Summary of a lesson on experimental activities in the first junior group “The Journey of a Droplet”

Summary of an open lesson on experimentation in the 2nd junior group “Water Sorceress”

Anna Babenetskaya
Summary of an open lesson on experimentation in the 2nd junior group “Water Sorceress”
Summary of an open lesson
on experimentation in the 2nd junior group .

«Sorceress water»

Prepared and conducted:

Goal: To form children’s ideas about the properties of water and its significance.

Educational: to cultivate interest in understanding the world around us, interest in experimentation ; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, organization;

Developmental: develop curiosity, thinking, imagination, understanding of the world around us; develop the ability to think logically, justify your answers, compare facts, stimulate children’s cognitive activity; develop children's speech, enrich their vocabulary;

Educational: to enrich children’s understanding of the various properties of water (transparent, flowing, some objects sink in water, while others float, water can change its color); in the process of experimentation , stimulate the use of research and search activities. Give an idea of ​​the importance of water in human life and in nature.

Integration of educational areas: “cognitive development”, “artistic and aesthetic development”, “social and communicative development”.

Methods and techniques:

Methods: gaming, practical, search and research, surprise moment.

Equipment: water basins, rubber toys, stones; bottles with hot and cold water, cups of water, paints, brushes, fabric napkins, decorated with “water droplets”


Vocabulary work: transparent, colored, floats, sinks, colorless, pours, shimmers, heats up, cools.

Preliminary work: games-experiments with water ; watching the cartoon "Kapitoshka"

, conversation based on its content.

Summary of educational activities with elements of experimentation in the 2nd junior group

Summary of educational activities with elements of experimentation in the second junior group “Hello, Droplet!”
Author: Elena Aleksandrovna Volodina, teacher. Place of work: MBDOU TsRR kindergarten No. 10, Mtsensk, Oryol region. Description: the material will be of interest to educators, additional education teachers, and children of primary preschool age. Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of water. Objectives: -introduce children to the properties of water: transparency, liquid, odorless; -develop children's curiosity, thinking, and speech; -encourage children to take part in the experiment. Equipment: cups of water, milk, chicory, mugs of water, straws, soap, gouache, brushes, pictures of a stream, sea, river, rain.
OOD progress:

The teacher and the children enter the group and see a cloud.

Educator: Children, who is that hiding behind the cloud? (Rain). Educator: Come on, guest, come out to us, tell us about yourself! (The teacher takes the “Droplet” in his hands).

Droplet: I, Droplet - a little rain from a mischievous cloud. I came to you to have fun! Will you play with me? (Yes). Educator: Now we know who came to visit? (Yes, a drop of rain, water). The droplet wants to play with you! Droplet: Children, put out your hands and play with me! Game "Say hello to Droplet." (Children stand in a circle, pass the Droplet to each other and greet it: hello, good afternoon, hello).

Droplet: What good, kind children you are! I invite you to meet my “mother” - water. (Children sit at tables). Educator: Children, look what Droplet has prepared for us? (Glass with water, milk). Game "Find the toy". (Children close their eyes, Droplet puts a small ball in a glass of water for each person. Having opened their eyes, the children must name where the toy is hidden. The same with milk. They conclude: the water is clear). Educator: Why did we immediately find a ball in the water, but not in the milk? (The water is clear).

Droplet: Children, do you recognize me by my smell? Let's try! Game "Guess by smell". (We suggest that children first smell the chicory and water with their eyes open. Then ask them to guess where the water is with their eyes closed).

(They conclude: water does not smell). Educator: Look, children, does Droplet have legs? (No). How did Droplet come to us? (Children’s answers). Let's see how water moves! Experience “Water is flowing.” (children take mugs of water and pour it into glasses, watching how the water pours and flows).

Physical education lesson: Rain drip, rain drip (they tap on the palm with a finger). On the hands, on the legs. (I pretend rain is dripping on the arms and legs). We are not afraid of rain! (They shake a finger). Let's jump and have fun! (Jump). Droplet: Now you know a lot about me. Educator: What have we learned about water? (Transparent, does not smell, pours, flows, liquid). Droplet: What great fellows you are! For this I will show you magic... Experience “Coloring water”.

Soap Castles Experience.

Educator: What a sorceress Water is! (The drop says goodbye to the guys and floats away on a cloud). Educator: Children, where can you and I meet a drop of water? (In the tap, in the bath, in the cloud). Look at the pictures, where in nature can we find water? (Shows pictures depicting a river, sea, stream, lake)

We recommend watching:

Lesson notes for junior group 2. Properties and signs of water Summary of GCD on drawing with elements of experimentation with sugar in the junior group Summary of GCD on cognitive development using experimentation in the 1st junior group Organization of experimental activities with children of the junior group

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Summary of educational activities for experimenting with water in the second junior group on the topic: “Her Majesty, Water”

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Summary of educational activities for experimenting with water in the second junior group on the topic: “Her Majesty, Water”

Prepared by: teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 1 “Polyanka” Isaenko Nadezhda Ivanovna.

Educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Type of activity: educational and research, communicative, gaming.

Goal: to involve children in basic research activities, to form children’s ideas about the properties of water through practical actions.

- introduce children to the properties of water ( water is a liquid , it flows, heavy, transparent, tasteless and odorless,

— clarify children’s knowledge about the purpose of water in our lives.

- develop children’s cognitive activity in the process of experimentation , thinking, speech, outlook and curiosity; to activate and enrich children’s vocabulary on the topic, the ability to express their opinions, reason, compare, and draw conclusions;

- develop skills of cooperation, goodwill, and the ability to work in a group .

- cultivate a careful and economical attitude towards water, accuracy

when working with water ;

- contribute to creating a joyful mood in children.

Enrichment of vocabulary: pours, transparent, colorless, odorless, experiment .

Materials and equipment: magic box, toy fish, transparent cups according to the number of children, disposable spoons, jar of jam, basin, decanter with boiled water , audio recording “Sounds of Water”

, tape recorder, jar of soap bubbles.

Methods and techniques: research, verbal, visual, game, physical exercise “Fish”


Preliminary work: conversations on the topic : Water in human life

, asking riddles, reading fairy tales and educational stories
“About a gray cloud”

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