Cabinet method
Card file of experiments on ecology for senior preschool age Municipal state preschool educational institution of Kuibyshevsky
If a child has been diagnosed with disabilities, during a special commission with the participation of psychologists,
Profession - junior assistant teacher Project on the topic: "Profession - junior assistant teacher" Prepared by 9th grade students: Savrukhina
Didactic games for the development of thinking Thinking is one of the highest forms of human activity, as well as
Physical education lesson with non-standard equipment in the middle group “Wand is a lifesaver” Goal: strengthen muscles
Knowledge of English gives a great advantage, opening up a lot of opportunities for a person. Therefore it is not surprising that
Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old Gatherings at the mini-museum “Good responds with kindness.
Tasks of education and training in the preparatory group TASKS OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN THE PREPARATORY GROUP
Svetlana Aleksandrovna Mazhova Summary of the lesson on the application “Gift for Dad - Tools” for older children
The use of visual material when organizing experimental activities in preschool educational institutions. Within the framework of the designated topic, speech