Lesson notes on preparing the hand for writing for preschoolers of the preparatory group

Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on preparing the hand for writing “Fun Competitions”

Goal: Development of attention, speed, reaction, motor dexterity, preparation of the hand for writing, development of accuracy of hand movements.

Materials: handouts (for each child): notebooks, a set of simple and colored pencils, chips of different colors, lacing, samples of graphic exercises “Geometric pattern”, “Rectangles”, “Superman”; medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. - Children, today we will have a fun competition. For each correctly completed task, the child will receive a chip. At the end of the class we will tally your chips and award 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Remember the main thing is that the task is completed correctly and accurately, and not quickly!

- But first, just as athletes warm up before real competitions, you and I will do a warm-up.

Dynamic pause

Warm-up begins We stood up, straightened our backs, leaned to the right - to the left And repeated again (bending to the sides) We squat in a count of One, two, three, four, five. This necessary work is to train the leg muscles (squats). And now we perform arm jerks together with you (arm jerks in front of the chest).

1st task “Geometric pattern” (children are given samples)

- Why do you think it is called that? (consists of geometric shapes).

For correctly completing the task, the child is given 1 chip.

2nd task “Rectangles”

- Be careful, each rectangle has its own pattern, you need to repeat it correctly.

For correctly completing the task, the child is given 1 chip.

3rd task Graphic dictation

- I will dictate half of the drawing, you must guess what it is and draw the second half.
(chips are distributed)

4th Lacing task “Repeat the pattern”

- You need to tie your own shoelaces, just like

shown in sample (sample showing)

For completing the task correctly, the child is given 1 chip.

5th task "Superman"

— Guys, you spent the whole year studying at the Obedient Pencil school. I believe that by the end of the year you have become real supermen. And I suggest you portray such a superman (showing a sample)

For completing the task correctly, the child is given 1 chip.

Result: Chips are counted and medals are distributed.

Summary of a lesson on preparing the hand for writing for preschoolers in the Snezhinka kindergarten

Goal: Development of attention, speed, reaction, motor dexterity, preparation of the hand for writing, development of accuracy of hand movements.

Material: illustrations with snowflake; handouts (for each child): notebooks, a set of simple pencils, spiky balls; pouch.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Hello, guys! Look what I brought for you today (showing a picture with parts from a snowflake). Do you understand what this is? Yes, I think the same thing, that this is a snowflake, only unusual. Do you know why she is like this? The evil north wind broke our snowflake. And he said that we can return her only when we complete all his tasks. Let's help our snowflakes become beautiful again and shine for our joy? (Yes)

1st task

Then the 1st task. In order for the first ray of a snowflake to return to its place, you need to do a winter warm-up: (Children imitate walking in the snow, shoveling snow, making a snowman and playing with snowballs)

Educator: Guys, after completing the task, we will put one ray of a snowflake into this magic bag, which will then help us return our snowflake (we put the first ray of a snowflake in the bag).

2nd task. “Repeat the pattern!”

2. From sticks


Educator: Well done! Another ray saved from the evil north wind (put it in a bag).

3rd task. “Continue the drawing” (after completing the drawing, children are asked to independently complete the details (eyes, smile...))

Educator: Guys, I propose to draw a good wizard who will help us tame the north wind so that it doesn’t break anything else.

Educator: Well done, everyone did the task well! I hope the good wizard can help us. We place another ray of snowflakes in our magic bag.

4th task. “We’ll play with the snowball” (spiky ball)

- We will play with the snow and warm our palms. (Children roll the ball between their palms in different directions, squeeze the ball in their hands, throw it and catch it with both hands, then alternately with each hand)

Educator: Well done! The 4th ray is saved from the evil north wind (put it in a bag).

5th task. "Hatching"

Educator: Well done! The 5th ray is saved (put it in a bag). Last task left.

Educator: We have 1 ray left. To disenchant him, you must complete the most difficult task.

Goal: differentiation of sounds S-Z, S-Z in words.


1) educational:

  • consolidate the concepts of “sound”, “syllable”, “word”;
  • differentiate the concepts “sound” - “letter”;
  • to train children in differentiating phonemes that have acoustic-articulatory similarities;
  • to develop in children the ability to give comparative acoustic-articulatory characteristics of sounds;
  • consolidate the pronunciation of differentiated sounds in words;
  • improve the ability to determine the place of a sound in a word, correlate it with the corresponding letter;
  • develop skills in syllabic synthesis of words;
  • practice using simple common sentences;
  • consolidate children's ideas about the New Year holiday;

2) correctional and developmental:

  • develop phonemic hearing;
  • develop voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, thinking, memory;
  • promote the development of optical-spatial orientation, general and fine motor skills;

3) educational:

  • To cultivate in children a sense of mutual assistance and the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: letter from a bunny, oak tree, chest, hare, duck, egg, support diagram for characterizing sounds, letters C and Z, plates with semolina for each child, subject picture “Winter Forest at Night”, letters C written on small sheets of self-adhesive paper and Z, individual tables with pictures, under which are written deformed words (words without the last syllable), letters of different sizes that make up the word "FAIRY TALE", a laptop, an excerpt from the movie "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti".

