Types of children's activities with children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Productive activity

It is impossible to imagine classes in kindergarten without drawing, modeling and applications. These are all productive activities that promote mental development. In classes, kids learn to express their thoughts and show imagination. It is in kindergarten that a love for art can begin, and parents usually identify one or another talent in the child at this time.

Praise is a very important aspect of productivity. Under no circumstances should you point out mistakes to a preschool child. The teacher can only guide the child, suggest how it would be optimal to solve a specific problem. It is no coincidence that there is no assessment system in preschool institutions. The child should not know that he is drawing or making appliqué worse than others.

Productive activities in kindergarten help introduce the child to the surrounding nature, basic colors and shapes. In addition, drawing and modeling contribute to the development of motor coordination.

Types of children's activities and ways to support them

Svetlana Maltseva

Types of children's activities and ways to support them

1. The pedagogical dictionary notes that the concept of “initiative”

can be defined as an initiative,
“the first step”
towards the beginning of some action.

2. In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in the “Concept for the modernization of Russian education”

, the Law of the Russian Federation
“On Education in the Russian Federation”
and other regulatory documents of the Russian Federation formulate the state’s social order for the education system: education of an initiative, responsible person, ready to make independent decisions in a situation of choice.

3. The Federal State Educational Standard states that one of the main principles of preschool education is to support children in various types of activities . Support for the initiative is also a condition necessary for creating a social situation for the development of children. At the stage of completion of preschool education, the targets defined by the Federal State Educational Standard include the following: • show initiative and independence in various types of activities ; • choose your occupation, participants in joint activities ; • demonstrate the ability to exercise volition ; • independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions; • demonstrate the ability to make your own decisions.

4. The development of children's initiative and independence is carried out:

IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES . 1. gaming; communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction and folklore, productive, musical, motor, elementary labor; directly organized; in regime moments in independent; activities ; 5. Without independence, we will not get initiative. For a long time there was an opinion that a child is not yet a person. A small child is an inferior being who cannot think, act independently, or have desires that do not coincide with the desires of adults. The child must fulfill the requirements dictated by the adult without showing his own initiative and independence. “said and done” principle

And only recently have we adopted “positive”
approach to the development of a child: he has been recognized as having the right to be an individual. And independence is a faithful companion to personal development.

6.Development of independence:

The first stage is when the child acts in his usual conditions, in which basic habits were developed, without reminders and help from adults (we wash our hands before and after eating; we say “hello”

“thank you”
; put toys back in place; clean up the room, etc.).

The second stage - the child independently uses familiar methods of action in new , unusual, but close and homogeneous situations (clean up order in the group; sweep the floor at grandma’s, etc.)


Third stage – long-distance transfer is possible. The rules have been mastered and the child uses them in any situation.

7.Characteristic features of developed independence:

a) the ability to perform work on one’s own initiative, to notice the need for certain actions (water flowers if the ground is dry; when you see a mess, eliminate it)


b) the ability to perform work without outside help, without the constant supervision of an adult;

c) consciousness of actions, the presence of basic planning (the ability to understand the purpose of the work, foresee its result)


d) the ability to give a fairly adequate assessment of one’s work and exercise basic self-control;

e) the ability to transfer known methods of action to new conditions.

8 The lag in the development of independence and initiative in preschool children is largely a consequence of improper organization of children’s activities and upbringing errors:

a) excessive regulation of activities ,

b) constant control and guardianship,

c) the predominance of direct methods of directing children’s actions,

d) teaching actions by directly imitating an adult’s display, etc.

9. Stages of development of a child’s independence of plans.

2-3 years - testing yourself in the external field (who I am)


3-5 years - the emergence of a conscious and verbally formulated plan and testing of my ideas in different areas (what I can do)


5-7 years - subordination of actions to a conscious sustainable plan, a clear subjective division of the spheres of initiative (where I can)

10 Initiative and independence in preschool children are formed gradually, one after another.

11 Ways and directions of supporting children's initiatives.

1. Joint activity between an adult and children , based on the search for solutions to a problem situation proposed by the child himself.

