Menu for the week: 7 options for children's breakfast every day
The boys ride the escalator in the subway. They rode up the stairs, got on the train and went
A cycle of observations of onion growth “Vegetable garden on the window” (senior preschool age)
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Lesson summary in the senior group “Planting onions” Objectives: To consolidate children’s knowledge about
Organization of proper nutrition in kindergarten
Guidelines for organizing meals in a preschool institution
Organization of nutrition for preschool children Olga Opemskaya Organization of nutrition for preschool children One of
"Journey into the natural world." Summary of organized educational activities on cognitive development (the natural world around us) in the preparatory group
Goals and objectives of an open lesson In the first junior group, teachers develop an interest in learning,
Article on the topic: “The emotional sphere of preschool children”
Features of the emotional sphere of a preschooler Emotions are a special class of mental processes and states associated with
Hare, magpie and chicks, drawing picture illustration
GCD “Story application with drawing elements “Visiting the Sun”
Visiting the Sun (Slovak fairy tale) One day a large cloud covered the sky. Sun for three days
Planning educational work in the preparatory group on the topic: “Theater Week.”
Materials for organizing a thematic week When introducing children to the theater, you will need decorations and toys,
Psychologist in kindergarten and his functions. Consultations with a kindergarten psychologist
Diagnostics In modern kindergartens, classes are conducted according to the education and training program, which has been approved
Didactic game plant a vegetable garden. Didactic game for preschoolers (speech development): “In the garden and vegetable garden. Progress of the didactic game with preschoolers
Maria Malakhova Didactic game “Vegetable garden”. For children of primary preschool age. Target :
Card index of finger games on lexical topics for preschoolers
Finger game “Autumn” in the younger group The fingers went out for a walk - the children made walking movements
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