Progress of the lesson:

  1. I. _ Organizing time

A letter is brought into the group.

- Guys, the postman brought a letter. Guess who it's from:

You and I will recognize the animal

According to two such signs:

He's wearing a white fur coat in winter,

And in a gray fur coat in the summer. (Hare.)

- Listen to what the hare writes. (The speech therapist opens the letter and reads it.)

- You guys, help,

Save the Snow Maiden from the evil Koshchei!

– The fact is that Koschey the Immortal stole the Snow Maiden. I wanted to arrange a New Year for my evil spirits. He knows that the Snow Maiden only comes to good people. So he hid it in his dungeon. What should we do, guys? (Children's answers.)

- If we find the egg and break it, we can free the Snow Maiden. But first you need to find a tree on which hangs a chest, a hare and a duck.

Children approach an oak tree on which a “chest” (photo of a real chest) hangs.

- And here is the oak tree. But the chest hangs high. To get it, you need to complete tasks.

  1. II . Updating of reference knowledge
  1. Pronouncing sounds while observing articulation

- Let's remember what we know about sounds. (We hear and pronounce sounds.)

– What is the first sound in the word “chest”? (In the word “chest” the first sound is S.)

- Take the mirrors. Make the sound S. What do lips do? (Lips stretch into a smile.)

– Where is the tip of the tongue? (The tip of the tongue is at the bottom, resting on the lower teeth.)

– What does the language look like? (The tongue looks like a pea.)

- Let's show the hill with our palm. The air stream goes down the middle of the tongue. What is it like, warm or cold? (Cold.)

- Is the neck working? (No.)

- Let's check.

– What is the first sound in the word “hare”? (In the word “hare” the first sound is Z.)

– Look in the mirrors and pronounce the sound Z. We pronounce the sound Z in the same way as the sound S, but what is the difference? (The neck works.)

- Let's check.

Children place their hand on the vocal cord area and feel the vibration.

- Guys, what holiday is celebrated in winter? (New Year is celebrated in winter.)

– And on New Year’s Day, Father Frost and Snow Maiden prepare many surprises for children. What is the first sound in the word "surprise"? (In the word surprise, the first sound is S.)

– What is the first sound in the word “winter”? (In the word “winter” the first sound is Z.)

– Do you remember that the sounds S’ and Z’ are pronounced in the same way as the sounds S and Z, only the back of the tongue rises higher (show with the help of hands.)

  1. Comparative characteristics of the sounds S-S, Z-Z

The speech therapist invites the children to approach the easel on which support diagrams for characterizing sounds hang.

– Give a description of the sound S. (The sound S is consonant, hard, unvoiced.)

– Choose a designation for the sound C (Children choose a blue square without a bell.)

– Give a description of the sound Z. (The sound Z is consonant, hard, voiced.)

– How do we designate the sound Z? (Children choose a blue square with a bell.)

– How are the sounds S and Z similar? (They are both consonant and hard.)

– How are these sounds different? (The S sound is unvoiced, and the Z sound is voiced.)

- Well done. Now choose a designation for the sounds Sy and Z and say how the sounds Sy and Z are similar and how they differ. (Children's answers.)

At this moment, the speech therapist quietly takes out a real chest hidden near the oak tree.

“We found the chest, but we can’t open it.” Then let's play the game "On the contrary."

III . Main part

  1. Game "On the contrary"

Now I will name the words, and you change the sound S to the sound Z and vice versa to get new words:

tooth - souppick up - collect
fence - cathedralitching - judgment
soybean – Zoyabraid - goat
layer - evilbend - bend
pour - saltseem – touch

– Now change the sound Зь to the sound Сь and vice versa:

pharynx – sitting

Simushka - winter

The children open the chest and take out a hare.

- We found a hare, now who needs to be found? (Duck.)

  1. Correlating sounds with letters

The speech therapist invites the children to sit at the tables.

– We were just talking about sounds, but now remember what letters are. (We see, write and read letters.)

- Guys, what letter denotes the sounds S and S? (The sounds S and Сь are designated by the letter S.)

The speech therapist hangs two letters on the board at the same time: S and Z.

– Where is the letter C? (The letter C is in the upper left corner.)

– How many parts does the letter C consist of? (The letter C consists of one part.)

- That's right, the letter C consists of one semi-oval.

– Which direction does the letter C face? (The letter C faces to the right.)

– What does the letter C look like? (Children's answers.)