2. Project activities .

3. Joint cognitive and research activities of adults and children - experiments and experimentation

4. Observation and basic household work in the experimentation center.

5. Joint activity of adults and children to transform objects of the man-made world and living nature.

6. Creating conditions for independent activity of children in development centers

12. Children's initiative is manifested in the free activity of children according to their choice and interests. The opportunity to play, draw, design, compose, etc., in accordance with one’s own interests, is the most important source of a child’s emotional well-being in kindergarten . In the form of independent initiative activities in kindergarten, types of activities of the child can be carried out , since each activity has a unique impact on the development of different components of independence

13. Conditions necessary for the development of children's initiative.

1. Developmental subject-spatial environment.

2. The content of the developmental environment should take into account the individual characteristics and interests of children of a particular group.

3. The democratic style of communication between teachers and children should prevail in the group. 4. Educators and parents must develop children’s skills to choose activities and relationships in accordance with their interests.

5. Parents should be aware of everything that is happening in the child’s life: what he is doing, what new things he has learned, what he needs help with in his search.

14. Types and directions of children's initiative :

1. creative initiative - involves the child’s involvement in a story-based game as the main creative activity , where imagination and imaginative thinking develop;

2. initiative of productive activity - drawing , modeling, constructive modeling, where voluntariness and the planning function of speech develop;

3. communicative initiative - involves the child’s involvement in interaction with peers, where empathy and the communicative function of speech develop;

4. cognitive initiative - presupposes curiosity, involvement in experimentation, simple cognitive and research activities , where the ability to establish spatio-temporal, cause-and-effect and generic relationships develops.

15. Manifestations of children's initiative at different ages.

2-3 years

The priority area for the manifestation of children's initiative at this age is research activity with objects , materials, substances; enriching your own sensory experience of perceiving the world around you.

3-4 years

The priority area for the manifestation of children's initiative is play and productive activities .

4-5 years

The priority area for the manifestation of children's initiative at this age is cognitive activity , expanding their information horizons, and playing activities with peers .

5-6 years

The priority area for the manifestation of children's initiative in older preschool age is non-situational - personal communication with adults and peers, as well as information and cognitive initiative.

16. “Balance of adult and child initiative :

This is achieved not through a rigid separation of the spheres of domination of an adult and the freedom of a child, but through the flexible design of partnership activities , where both parties act as central figures in the educational process and where pedagogical interests and the interests of a specific group of preschoolers meet, and are not opposed.”

Recommendations for teachers to stimulate the initiative of children's creative activity.

1. Providing a favorable atmosphere. The goodwill on the part of the teacher, his refusal to express assessments and criticism of the child contribute to the free manifestation of divergent thinking (it is characterized by speed, flexibility, originality, accuracy)


2. Enriching the child’s environment with a wide variety of objects and stimuli that are new to him in order to develop his curiosity.

3. Encouraging the expression of original ideas.

4. Using a personal example of a creative approach to problem solving.

5. Provide opportunities for exercise and practice. Widespread use of divergent questions across a wide variety of areas.

6. Giving children the opportunity to actively ask questions.

7. Systematically enriching the life experience of children.

8. Collaborative (educational)

games between a teacher and children aimed at imparting gaming experience to them.

9. Timely changes in the subject-play environment, taking into account the enriching life and play experience of children.

10. Activating communication between an adult and children, aimed at encouraging them to independently apply new knowledge in the game, ways to solve game problems, facilitating children’s interaction with each other.

Cognitive and research activities

An equally important activity can be considered cognitive and research. This species is quite closely related to the game. After all, it is thanks to the latter that the child gets acquainted with the world around him. Cognitive activity is of great importance at any childhood age. Depending on the goals that the teacher sets for the children, this type of activity may include experimentation, observation, and excursions.

Special attention should be paid to targeted walks. In the warm season, thanks to trips to the park or out of town, the teacher helps children solve several problems at once. Active recreation can be combined with getting to know nature and animals of your native land. In addition, fresh air helps improve children's appetite and sleep. An obstacle to daily walks may be too low an air temperature or precipitation. In the summer, teachers should ensure that children spend less time in the open sun and wear hats. Almost all types of children's activities in kindergarten in summer can be carried out in the fresh air.

Musical and artistic activities

Musical activities for children in kindergarten include singing, humming along, playing instruments, as well as outdoor games with musical accompaniment. In such classes, children develop their creative abilities. Many children enjoy classes with vocal improvisation. It is musical and artistic activities that were created to prepare children for performances. Children learn to feel great in front of a large audience.

