round dance of snowmen
Application "Round Dance" and its modifications for the preparatory group
Application “Festive round dance” and its modifications Children of the preparatory group already have sufficient skills and
Analysis of a kindergarten teacher’s lesson: example, diagram
Analysis of examples of activities of kindergarten teachers helps improve the education system, helps plan and carry out
OOD notes on non-traditional drawing techniques outline of a lesson in fiction (middle group)
Non-traditional drawing techniques in classes in the middle group Children 4–5 years old often experience
Professions pictures for children, we tell children about professions, game learning professions part 2
How to work with the material? Our selection of cards is designed to develop children's speech and thinking,
Treat for the guest: summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of educational activities on modeling for children of the middle group “Dishes for dolls” Purpose:
Protocols of parent meetings in kindergarten
Protocol of parent meetings in the senior group (5-6) years old
Every day, a kindergarten teacher, interacting with children and their parents, receives information about
Planning for the week “Spring. Migratory birds". Senior group
Progress of observation As a white swan floated down across the sky from the north,
Card file of walks for the middle group “Autumn” October card file around the world around us (middle group)
Walk for children of the middle group “Autumn time” Authors: Milnichenko Tatyana Vasilievna, Muslimova Liliya Rubilevna
Card file of wintering birds games
Project in the school preparatory group “Wintering Birds” project (preparatory group) on the topic
Introduction In the nature of our region, all four seasons are clearly expressed. Moreover, the cold period
riddles about summer
Game “Say a word” for children of the middle group on the topics of the week card index (middle group)
Speech games on the lexical topic “Summer” for children 5-6 years old with ODD CHILDREN SHOULD
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