Abstract of GCD of artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing “Late Autumn”.
Drawing with a simple pencil The autumn theme is very extensive and involves not only a bright landscape with
Children's applications made from colored paper - useful tips for creating, ideas, photo examples
Visual activities and especially appliqué in kindergarten are the most important factor in nurturing a creative personality.
Planning educational work for the week in the junior group “Mother’s Day”
Planning in the preparatory group for “International Women’s Day” In order to celebrate the week of “Mother’s Day”
Outdoor games for kindergarten preparatory groups
Organization of outdoor games in the preparatory group Children aged 6-7 years go to the preparatory group. IN
“Independence and self-care in a child’s life”
Self-care work: content, guidance methods in different age groups
Independence and self-service in the life of a child “Independence and self-service in the life of a child” Tasks of parents
Summary of the music lesson “On autumn paths” in the younger group
Author: Evgeniya Aleksandrovna Seibert, music director Institution: MBDOU kindergarten No. 6 “Vasilyok” Locality:
QUEST GAME WITH ELEMENTS OF HEALTH-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES “IN SEARCH OF HEALTH” for children of the senior group material (senior group)
Quest game for the senior group of kindergarten on the topic: Healthy lifestyle. Scenario Educator: Hello, guys! Hello,
Pedagogical project “Road Rules” Type of project: creative and informational. Project duration: short-term. Project participants: educators,
Non-traditional appliqué techniques and its influence on the development of creative abilities of preschool children. Educator: Yu. A. Piterova
“The influence of various techniques of non-traditional drawing and appliqué on the development of creative abilities of preschool children”
Non-traditional applique techniques Non-traditional applique techniques And its influence on the development of children's creative abilities
Thematic control “Environmental education of preschool children” material
Implementation of the environmental work system in preschool educational institutions Materials for the thematic control “Ways to implement the environmental system
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