Proper organization of leisure time is also important

Teaching a child's basic skills in a preschool comes first. But properly organized cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten are also important. In order for children to be able to usefully spend their free time in a group, the space must be properly organized. Adults should pay special attention to toys. Appropriate areas in the form of a living corner, kitchen or pharmacy are of great benefit. Special toys make children's role-playing games more intense.

The conditions for the implementation of children's activities in kindergarten also include theatrical events. Performances and fairy tales help children better consolidate the material they have covered. In addition, favorable conditions are created for the comprehensive development of the child within the preschool walls.

Organization of the educational process in senior groups in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Bibliographic description:

Sayapina, L. I. Organization of the educational process in senior groups in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard / L. I. Sayapina, D. S. Chilikova. — Text: direct // Questions of preschool pedagogy. — 2022. — No. 5 (15). — P. 1-5. — URL: https://moluch.ru/th/1/archive/100/3507/ (access date: 01/19/2022).

In 2013, a new law “On Education” came into force, which states that kindergarten is the first compulsory stage of the educational process [4]. Preschool education should not only be accessible, but also of high quality. Therefore, from January 1, 2014, all preschool educational institutions switched to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES).

The standard pursues the following goals: “increasing the social status of preschool education; ensuring by the state equal opportunities for every child to receive quality preschool education; ensuring state guarantees of the level and quality of preschool education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs of preschool education, their structure and the results of their development; maintaining the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation regarding the level of preschool education" [3].

What is changing in the educational process of preschool educational institutions in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education?

The text of the Federal State Educational Standard does not use the word “class” as a specially organized educational activity. But the learning process remains. The standard involves training in the senior group through the organization of various types of children's activities: play, communication, work, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading. During the educational process, they alternate: children can study sitting on chairs, on a carpet, standing, in groups, in pairs, etc. [1].

The way children's activities are organized has also changed. If previously the teacher was in charge and the child was in control, now both the child and the adult are subjects of interaction, equal in importance.

At the present stage, we are seeing the inclusion of effective forms of working with children in the educational process: ICT, project activities, gaming, problem-based learning situations as part of the integration of educational areas.

High-quality preparation of visual materials is also very important. They should be modern and accessible to every preschooler. The illustrations and paintings used must be of high quality and large in size. Multimedia presentations are encouraged [2].

For example, to consolidate your knowledge of fairy tales and their names, you can use a presentation with riddles.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education sets requirements for the organization and updating of the subject-development environment. The subject-development environment in an institution implementing a preschool education program is one of the important criteria for assessing the quality of education.

Also, with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the structure of the school education for older preschoolers is changing:

  1. The introductory part involves creating a positive emotional mood for children’s activities. The child himself must become interested in the process, and for this motivation must be created. Motivation should unobtrusively, through play, encourage the child to take certain actions. Here everything depends on the literacy and competence of the teacher, because properly created motivation is the key to the success of the educational process.

Modern teachers have at their disposal a huge selection of ways to motivate students in the educational process, including theatrical activities with game characters, puppet performances and performances, multimedia equipment with which it is possible to create incredible stories and even reproduce direct interaction with children by recording voices and images.

Also important is the point of creating a problem situation (or a problem-search situation) for older preschoolers, the solution of which they will be engaged in throughout the entire educational activity. The problem should be understandable to preschoolers and not require unnecessary explanation. For example: Dunno came from Sunny City on an excursion to our city and got lost. Children help him get home, going through various obstacles and tasks. This technique develops mental activity in children, stimulates interest, and teaches interaction in a team or in pairs. Or: Children, I am Doctor Plyusheva. I invite you to a secret research laboratory, where you will get acquainted with the experiments carried out by scientists. But guess what you will explore.

  1. The main part of educational activity is a disguised game that will lead to a specific goal. In the main part of the OOD, the teacher is not limited in the ways of conveying information to students; the main thing is not to oversaturate the OOD with information. Various interaction methods can be used here: visual (demonstration of materials using multimedia equipment, watching films, audio and video instructions), practical (experimental activities, construction, didactic games and games with rules) and verbal (stories, reading, conversations).

