Trees: pictures, fairy tales, educational tasks for preschool children
In this article about trees you will find pictures, fairy tales, riddles and educational tasks for
Communicative activity of preschool children as the basis for integrating the content of preschool educationconsultation on the topic
Formation of communication abilities in preschool age Speech is a universal means of communication that helps convey feelings,
Literary quiz for children of senior preschool age “On the roads of fairy tales”
Literary quiz for children of senior preschool age “On the roads of fairy tales” Summary of the final event in
The Tale of the Star Who Didn't Want to Sleep
A fairy tale about a star who did not want to sleep. Once upon a time there lived in the kingdom of stars the Golden Month. How
ways to motivate children
Motives of behavior of children of senior preschool age - Types of motives typical for preschool age
Types of motives typical for preschool age 1. Motives related to children’s interest in the world
physical exercise for children
Physical education sessions in the second junior group. Card index
Physical education sessions in the second junior group. Card file Card file of physical education minutes in the second junior group LET'S TOGETHER
Tear paper applique: what is it and how to make beautiful crafts with your own hands
An interesting creative technique that both adults and children like is cut-out appliqué. Love crafts
On the characteristics of imagination in preschool children
5 exercises to develop imagination in children 4–5 years old
Imagination is an extremely important mental process, but it is precisely its development in preparation for
Card index of physical education minutes about water for older preschoolers.
Exercises for hands How often do young schoolchildren get tired of their hands from writing and
Constructor Animals Edushape
Summary of a design lesson for young children “Fence for ducklings”
Construction in the early age group Spring. Transformations, revitalization, awakening of nature. 17 14.05 Spring Construction
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