Card index of games using TRIZ technology elements
Card index of TRIZ games - Friends of the blue man - everything that happens to be blue.
Lesson notes on FEMP in the middle group. Topic: “Quantitative and ordinal counting.”
Mathematics lesson using ICT, multimedia Modern information and communication technology tools significantly expand the range of
Summary of the open demonstration of the outdoor game “Wolf and Hares”
Outdoor games for preschoolers on the topic: Animals. Outdoor and speech games for preschoolers on
Long-term planning “Application” in the preparatory group
Long-term planning for modeling and appliqué for December in the preparatory group Badretdinova Venera Perspective
Long-term plan for the development and management of role-playing games
Role-playing game is called the queen of children's games. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to organize it correctly, not
Didactic game “One - many” (nouns in the genitive case)
GAME – “ONE IS MANY” GAME – “WORDS REVERSE” Instructions: “Come on, you and I
Methodological development “Perspective plan for environmental education in the senior preparatory group”
Didactic game “Magic Belt” in the older group (5-6 years old)
Long-term plan for didactic games in the senior group September Didactic game (socialization) “Listen to the claps” (arbitrary
TRIZ technology. Experience working in the second junior group of a kindergarten.
The ability to communicate, explore the world, and plan one’s actions are formed in a child as he develops.
Technology "Travel on the map" methodological development on the world around us (senior group) on the topic
System of gaming techniques of the technology “Travel along the map to the city of sounds” System of gaming techniques of technology
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