Summary of an integrated lesson on fire safety in the preparatory group on the topic: “Young firefighters” lesson plan (preparatory group) on the topic
“Don’t play with fire” Using examples of active and educational games, you can show preschoolers that
E. A. Alyabyeva A child in the world of adults. Stories about professions
From the author Familiarizing children of senior preschool age with the professions of adults is one of the most important
Master class for preschool teachers “Nature is the main means of environmental education for preschool children”
You will need a panel nest with birds: a disposable paper plate; flaps of dense fabric. Will do
senior kindergarten program
How long can you study in kindergarten: Onishchenko’s advice
What are the features and structure of classes in the senior group? Activities in kindergarten
An easy way for your child to remember the planets of the solar system
Such a distant and endlessly attractive space! Not every adult fully understands the fullness of
teaching a child to play checkers
Game technology CHECKERS in the educational space of preschool educational institutions
The game of checkers, along with chess, is rightfully recognized as one of the most intellectual games.
vitamins 1
Biology research project: “Vitamins in our lives”
The concept of “vitamins” Vitamins are substances of organic nature that come from outside or are synthesized in the body, are involved in
Lesson with a child using mnemonics
Mnemonics training for the development of attention and memory
Mnemonics for beginners is a system of various methods that helps remember information using various
Lesson on unconventional drawing in the middle group “Colorful butterflies”
Goal: introducing children to non-traditional drawing techniques. Objectives: Educational – strengthen children’s drawing skills
Making paper balls
Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic “Flowers” ​​outline of a drawing lesson (senior, preparatory group)
Drawing lesson “Flowers for Mommy” January 24, 2013 Competition “My pedagogical initiative -
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