Cabinet method
Methodological recommendations for the development of sociocultural values in preschool children Olga Aleksandrovna Ryabtseva Methodological
Presentation - Development of reflection in preschool children However, the process of reflection must be multifaceted,
Integration of the educational process in a preschool institution Korotkova Svetlana Integration of the educational process in a preschool institution
Experiments with sand Purpose: 1. To help children better understand the inanimate world around them;
didactic games; orientation-cognitive work; study of illustrations; subject activity; motor games; self-service; observing others
Practical recommendations for planning play activities (Consultation) Natalya Simakina Practical recommendations for planning play activities
“Shop – Supermarket” Content of the program – forms in children ideas about the work of people in
Development of work activity in preschool age While performing a work task, children often switched to play,
“Organization of recreational work during the day with preschool children” Organization of recreational work in