Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the middle group on the formation of phonetic-phonemic concepts

Summary of an individual lesson in a secondary speech therapy group on the topic “Automation of sound C”

Summary of individual speech therapy classes in the middle group

Summary of an individual lesson in a secondary speech therapy group on the topic “Automation of sound C”
Author: Elena Pavlovna Shchelkunova, teacher-speech therapist MB preschool educational institution “Combined kindergarten No. 105”, Cherepovets. Description of the material: I offer you a summary of an individual lesson in a secondary speech therapy group of the first year of study on the topic: “Automation of sound C.”
This material will be useful to speech therapists and speech therapists in the first year of secondary education. The outline of an individual lesson is aimed at strengthening the organs of articulation by performing a complex of articulatory gymnastics, developing fine motor skills of the fingers, automating the sound C. Summary of an individual lesson in a secondary speech therapy group on the topic “Automation of the sound C”
Goal: Continue to automate the sound C in speech . Objectives: Improve the grammatical structure of speech: agreement of numerals with nouns; continue to automate the “s” sound; develop fine motor skills; develop phonemic hearing. Demonstration material: soft toys chicken and duck. Handouts: a saucer with bean grains, a saucer with pea grains, cards with images of objects, Progress of the lesson: The characters “Chicken and Duck” arrive
Speech therapist: Why are you so upset?
“We wanted to peck some grains, but the mouse ran, waved its tail and spilled our bowls.” Now we don’t know where the grains are for the chicken and where for the duck? Game “Collect grains” Speech therapist: let’s help the chicken and duck sort the grains: beans for the duck in one saucer, and peas for the chicken in another saucer. Articulation gymnastics. Speech therapist: and now, our dear guests, we will show how our tongue can do gymnastics. “Fence - window”, “Slide”, “Swing - clock”, “Cup”, “Delicious jam”, “Painter”, “Horse”, “Chewing gum” Exercise “Water makes noise” Speech therapist: our chicken and duck love to drink water from a stream, let's show how the water makes noise. In front of the mirror.
Lips in a smile, teeth together in a “fence”, tongue behind the lower teeth, pronounce long s-s-s-s-s-s-s-, short - s, s, s, s.
Exercise to develop phonemic hearing. Speech therapist: now we need your attention and sensitive hearing. How many times I clap my hands, so many times, briefly, I need to say “how the water makes noise.” (The speech therapist claps his hands behind the screen - 2 times, 1 time, 4 times, 3 times. The child reproduces the same number of claps, pronouncing the sound C) Game “Magic Box” Speech therapist: our guests brought a magic box, open it. Take out the pictures one at a time. Name what is drawn in the picture, beautifully pronouncing the sound S. Game “Scouts” Speech therapist: look at how many different pictures there are, select those pictures that have the sound “s”. Dynamic pause. Speech therapist: if I say a word with the sound “s”, then you need to sit down once. And if the word does not have the “s” sound, then you need to jump once. Game “Who Lives Where” Speech therapist: look and name what animals you see (hedgehog, fox, dog, bear, squirrel)
, and do you know where each of them lives?
If you follow the path from the animal correctly, you will find out where they live. Tell us who lives where. Game "Count" Speech therapist: the chicken and the duck brought more interesting pictures, they told me that I need to count how many objects are in one picture? One catfish, two catfish, three catfish, four catfish, five catfish One fox, two foxes, three foxes, four foxes, five foxes.
One dog, two dogs, three dogs, four dogs, five dogs. Bottom line. Speech therapist: Well done guys, you played so well, what do you remember most about what you played? For your efforts, the chicken and duck will receive beautiful stickers.

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