name. Explain why they consider this or that name “superfluous.”

For example, Seryozha, Misha, Lena; Natasha, Dasha, Dima.

Didactic game

"Gifts for Sasha and Masha."


  • formation of gender ideas in children.


consolidate the ability to recognize oneself and other children as representatives of a certain gender; continue to develop an interest in the life and activities of other representatives of the same and opposite sex;

develop thinking and imagination;

foster friendly relationships between children.


two dolls - a girl Dasha and a boy Sasha, two boxes (red, for Masha, and the other blue, for Sasha) containing “Gifts” (pictures depicting various objects - toys, clothes for girls and boys, as well as objects, not having a specific gender).

Progress of the game:

During the game, children need to correctly determine who the gift is intended for.

Didactic game

“How are our mothers similar?”

“How are our dads similar?”


  • To develop the ability to identify significant similarities and differences between representatives of different sexes.
  • Cultivate love for loved ones and respect for their work.
  • Help your child express his feelings to people close to him.


family album photographs of each child.

Progress of the game:

Children and an adult are sitting on the carpet. The teacher tells the children that each of them has a family, there are mothers, fathers, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Children are asked, looking at a photo of their mother (their father), to tell what kind of mother (father) they have? What does she do? For example, my mother is kind, affectionate, sometimes angry, thin, caring, beautiful. She cooks food, washes clothes, etc.

After all the children answer, the teacher asks them a question:

-How are our mothers (fathers) similar?

-What housework duties do all mothers (fathers) perform?

-What external signs unite them?

-What qualities are inherent in all mothers (fathers)?

-Who will you be when you grow up?

After listening to the children's answers, the teacher sums up that all mothers and fathers do housework, raise children, and go to work. All mothers and fathers love their children and take care of them

Didactic game

"Noble Deeds"



  • To instill in children the desire to do things for the sake of other people.
  • To form an understanding that we call an action not only heroism, but also any good deed for the sake of another person.



Progress of the game


Children are asked to list noble deeds towards girls (women) and boys (men). The teacher throws the ball into the hands of one of the players, he names a noble deed and throws the ball to the next player at his request.

For example, noble deeds for boys:

call the girl by name only; when meeting a girl, say hello first; give up your seat in transport; never offend a girl; protect the girl; help the girl carry heavy things; when a girl gets out of the transport, you need to get out first and give her your hand; the boy must help the girl get dressed, give her a coat, etc.

Noble deeds for girls: call a boy by name only; when meeting a boy, say hello; praise the boy for showing attention; do not offend or call the boy names, especially in the presence of other children; thank the boy for his good deeds and deeds; etc.

Progress of the game:

1. Girls and boys sit opposite each other. 2. The boys start the game. They take turns calling any girls' names. 3. If there is a girl whose name was spoken, she stands up and says her name again and talks a little about herself. 4. After this, it’s the girls’ turn and they start calling out the boys’ names.


Children's stories should not be very long or very short. To make a small self-portrait, the presenter must help the children.

Didactic game

"The Absent-Minded Artist"


  • consolidate knowledge about adult professions and tools.


set of pictures.

Progress of the game:

The cards depict people of different professions, holding tools in their hands. It is necessary to correct the artist's mistakes. Description of the cards: the doctor has a hammer, the carpenter has a thermometer.

“Help dress the boy (girl) for a walk”


Introduce your child to seasonal clothing that is suitable for a boy or girl; fix the names of clothes; learn to choose clothes according to color and weather conditions.

An adult invites the children to help dress the boy and girl for a walk. Draws attention to the tree drawn on the box, decorated with additional elements (specifying that if the leaves are green, grass and flowers, then it is summer; autumn - yellow and red leaves, a cloud with rain, puddles; winter - snowdrifts and snow on the branches) clarifying time of year and reminding you to dress according to the weather.

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