“Shouts” for morning exercises and physical training
Exercises in the morning - a set of exercises For children in the garden, exercises are carried out on the street or in
sensory education through play
Didactic games for sensory and mathematical development of children 5-7 years old
What games help develop sensitivity at all levels? Since I'm in the junior group, I give
Abstract of the GCD for the application on the topic: “Sparrows in puddles”
The first option is a basic sheet of brushes and watercolors, cotton pads, glue, plasticine Prepare the basic work
Summary of entertainment according to traffic rules “Summer of Safety” for the senior group
Summary of entertainment according to traffic rules “Summer of Safety” for the senior group Entertainment for children of the senior group
Notes on drawing in the senior group “Portrait of a Mother”
Half-turn portrait You can depict your mother from different angles. The most complex version of a portrait image
Children dancing holding hands
16 poems for children about the solar system, planets and satellites. Card file on fiction (preparatory group)
How to use rhymes about planets Reading rhymes are short poems on different topics for
Tamara Komarova - Classes in visual arts in the pre-school group of the kindergarten. Class notes
Conducting an educational activity on drawing on a chosen topic with children 6–7 years old. The object of the study is
Do-it-yourself didactic multifunctional manual for kindergarten “Seasons”. Master class with step-by-step photos
As children grow older, many questions arise: “What is this?”, “What is this for?”
Plan of class notes on the topic "Traffic Rules"
2.1. The driver of a power-driven vehicle is obliged to: (Article: 2.1. The driver of a power-driven vehicle is obliged to:) 2.1.1.
Abstract of GCD in fine art (drawing) in the middle group on the topic: “Summer landscape.”
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Draw a picture about summer” Gulnaz Sagitova Summary
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