Methods of organizing OOD such as online excursions and quest games are gaining great popularity.

An online tour (or virtual tour) is a spectacular and accessible way of visualization. The main advantage of such an excursion is the complete safety of children, and the fact that it saves time and money is also important. Organizing such excursions does not take much time; you can use ready-made excursions on various video hosting sites such as YouTube or organize excursions yourself using Google Maps or Yandex Maps. Virtual excursions allow you to make exciting journeys and create a complete illusion of presence in the viewer. Voskobovich’s unconventional games also provide additional motivation. The advantage of the game is the internal nature of motivation. Children play because they enjoy the gameplay itself. (see Appendix 1)

Quest game is a set of tasks (quests) united by something (plot, theme, characters, etc.). The most important elements are exploring the world (plot) and solving problems. OD organized in the form of a quest game not only effectively solves the problem of motivation, but also helps with maintaining interest during the activity process, since activities in a quest game change quickly enough, and the child does not have time to get tired.

Analysis is an essential part of any activity. The teacher notes the positive aspects of each child’s work as a basis; the negative aspects are not clearly mentioned, but so that the child would pay attention to this and be able to improve his results in the future. It is also important to maintain the predominance of positive emotions and a friendly atmosphere in the children's team during analysis. The analysis is carried out in several ways:

  1. Analysis on behalf of the teacher.
  2. Analysis from the perspective of a game character participating in the OOD plot.
  3. Self-analysis of children (with the help of a teacher).

A distinctive feature of educational activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is the speech activity of preschool children. Communication between teacher and student should be based on the principle that the child is the doer, and the teacher is the assistant. Most of the speech activity should fall on children; the teacher’s questions should encourage active speech activity, be of a problem-searching nature, and develop logical thinking. The teacher needs to structure his speech in such a way that all speech activity is transferred to the child, and he gives complete and detailed answers to questions.

For example:

1) Children and foxes were walking and got lost. They really want to go home. How can I help them? (The child will independently offer options for help.)

2) I can’t see something well. Who can describe this picture to me? What's written on it? (The child will strive to describe the picture as accurately as possible using more words and more complex speech structures)

3) Who can name the most objects similar to a square? (Activation of the competitive effect. Thought and speech processes are activated in more productive activities. The child uses more words)

It is not unimportant for the teacher to formulate his phrases in such a way as to avoid imposing a plot or actions (“I want to invite...”). It would be more correct to say to the children this way: “Let's go on a trip...”

3. Final part. Part of the OOD, where students achieve their goals and find solutions to all problem and search situations. In this part of the educational activities, it is necessary to pay attention to the outcome of all actions taken and consolidate the acquired knowledge in the course of educational activities. Consolidation of knowledge can occur both in the format of a conversation and in the format of practical activities (draw a picture, make an application, etc.). The conclusion of the OOD is a general analysis of the activities carried out at the end of the educational process (3 methods). We cannot cancel such an important fact as incentives based on the results of the OOD; such incentives can be stickers with emoticons (laughter, smile, etc.), stars (3 - excellent, 2 - good, 1 - try) and much more that will motivate children to perform effectively or maintain their high level of activity in the future.

Thus, we can conclude that currently the requirements for conducting educational activities have changed, since there are pedagogical technologies (problem-based learning, research activities, project activities, health-saving technologies, etc.) that must be used in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Annex 1

Theatrical activities

"Miracle Tree"

Voskobovich games


  1. Denisova N. I. Practical advice for conducting classes on the Federal State Educational Standard of a Preschool Educational Institution [Electronic resource]. — Access mode: https://wwwukdou15.caduk.ru/DswMedia/praktsovetyipoprovedeniyuzanyatiypofgos.pdf.
  2. Mayer A. A. Practical materials on mastering the content of the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational organization [Text]: educational and practical guide / A. A. Mayer. — Moscow: Ped. island of Russia, 2014. - 93 p.
  3. Federal State educational standard for preschool education [Text]: approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013, No. 1155 / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. — Moscow: 2013
  4. Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation: adopted by the State Duma on December 12, 2012 // ConsultantPlus [Electronic resource]. –

Key terms
(automatically generated)
: preschool education, child, educational process, educational activity, teacher, multimedia equipment, main part, project activity, speech activity, Federal State Educational Standard.

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