Parent meeting in a school preparatory group on the topic: “Child’s readiness for school”

Tasks for the development of auditory memory

In school life, a child’s auditory memory is often involved; in order to make it easier for the child to cope with tasks, it would be a good idea to conduct developmental activities with him. To develop auditory memory, you can do the following exercise. You should name the child 10 unrelated words, for example, cat, chair, forest, hand, brother, berry, car, house, elephant, door. At home, it happens that parents name words according to the principle that what I see is what I say. However, the baby can also see these objects, and he does not need to remember the words.

Developing auditory memory through reading aloud

Therefore, it is better to write down the words on a piece of paper and work with a pre-prepared list. The items on the list should be familiar to the baby. Normally, he should name at least 5 words, in any order.

The words can be repeated several times, then you need to give the baby the opportunity to repeat the words on his own. It happens that after the third repetition he names all the words, and after the fourth he names only one. You should not get angry with him, as this may be an indicator that the child is not psychologically ready for the lesson. He gets tired quickly. This situation can be correlated with the school process, for example, when learning a poem, it should be understood that frequent repetition will only worsen the situation.

Lesson on memorizing words and names

Psychologists recommend building a graph that will immediately show how your child’s auditory memory works. A zigzag graph indicates instability of attention as a sign of hyperactivity.

Development of semantic memory

To develop semantic memory, you can name paired words, for example, house-window, bear-raspberry, table-chair, forest-tree, winter-snow. Then you should name the words from the first pair, and name the baby from the second. You can start with three semantic pairs, then as the baby understands what they want from him, you can increase the number of pairs. If he cannot understand what is required of him, he needs to explain in more detail, for example, a forest is a tree, a tree grows in a forest. Normally, out of five pairs, the baby should name three.

Development of semantic memory for older preschoolers using pictures

Moreover, different thematic words should be chosen for boys and girls. Typically, 6-year-old children successfully complete this task on the third attempt.

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