– What letter represents the sounds Z and Z? (The sounds Z and Z are designated by the letter Z.)

- In which corner is the letter Z? (The letter Z is in the upper right corner.)

– How many elements does the letter Z consist of? (The letter Z consists of two elements.)

- That's right, the letter Z consists of two semicircles.

– Which way is she looking? (To the left.)

-What does the letter Z look like? (Children's answers.)

  1. Children write the letters C and Z using semolina with their finger

-The blizzard scattered snow. Write the letters C and Z on the snow. Which direction does the letter C face? (The letter C faces to the right).

- Which way does the letter Z point? (The letter Z faces left.)

Children write the letters C and Z with their finger on semolina.

A duck quack sound is heard.

- Who is this? (Duck)

- Where is she? (The children look around and find a duck on the windowsill.)

- The duck has flown, but how can we get the egg? (Children's answers.)

– Probably, there is another task to be completed. Let the duck sit here for now and look at you. (The speech therapist places the duck on the nest.)

  1. Game “Complete the word with the correct syllable”

The speech therapist gives each child a table. The table contains two pictures, under which are written deformed words (words without the last syllable).

- Guys, out of anger, Koschey the Immortal bit off the last syllable of each word so that you wouldn’t guess what words were written. Can we correct Koshchei’s tricks? (Children's answers.)

– First you need to read which syllables are lost. Read which syllable is in the upper left corner? (SY)

– Read the syllable in the upper right corner? (PS)

– Now be very careful. Look at your pictures, read the beginning of the word and select the desired syllable SY or ZY. (Children peel off the syllables SY and ZY and glue them to the desired word.)

After this, each child reads the resulting pairs of words (braids - goats, mustaches - vases, wasps - basins, beads - roses, pineapples - watermelons).

The duck's quack is heard again.

- Let's check if we found the egg? (The children remove the duck from the nest and find an egg in the nest; they try to break it, but it doesn’t work.)

– Who will help us break the egg, maybe a snowman? Get up in a circle, let's build a snowman.

  1. Physical education minute
Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy,They walk in a circle, rolling an imaginary ball.
Roll your snowball in the snow.
It will turn into a thick lumpThey “draw” a thick lump with their hands.
And the lump will become a snowman.Depict a snowman.
His smile is so bright!They smile.
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.They show their eyes, cover their heads with their palms, and stand up with a depicted broom.
  1. Working with a plot picture

The speech therapist invites the children to come to the board on which he hangs a plot picture.

- And here is our Snowman. He will help us break the egg and save the Snow Maiden, but you also need to try.

– Look at this picture and think in which words you need to write the letter S, and in which - the letter Z. But first, let’s remember that if we hear the sound S or S’ in a word, then in this word we will write the letter S, and if in a word we hear the sound Z or Z, then we will write the letter Z. Now you name the words and glue the desired letter S or Z onto this picture. (Children independently find pictures in the plot picture whose names contain the sounds S, Sy, Z, Z , and glue the corresponding letter C or Z onto the picture. The subject picture depicts a winter forest at night: snow, moon, stars, snowman, fox, squirrel, hare, owls, sleigh, pine, birch.)

  1. Determining the place of a sound in a word and correlating it with the corresponding letter

- Guys, look at the picture again. In which words do we write the letter C at the beginning of the word? (Children look at the picture and name the words: “snow”, “sleigh”, “owls”, “snowman”.)

- Name the words in which we write the letter Z at the beginning of the word (“hare”, “winter”, “stars”), in the middle? (“birches”)

- In which word do we write two letters Z? ("stars")

– And in the word “fox”, where should you write the letter C: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word?

– Which word should we write the letter C at the very end? ("forest")

  1. IV . Final part
  1. Composing the word “FAIRY TALE” from letters of different sizes

The sound of an egg beating is heard, and the speech therapist tells the children that they can now try to break the egg. Children “break” (open) an egg, inside of which there are letters of different sizes.

- Guys, look, there is some kind of word in the egg, but it has crumbled. How can we read it? (Children's answers.)

Children arrange the letters in height, from highest to lowest, and read the resulting word “FAIRY TALE”.

The speech therapist invites the children to go to the magic screen (laptop), loudly say the magic word “FAIRY TALE” and see if they were able to defeat Koshchei and free the Snow Maiden.

The speech therapist turns on the laptop, and the children see a musical fragment from the film “New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti” about the liberation of the Snow Maiden. At the end of the fragment, the Snow Maiden says: “I escaped from Koshcheev’s captivity, and now the New Year will certainly come to us!”

  1. Summarizing

- Guys, were we able to defeat Koshchei and free the Snow Maiden? (Children's answers.)

– What did we do for this? What tasks did you perform? (Children's answers.)

– What did you like most? (The speech therapist listens to each child.)

  1. Organized end of class
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