Educational activity "Wonders of Nature" on environmental education of children in the preparatory group for school

Summary of a lesson on environmental education for the senior group “Save water!”

Olga Savateeva
Summary of a lesson on environmental education for the senior group “Save water!”

Summary of a lesson on environmental education

for the older group .

Topic: Save water !

Educator : Savateeva O.V.

-Goal: - I use artistic words to deepen children’s knowledge about the importance of water in our lives;

— to form an idea of ​​the diversity of the state of water and the types of its existence;

— develop children’s cognitive activity;

- to develop in children goodwill, care, hard work, and a desire to do good deeds.

Material: globe, ribbons of different widths and lengths, disk with music of water sounds, transparent water container - 3 pcs. , 2 plastic cups - for each child, two glass glasses, a saucer, a transparent bottle, drinking straws, juice, milk, two teaspoons, a transparent carafe, a filter (Barrier, mosaic (River, a package of milk and a package of juice, a scarf for blindfolds, garbage (sticks, leaves, pencil shavings, etc., mosaic on whatman paper (River), blue chiffon fabric - imitation of water, guest Sea King Neptune!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of experimental activities “Water of Life” for children of the older group.


Abstract of the GCD on the topic: “The Sorceress - Water” in the senior group.

Introduction to the properties of water.

Card index of games and experiments with water for senior and preparatory groups. GAMES AND EXPERIMENTS WITH SAND IN SENIOR AND PREPARATORY GROUP. CARD OF GAMES AND EXPERIMENTS WITH WIND AND AIR.

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about summer, children’s games in summer, to introduce children to the rules of safe behavior on the water, to cultivate a sense of caution, responsible behavior for their lives and the lives of those around them.

Card index of games and experiments with water for senior and preparatory groups. GAMES AND EXPERIMENTS WITH SAND IN SENIOR AND PREPARATORY GROUP. CARD OF GAMES AND EXPERIMENTS WITH WIND AND AIR.


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